Haha, I was wondering if this was spam...

Guess I will NEVER be buying anything they allude to ever in my life!

Odessa is great on it's own, paired with the Zadar it is truly lovely,,,


It will love you more if you find it a Lipsk to play with ;)

...and it absolutely NEEDS a mixer and an inverter to remove the fundamental when you would like to do so!

My 2 cents here:

Wait for the Endorphin.es Ground Control sequencer to arrive next year and pair it with Endorphin.es Queen of Pentacles. That would get you pretty close to Detroit techno vibes in small setup. Maybe add an Erica Synths bassline and you are good to go.
-- sacguy71

This is not a bad idea at all!! Very cool...

I absolutely LOVE my BLCK_NOIR

As with all modular, modulation is key, the FX are good, maybe a little fiddly to use but once they are dialled in it's a case of use or not... no?

I hugely recommend additional processing with the drums and supplementing them with other drum sounds for sure...

Hope everyone is having a lovely day Xx

Excellent - yes, please DM whenever - actually, I will just send you a message with a link now ;)


Seasons greetings everyone - sorry I've been quiet recently - hope everyone is okay :)

I released my LP back in March, 100% modular, all live recordings... if there's still any space!!!

The one everyone seems to like is Dark Hole


Of course any track is okay, let me know if you would like a wav...

p.s. the £ is low against both the $ and the €

There are some real bargains to be had right now if you act quick!

My advice is to pay for fully tracked and insured postage, ymmv, good luck!!

This is a terrible request to have to make, I feel nothing but embarrassed, but seeing as our 'leaders' have seen fit to throw all of us under the infamous bus...

My reading is that no one will be bothering importing or exporting to and from the UK, at least not for a good while until things settle down, the unknowns become resolved and everyone knows where they stand. My uneducated guess is this will take, at the very least, 6 months...

So, it would be useful to separate us out, if it is not too much trouble could you add a UK option please?


It would be nice to be shown I am wrong here, if anyone has a different take on it, I am all ears :)

While I am here, apologies to our friends in Europe, I know it's really easy to get the impression that the UK is full of people of a certain ilk, and while this is true to some extent, it is far from all of us, at least half of us are absolutely horrified at what is happening. I can only hope that this chapter is over soon...

Kind regards to everyone Xx

Very good, I enjoyed that Max, thank you :)

Definitely useful to help anyone understand what this Drezno does, looking forward to see what you do next with it!

Thread: Pedal Love?

Oh nice, I was wondering if this was the case, that's really handy :)

Thank you!

Excellent!! I know this anyway, but thanks for sharing :)

It is kinda hard going, especially at the end with those constant pitches from Odessa, but worth it, such brilliant modules, totally unique!!

Leibniz subsystem and Odessa make an appearance on my LP... it's really obvious where if you listen :)

Thread: Pedal Love?

Hehe, someone gets my sense of humour... wonders will never cease :D

Yep, good idea, I have a nice bench power supply, can probably get quite specific!

Did you ever work out what the mysterious usb socket is for?

How curious, wonder who I was thinking of then... I may remember in a bit, name sounds really familiar!!

Anyway, yes, essential viewing if you are dealing with any digital signals at all, ever :)

Oh yes, I have seen your videos I think! Cool, please do post them here when you do them, I will definitely watch those!

Do you know this? Essential viewing if not ;)

Oh nice, glad you got it sorted, it is a great module, so much fun :)

...and yeah,, that's a pretty fundamental thing that should be explicitly stated in the manual!

I highly recommend getting Lipsk, really nice being able to manually switch the bits around... and if you can Jena and Odessa too... incredible!!

They are a bit of a brain wrangler at first, but once you get it, there's tons of potential.

I am super keen to see what they do next with it :)

Yes... this, from ZAOC confirms:

"there is no "internal" A/D->D/A connection in Drezno. The connection between these two halves is provided only by the ribbon cable. Drezno is shipped with the cable plugged both sides to it"

My guess is that the cable is missing or not seated properly!


You need to break this connection to introduce Lipsk or other expanders ;)

Super cool module, one of the most innovative things to happen in Eurorack, well.... ever! I love mine!!

Aww yeah of course, I am the worlds worst at not recording things hehe :)

I just know from many years of failure that eventually I did need to practice recording, it's a skill like any other! Having invested I don't find it a disruptive thing any more ;)

p.s. I didn't think your post was contrary at all, very complementary in fact!

