Great work - thank you very much for all your efforts :)

Not at all, clearly you are extraordinarily intellectually challenged if you think that is what I am saying!

Best go back to not interacting on the internet if that's how you do!

Cheerio :)

I think this panel is in very poor taste, yes this happened in history, but I came here to relax and have a nice time, not to see horrors like this.

I would happily see it removed so I never have to see it again!

Very nice!!

Incredibly powerful combination for sure!!

A little grumble:

I haven't worked since March...

...and I am getting squeezed for a few bucks on a module I'm trying to sell!

Digging my heels in now... no more discounts or lowball offers.

If you can afford to buy modules right now you are doing really well.

I've swapped a few things, to try and keep myself occupied and sane, but not investing.

I will be listing more in days to come.

Thank you for listening :)

Oh interesting, that's a lot of functionality for what I am guessing isn't, comparatively, much outlay!

Which case did you put them in?

Got any photos?

That's an interesting observation thanks epsteinframe!

I intuitively knew, or lets say I had a gut feeling, that this is exactly what it would be like and have always resisted, good to know I was on the right lines.

I use Per|former - and I am very happy!!

Bought and sold ER-101/2 again very powerful, but shockingly awful to actually use in any meaningful way, unless you happen to like never being able to see your entire sequence and can hold everything in your memory, if you were good at playing Simon as a kid and can remember multiple instances of very long strings of numbers then it may suit you.

Bought ad sold Eloquencer, it's fine but I just didn't get on with it, especially the song mode, I believe it has had firmware updates since I used it so it may be different now.

Hope this helps :)

Thread: DivKid Ochd


Maybe you would show us what you do with them please?

Taken a pretty good beating (virtual) today for taking the knee!

... people don't understand!! They think it is weak!!

But it's about showing respect and accepting others as equal human beings - simple!

... in return you get millions of people showing you respect in return - it is not weak - it is powerful!

Take the knee!!

You're appreciation makes me even happier :)))

We are all one!!!

Wish I could be in Korea right now!!

UK is a disaster zone :(


I didn't get a notification about this, sorry for delay in replying (and sorry to anyone else I am missing, feel free to DM if you would like me to look at something).

I guess production is disrupted with this virus thing, some things are simply not available, so we just have to be patient?

BSP looks good, but no experience... and to be honest, not really my kinda thing :)

I really like the Westlicht Per|former - that's very cool and very comprehensive for modular sequencing!

Nice, yeah, this is how I though you did it, very cool - thanks for sharing :))

It's not easy to get pitch perfect waveforms all together in a file like that, takes a lot of preparation and careful thought usually, which is why the WaveEdit app is so brilliant!

That's very nice of you - thank you!!

They sound good :)

It would be great to know what the actual process was if you don't mind sharing?

Very nice, thank you for coming back and sharing - looks and sounds like a great result to me :D

Your voice sounds fine to me and I understand every word, yes, you have an accent, but everyone does - so what?

The truth:

Some people will love your voice, some people won't care and just be interested in what you have to say, some people won't like your voice.

I doubt it will happen, but if anyone gives you a hard time about it, the problem is theirs and you should just ignore them - simple!

Be free - spread your wings and fly :)

Thank for making the video, it's something I have done a long time ago, but nice to see this idea again!

If you like ALM that much, why not just go for the Coupe:

Seems pretty well thought out to me and a perfect beginner groove box with a nice voice - one could easily make whole tracks with that setup and a midi controller!

Stick an 0-coast next to it and you have a really nice best of many worlds system in a really small form factor.

Other than that I agree 100% with farkas, let us know what you would like to achieve and we can take it from there... there are unlimited options!

No worries, happy to help. I have MSc Computer Science and 25+ years web dev experience, there's not much I can't do (so long as it isn't Microsoft - don't touch that stuff), so if you would like to talk about this then please contact me privately.

For what it is worth, I trust the MailChimp group, have used them over the last, um, maybe two decades? They are consummate professionals and take security very seriously. In fact I would argue that by not using a service like this you are taking greater risks with user data and possibly missing the mark when it comes to complying with GDPR - maybe?!

There may be a problem in that your terms and conditions may not cover using this kind of third party service too - needs to be checked.

All sortable, but requires careful thought and consideration.

Also, never used them but I hear good things about MailJet and their pricing is pretty reasonable.

I would definitely move the marketplace to Unicorn Land - that gets my unreserved approval - if you can afford modules you can afford to support Modular Grid - end of story!

I would however make this so only Magical Unicorns can sell, but anyone can browse and buy, that's fair I think!

It also has the side effect that there is a much higher chance that a seller is a genuine person with a traceable email address, PayPal account and bank account. It helps with accountability, not that it is needed much around here, I have had great experiences with everyone so far.

I wish you all the very best and as I say, if you would like to chat more about this please do get in touch.

