I found 580 threads containing PERFORMANCE in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Stochastic Instruments 4'33" Modules by 2 1089
Molten Son (104hp 10u) (current) (copy) Racks by 1 73
Vaemi's new module, the XFMR VCA with transformer output and linear control, on sale now! Modules by 1 34
Big Orange Terror Feb 2023 Racks by 1 94
Looking for thoughts, comments and other feedback on what I've got so far and where I'm... Racks by 7 197
Module like Anushri’s drum section? Modular Discussions by 4 78
First Eurorack Racks by 35 687
Live rack for improv live performances You by 6 268
First ever rack. Opinions/advice? Racks by 6 189
Triple Time - Modular Jam You by 3 116
Yet another Techno Palette (104HP version though) Racks by 6 326
Theoretical Instuō melontron stereo build Racks by 3 180
1222 Performance Oscillator kit from Look Mum no Computer build and demo You by 1 23
Rack feedback & advice sought Racks by 6 172
Techno Kick/Bassdrum processing and essential utilities for percussion Modular Discussions by 7 276
Flexible Chord Machine - Help me solve this puzzle! Racks by 3 67
Feedback on rack + DAW integration Racks by 11 240
Beneath the Surface - Modular Jam w/ Visuals You by 3 68
Sebsongs Modular ODDS Modules by 7 1852
Rack Design Feedback Wanted Racks by 2 98
How to Stay in Tune with Eurorack Modules by 16 1477
Samsonite Suitcase Racks by 4 122
Opinions please! 7U - 84 HP live performance setup Racks by 1 68
Drum Rack Modular Discussions by 3 144
A year into euro rack... Racks by 1 112
Best choices for complex analog oscillator for dark ambient, industrial and techno Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 18 2435
My Rack so far...thoughts? Racks by 6 315
Small Performance case Racks by 3 176
Total Beginner Looking for Advice Racks by 3 185
WMD - the end Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 9 486
What do Klingons Dream About? You by 4 70
First rack advice needed, I'm overwhelmed. Racks by 10 266
Make Noise XPO, X-Pan, QPAS & Mimeophon - Modular Jam! You by 3 123
XOR Nerdseq Thoughts and Opinions? Modules by 9 986
Need recommandations for 88hp techno sequences rack Racks by 27 750
is it possible to extend amperage headroom by running multiple power supplies parallel? Racks by 8 149
Moving from semi-modular to Eurorack modular, would appreciate review and suggestions. Racks by 6 272
Ambient - Intellijel 7U Performance Case 104 HP + 4ms Pod64X Racks by 1 136
High Line Scene // Plaits // Maths // Mimeophon // BeatStep Pro // Eurorack Performance... You by 9 145
Krell.SIGx4.SubH.Dm You by 5 76
Building my first rack, looking for feedback! Racks by 14 784
So I'm currently ready to pull the trigger on chucking some modules into a niftycase. A... Racks by 8 229
Sakura: a composition for modular synthesizer You by 3 57
what modules i need? Racks by 5 200
My very first rack Racks by 7 253
Some notes about generative music Modular Discussions by 9 1159
Rack complete Racks by 11 377
Complement to DFAM and Subharmonicon with focus on random elements and live performing Racks by 7 304
Ideas for a keyboard module Modular Discussions by 5 192
Feedback MIX BX Modules by 21 2946
Thoughts and feedback appreciated - New to eurorack please help Racks by 17 466
KICK ASS!!! for January 2019 (special post-NAMM brainmelt edition) Modules by 8 270
Why is there a limit of 8 Rows? ModularGrid by 8 390
My milkless Eurorack Racks by 8 330
New rack for bloops Racks by 4 185
Continue my journey Racks by 7 183
Magerit METRO v2.6.0 Modules by 1 62
Starter kit Racks by 36 907
Small modular synth / first proper eurorack Racks 5 280
"Mutable's End" - Rack Feedback? Racks by 13 560
First Rack Racks by 5 193
208HP rack for performance... Racks by 5 175
Mixer comparison Racks by 9 218
Thoughts? Racks by 6 150
Utility Eurorack Racks by 7 154
My First Rack, by --The Tentacle Monster-- Racks by 10 357
Beginner Drum Rack Racks 15 377
Let's talk Matrix Mixers! Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 36 1555
Ideas Machine V4 - MCFx2 Filter 1.2 Racks by 3 140
First Foray into Modular -- Flexible Drone Box Racks by 3 103
Needing help with my first module Modules by 17 615
Yet another newbie looking for feedback Racks by 7 359
Experienced software modular user planning the jump to hardware. Need feedback. Racks by 12 283
Get ZAQed! Modules by 7 151
MODSEA031322 Racks by 1 74
RECVLVM 2022 Racks by 1 63
Melivora Racks by 12 537
new to modular, any thoughts? Racks 5 156
My Dark Ambient Rack Build in progress UPDATED Racks by 30 816
The Live Performance Case Racks by 9 285
DIY touch-plate and trigger source for eurorack on an awesome paper mache octopus // Co... You by 5 128
Updated to my techno life rack. Racks by 10 201
Yet another request for advice / actual build ... where to go? Racks by 6 134
I don't speak drone Modular Discussions by 28 833
Building Blocks for larger Racks? Racks by 11 244
First rack. Advice needed Racks by 5 162
Low cost modular - under $400? Racks by 25 519
Rack for kick and bassline Racks by 10 270
System 100m Power Racks by 7 103
Newbie wanting some advice from you guys Racks by 4 97
New to modular. Racks by 12 436
Need some help/info on Ins/Outs (longish) Racks by 5 156
Jam in a Box #13 - New Begginings | Improvised Melodic Techno You by 4 71
WMD Performance Mixer (black) Modules 11 10563
Two Years In... Finished?!? Racks by 20 470
New to modular... rack advice appreciated! Racks by 27 529
Fata Morgana II Racks by 7 172
What would you change/remove/add? Racks by 1 85
My first Mantis Rack - advice needed! Racks by 8 345
Travel techno case ideas Racks this user has left ModularGrid 1 72