Thread: Pedal Love?

My Cuvave Fuzz turned up, a very nice solid little box, both physically and what it does to audio!

Smashing - thanks again :)

Going from memory... Is there meant to be a cable connecting the two mini pin ports on the back?


Definitely worth the little extra time it takes to get a delivery from Exploding Shed here in the UK!

Once UK leaves the EU, it would be an absolute no brainer to support Exploding Shed for anyone living in the EU. Depending on import charges (from what I hear they are not too bad) I will probably continue to support them, some things have hidden costs that are not always financial and I don't get that sense from these guys in the slightest. I sincerely hope this brexit is a huge boon for them! It would be great to see them stocking more kits and stepping up again :)

A lovely company with actual real life musicians I believe hehe :D

Another thing to practice often and early is pressing the red record button.

Sounds easy right, you just press the red record button...

Nope... all kinds of weird things happen in your brain, that wicked lick you practiced to death and get right 100% of the time, not just technically, but with aplomb and verve becomes the most amateurish rendition of the worst musical idea you ever had... the moment you press the red button!

Seriously, really weird sh!t happens... so start practicing now, it can take just as long, if not longer, to master the red button as it does to master the whole of the rest of your instrument ;)

I am not joking! :D

Many apologies, I have just realised this is the GOOD trader thread... oops!!

I have removed my original post as it's not really appropriate in this particular thread :)


While I am here....

I will take the opportunity to give a shout out for @koshimazaki

I've lost count of the number of good trades, interactions, cooperations, beers and actually, the years too!

Good, honest and thoroughly decent human being - you should buy his stuff :D


Ableton's 'Making Music' is very good too...


Heavily focussed on DAWs, but the principles generally translate well and aim to tackle the really difficult points in our music making journeys!

Personally I am a huge fan of 'breaking it all down and starting again', fast and often, picking one, two or even three patch points that I absolutely must NOT use - sub/consciously that can be as excruciatingly difficult or as easy as you want to make it ;)

Damn, this is so rubbish... sorry you lost your money Tommyd!

I really think that everyone who is buying ad selling here should be an upgraded member!

It's a way to add a little extra authenticity and it's polite and respectful to the MG folks who put so much time, money, effort and energy into providing this place for us!

Oh yes, sorry I forgot, you mentioned this before I think. Sorry didn't mean to stir up bad feeling, I just forgot because I am a bit rubbish like that sometimes. Please forgive me.

The reality re. customer support is probably that every company that ever existed has both delighted and disgruntled customers.

It's just where you happen to land on the day I guess? I had a totally different experience, and tbh I expect very little in the way of support, nice when it is there, but I am paying a tiny sum of cash for an awful lot of gear, I really don't expect much beyond a slow warranty repair via the retailer i the event something goes wrong. It shocks me sometimes how responsive some of the tiny Eurorack companies are, and have to kick myself to remember that this is not normal and really quite exceptional!!

Anyway... in that case definitely claiming it as the modern day, new tech, true poly AT keyboard with 8 or 16 full independent voice MPE that hits all the right spots!

It is absolutely outstanding!

Your'e right, the keys are not weighted, but this is not something that bothers me, I prefer to focus on the insane range of very playable aftertouch it offers, (manually controlled slow steady, 20+ second build ups just by pressing a bit and gradually increasing the pressure, per key/voice - errrr- yes please!!!) which can be mapped through the extensive Mod Matrix, CV IO (monophonic AT of course) and polyAT MIDI out into something like Shuttle Control... still got to try this one, but sheesh!!! It's a proper mind bending bit of gear, and so damn inexpensive!!!

Zero complaints here!

Oh, you're the first person to think that the new keyboard on the HydraSynth is anything less than absolutely out of this world... what's wrong with it?

I mean I am no expert on keybeds by any stretch of the imagination, but to me, and everyone I have seen play it so far, it's a sheer joy... I mean I am absolutely blown away! In combination with the very well designed and implemented ribbon controller, it's the most expressive keyboard I have ever played, being able to play a chord then push tenderly down with just one finger and hear whatever you set it up to do via the mod matrix is a total revelation! I am sold... 100%!! I totally rate it!! I think it's awesome and I never like keyboards!! It even beats the Linnstrument and the Roli for me - I don't like that rubbery feel!

Enjoy!!! :)

It depends a lot on where you live, how big an antenna you can set up and weather conditions... YMMV never applied so profoundly as with this one :)

You will also want to dedicate an offset and one, or even two attenuators to be able to take very fine grain control over the tuning!