Kind regards :)

Okay... bye then!

Enjoy MW and good luck...

Please do tell us how you get on - I for one like to get to the end of the story :)

Yes, they are pretty much unobtanium at the moment, no idea if any more will be made, Scott is currently releasing a lot of MKIII modules so it could be that this will never be made again, but I don't know that!

Scott can be very slow to reply, but he usually does eventually.

I would not place an order expecting anything to arrive any time soon.

There are lots of alternatives, although none that I know of that will match this particular expression!

Frap Tools Falistri, Grand Terminal, Make Noise Maths, etc.

If you are looking for the Harvestman flavour, you could perhaps try the original Double Andore, there are a few of those around, but again, they are not the same, although some folk would argue the original is the better of the two if you like super snappy envelopes.

What was it about the Double Andore MK][ you were specifically interested in? I might be able to help!

Go for it :)

Sorry I couldn't help more...!

Good luck!

...and please do report back with your progress, I am interested to se/hear what you do here :)

You are correct. There is no doubt that many of these things can be achieved for a fraction of the cost and effort in software! For chords you are almost certainly better off with a computer and a synth that can respond to polyphonic midi.

My personal take on it is that I find software less immediate and I usually work all day on a computer so for me it is worth paying the price of entry into modular to get away from it to make music.

Obviously this is a personal decision that only you can make :)

I would say 2k is a good starter system, either off the shelf or build yourself (I don't mean DIY).

If you are interested in modular, I think rather than trying to go for this specific musical idea, you are probably better off choosing a system (Erica, Make Noise, ALM, - depending on your musical style preference) for your 2k, knowing you are getting a complete very well thought out system that will give years of enjoyment and exploration, give that a go for a while, learn what the strengths of modular are and then see what else you would like to do.

Whatever you decide I wish you good luck!!

Thank you for your continued efforts :))

I would recommend a transactional email service like Mandrill, but I understand this is additional expense!!

Hey... not many people are on this forum from what I can gather! I didn't see this until now :)

What would you use to record the electromagnetic fields?

The most obvious thing that comes to mind is this:

Then I guess you could use any audio wave editing software? Audacity perhaps?

Yay, glad you got it :))

Yeah, not sire off the top of my head how you could do the decisions like that exactly, but I bet there is a way in the Monome Teletype! Maybe ask over on Lines.

Started getting notifications again... thanks whoever fixed this

...or if it was just random - thank you random power in the universe?

These are pretty advanced modules not the easiest to use, but they definitely reward time and patience and then become seriously good fun - definitely amongst my favourites!!

Hehe - sure!!

That's a variant of an old Russian Oscillator - not sure what the relevance is here?

Argos Bleak:

Stillson Hammer:

Final word, if you want 4 or even 6 voices that sound the same, get yourself a nice polyphonic synth, a modular is a wall of often very distinct and different sounding signal paths.
-- GunnarWaage


Take a look a HydraSynth - very modular in it's philosophy with it's delightful and very comprehensive patch matrix and 8 voices, 3 osc per voice, plus mods, various flavours of noise, 5 LFO, 5 Envelopes... very digital and excels at glass/FM/etc., and while it is definitely not - it can sound very dirty and analogue and squelchy too, oh and built in effects that sound great... and true polyphonic aftertouch - per note!

The Harvestman is now IME:

I think this link works:

If you select each step randomly is it a sequencer any more?

I suggest that in that moment it is not, it is masquerading as a random voltage selector i.e. your source of probability!

Cheating? Hehe... we might have different ideas about what this is all about ;)

Oops, forgot to say of course any sequencer will do the job in the first scenario, I was just saying what I personally use to do these kinds of things :)

Sorry missed this, but yes - totally doable, but will cost a bit!!

One way with Harvestman / Industrial Music Electronics Stillson Hammer and Argos Bleak.

Set the chords up on Argos Bleak

Set 4 steps, one each to the correct voltage to trigger the chord in Argos Bleak, then set to play on random on Stillson hammer MK][ for 25% probability. To increase the probability distribute the voltages across the number of steps in your sequence - think about what having two steps on the same voltage in a 5 step sequence on random would do to the probability.

Another way would be with Monome Teletype - it would involve creating a look up table for your chords and some programming to determine the probabilities, but probably a few ways to achieve this.

The Teletype will have more fine grain control and precision, the Harvestman will be more 'tweaky' and more fun to play :)

Hope this helps... :)


I have had two private messages, but no corresponding notification in my email inbox!

Is everything working as it should be?

Kind regards :)

Hehe really good fun - simple idea nicely done :))

Thanks for sharing!

I get the impression I am a deep sea diver discovering some ancient underwater music technology!

Very nice :)

Um, this is work... need to think about it! Give me a day or so ;)

Oh noooo no no, there is no way you can be into modular synths and be lazy! Some effort is required...!