Oh thanks that's a great suggestion, happily I already have this lovely little module!!

It's surprisingly useful as a noise source, even when there's nothing juicy to pick up :)

I think I could setup a huge SW antenna where I live now, I might look into doing that next summer when the weather is a bit better...

I also keep meaning to look into a little transmitter for it, send some sounds through the air and pick them back up again with that little dark black cauldron!

Thread: Pedal Love?

Sure... just on eBay :)


It's yet to turn up, but I have no reason to doubt it will - I can let you know if you like?

Haha... it's a load of ol' cobblers hey!

At least you will have the rest of EU to order from hehe, we here in the UK will have no trade deal with anyone, except the possibility of selling blue cheese to the Japanese, who invariably have a dairy intolerance...

Our illustrious Prime Minister thinks will save us along with a deal with Australia for Tim Tams - whoop!

I jest not:

Huge appreciation for websdr here too - amazing!!!

Sure, go for the VCA too, those are always useful :)

...and yeah, what Jim said re. output module! I used one in the beginning because I thought I needed one, now I just go directly to my mixer and attenuate there, there's enough headroom. Like with all signals, you should turn down the appropriate input attenuator and main fader before plugging anything in and bring the levels up slowly paying attention not to clip the inputs (although this can be fun on some analogue desks ;) )

Ahah... well in that case I say go for it.

Just don't set your heart on ending up with what you have described here, as I mentioned previously, once you get hands on you will have epiphanies that will change your perspective and outlook! Take your time and enjoy :)

As an aside, in the mean time, do you have an iPad? If so I highly recommend checking out some of the granular apps, Borderlands is outstanding and all the Apesoft granular apps, simply outstanding e.g.


I agree generally with the sentiments expressed here!!

Slightly off topic, but did someone mention MPE?

I have an ASM HydraSynth... if you haven't already, check it out. Past the rather too modest presentation is one of the finest synthesisers ever made... imho! not least because it takes all the classic stuff we think we know and puts a new and musically relevant and interesting spin on it all, dismissing it as 'yet another whatever' is a huge mistake.

Oh yeah... the MPE capabilities are crazy, I would be very interested to hear how these compare with the Prophecy as I have to admit the MPE stuff there passed me by completely (not that I was ever lucky enough to own one, but you know).

Wow... that quantiser looks great!! Nice find, never heard of Kasutronics - thank you again :D

All good!!

My initial reaction that it is still too much to get in one go... I consider myself a very fast learner and have 30+ years experience of messing around with synths in one for or another and it would still take me a few weeks to get the basics on that lot!

Other folk will disagree I am sure, but I find Granular on a synth voice to be one of the most boring things ever, I much prefer a radio signal, a voice sample, a short clip from a band playing live, found sound, nature recordings, city soundscapes, industrial noise to be far more interesting.

I am not saying don't get all these things eventually, just that it would be much more prudent and would serve you much better to get one voice, sure go for the CsL (YEARS of exploration in that alone), and think right, what do I actually need to get this doing something:

Maths - always a good choice!!

Okay, maybe a mixer too!

The Pedal IO - great if you have loads of pedals and holy moly, if you have ZOIA then well... that along with those 3 or 4 modules will keep you busy for ever!!

Don't just take my word for it, will it really matter if you just get those and see what you can do for a week or two?

Check out the Maths supplementary manual to et some idea of the power you have in just the one module alone:

PDF Download of Maths Supplementary Manual

I can pretty much guarantee your perspective will change once you get hands on!

Thread: Pedal Love?

Very nice, I will definitely put that on the list of things to check out when things return to normal! Sounds fun - I can't think of anything that does this, at leas nothing I have around anyway, the closest I can think is the freeze option on the reverb on MI Elements!

I keep meaning to get into DIY for stomp boxes, there's an awful lot of these things around and a lot of them are quite simple circuits, which in turn means the are probably nice things to experiment with.

All good, like the diy diy!!!

How about a quantiser? Not necessarily something that would appeal to everyone, but I can se it fitting into what you are doing here :)

Thread: Pedal Love?

Oh, yes...I have a nice "library" of stompboxes here. I've made sure to have DC supplies for them by each of the main routing patchbays in here so that I can "drop in" one if I need an extra something-or-another to a certain sound. Sort of like a VST...but hardware.