No wonder you are scared hehe

Come on... you are capable of typing many words, listening to music and saying kind things about it all... not the actions of a lazy person!!

I have no nightmares no, it's not that hard, a little effort and you will also feel confident.

Let me be clear, an oscillator is a device that turns a DC signal into an AC signal - whooooop! Such a simple idea that causes so much confusion! The higher the input voltage the faster the capacitor charges and therefore the faster the release... i.e. the faster the oscillation between charge and discharge... yikes!! Is that it... well, yeah :)

All you need to do to be safe is think about the signal you are generating, is it in audio range? If yes, then, with suitable attenuation (either in the mixer itself or before the signal reaches the mixer e.g. output module), you can almost certainly connect it to your mixer!

I am sure there are folk who will challenge these ideas, but as a working definition it has never screwed me over :)

Er... so don't send Envelopes, LFOs, Gates, Triggers and other modulation sources to your mixer!

You should never send a DC signal to your mixer/sound card!

That's just knowing and paying attention to what you are doing :)

To give you some kind of idea, I typically use between 10 and 20 outputs from my modular straight to the mixer - sometimes up to ~30 - trying to accommodate all those signals through dedicated output modules is impractical to say the least :D

Yeah - check the specs!! Attenuate your incoming signals completely... and slowly bring up the levels - you'll get it :))

An audio interface module is great for starting out, but I let mine go in the end... why? I got a mixer that has tons of headroom and the capability to attenuate incoming signals - it's perfect!

Having said that, I still have an input module for external sources because they do need amplifying considerably to make sense in the modular world.

Gain staging is one of the mot essential skills in music production, if you pay attention to this, and make sure you never clip your signals - you will get better results faster. I spent years messing up before I fully understood this simple but absolutely critical process.

Take your time, follow the triple check protocol when connecting:

Look before you connect, look after you have connected, then check again to make sure you have the power cables the right way round!

Never, ever, deviate from this and you will never fry a module!

Seriously, I will reiterate, you have so much already, obviously up to you... but I strongly recommend you hold your horses going for more modules - you will appreciate everything so much more :)

I like the idea!

Unfortunately, unless I am missing something, you don't have enough CV utilities for attenuating, inverting and mixing your CV signals. Maths, sure, all well and good, but for the number of modulation sources in there I would say you need at least a couple of extra CV processing modules - say something like MI Blinds.

You're almost certainly going to become very frustrated very quickly without these!

If this doesn't make sense to you and you don't understand why you absolutely need these kinds of utilities, please say so and I am sure someone, possibly myself, will point you in the right direction :)

Haha, I knew I was missing something else - yes - the other aspect of thing your time and going slowly is that it will definitely let you know what you need rather than just what catches your eye/ear :)

I definitely recommend this approach very much!!

To counter this and give a different (not better - just different) perspective, one of the most compelling features of the MI modules is their ergonomics - there is a reason they are laid out so beautifully - it makes them easy and fun to play!

My advice is that you already have an awful lot of functionality in the Behringer Neutron and Moog DFAM, so pick just one or two modules from your selection and really get to know them inside out. This will do a couple of things, one it will stop you from being overwhelmed (and finishing off your bank balance ha!) and make you really explore all the possibilities of those modules in combination with what you have already - I think you will be surprised how much difference just one or two modules makes.

My choice would be Maths, because it is a perennial favourite and for good reason, and for practical reasons the Mutant Brain!

If you would really like to go one further, I am going to make a shameless plug and mention that I have an original MI Elements in perfect condition for sale at a very good price and i could use the cash heh ;)

Wish you all the very best whatever you decide!

You mean there are people here who can afford modular and don't have a Unicorn?

Very nice - thank you for sharing :)

Making your own can end up being quite expensive - but it is a good feeling when it is finally realised!

I use 4MS Row Power and busboards - inexpensive - trivially easy to install - zero problems - I have 4 of them.

There are definitely 'better' power supplies out there and you can easily spend a lot more, but these have served me well for several years now, well since they were released, whenever that was :)

Really nice trade with @vlk

In these times of no cash it was nice to be able to trade a module with vlk, easy, respectful, could not ask for a better experience :))))

Also a really nice way to have the new module excitement without parting with any cash - brilliant!!

There are two schools of thought as far as I am aware:

1) get multiples of the same thing - so you can learn one thing inside out and use it multiple times - very cool approach - it works!

2) get different flavours of essentially the same thing, so 1 Maths and 1 Falistri or some other variant - also very cool and works well!

I have a mix of both approaches, so 2 Stages makes loads of sense because they can be chained to increase the functionality, but my other function generators are all different, Terminal, Maths, Double Andore (mkI and mkII), Tides, Zadar - each having it's own special flavour and tricks!

Ultimately I think it comes down to what you want to achieve :)