Love the Mood, btw...one of the best things Chase Bliss does. But there's a lot of CRAZY stuff going on down at the lower end of the price spectrum...there's quite a few Chinese pedals in the arsenal here now, and brands like Biyang, Aural Dream, etc are in there...along with several things from the Noisemasters of Beijing, CUVAVE.

Just get their FUZZ pedal. Seriously. Most anything that Cuvave's designed is somewhat off-kilter and weird, but the Cuvave FUZZ has "future classic" stamped all over it. I kid you not. I have two...and drum signals through these just sound like some sort of hideous industrial cataclysm. I even have a RAT R2DU (the dual rackmount version, original circuit), and the Cuvave can kick that device right to the curb! Before we get into some sort of moron-grade war with the PRC, you guys need to be scoping these Chinese pedals out...some of them are truly AMAZING.
-- Lugia

Well... it's not every day you get a post like this!!

Ordered... thank you for the treasure drop :D

Thread: Pedal Love?

I am exploring modular/pedal relations, there's a lot to discover and play with :)

Good to hear more positive reviews :D

I bought some of that solder, not tried it yet, but happy to hear that it is good!!

Keen to give it a try... I need to build something...

I hear you - kinda the same here in the UK - although I think it is not quite as extreme perhaps.

Shrugs... I am nobody, in a little corner of nowhere and my opinion matters very little, I just wish I had some money to buy any music at all hahah :D

If it was up to me, the whole brexit thing would be in the sea along with the 17 million people who thought / still think it's a good idea - utter insanity on every conceivable level as far as I can tell!

p.s. nice jam :)

Oh I see!!

Oh... that is indeed very disappointing, but you raise an excellent question. I am a fan of Mr. Reich's music, have been for a very long time, one of the best concerts I have ever been to was a live rendition of Music for 18 Musicians - which was absolutely out of this world!

Generally, I think people need to be a lot more forgiving, these days it's like you say one thing wrong or make one mistake and it's like you are the devil incarnate.

Attitudes and appropriate behaviour change over time and are different for different people, hell - cannibalism is accepted in some cultures, marriage of young children in others, etc. It's not that long ago that full on racism was pretty much fully accepted in western cultures, even deemed absolutely necessary for survival by some! I have talked with some people in Africa that I would consider to be extremely racist, yet when you hear the stories that led them to have these beliefs, it's understandable on some level. They are prejudiced literally because they believe their lives depend on it. Would I go wandering around the streets at night in some SA townships? Er... not a hope in hell! Is that prejudice or just not being insanely stupid and reckless? I could say the same thing about certain areas in Manchester, UK while I was growing up, possibly still true to some extent.

So it is only when someone absolutely insists on being severely nasty despite being asked to reconsider that I ever speak out about these things.

I am definitely in the camp of well, come on, give them time and show a little tolerance, you know, have a conversation. How can you expect anyone else to show tolerance if you show none yourself?

Otherwise we just end up in a situation where it is "us and them", and without wanting to be over dramatic, that's literally how wars start!

It's not like anyone who grew up with certain cultural beliefs and a lifetime of experience is suddenly going to wake up one day and for no reason at all suddenly become a completely different person is it... these things take time, patience, effort, understanding and forgiveness.

I am not making excuses for whatever they said, I am trying to add a certain element or rationality to the situation. I realise there will be people out there who will show me no tolerance or understanding for saying these things... but such is life!

Do we destroy all the Egyptian artefacts because of Egyptian slavery? Probably not... although I guess some people would!?

Art is art. Acknowledging it's context and cultural relevance is important, but by no means required, or even possible in any meaningful sense in many case.

Thread: Pusherman!

I didn't see much mention of this store here, so...

Some delicious kits and other DIY stuff here:


Thread: Pedal Love?

Anyone here into pedals?

There's a section on MG for pedals, but no section on the forum? Unless I am missing something? In which case I apologise!

Anyway, I am writing specifically to give a big song of praise to Chase bliss... wow! What a wonderful company and delightful people :D

If you don't know them already I highly recommend checking them out!!

I am a little confused, so I am just going to ask directly, are you SteveHand talking about yourself in the third person?

I have no agenda here, other than to satisfy my curiosity :)

Or cut a hole in the back of the Palette case?

Sorry... couldn't resist hehe!

I was looking for a decent company for synth parts, kits and other sundries and found Exploding Shed!

Absolutely fantastic!! Highly recommended!!


We could do with a decent company with good people behind it here in the UK too :)