Thread: DivKid Ochd

Hi Defragmenteur,

Yes I agree with that. Then again... you can never ever have enough VCOs/DCOs, filters, VCAs and a good assortment of effects and EGs wouldn't harm either ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

Edit/P.S.: Forgot to wish you good luck with your Ochd module, I hope you like and enjoy it :-)

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Hi Aphew Goodman,

Oh my goodness! I love this! And your percussion skills, that's definitely something to be jealous about. I wish I just had a few percent of your percussion skills :-)

From a music type, point of view, it's different kind of music but I think you might appreciate music from "Die Wilde Jagd" (band name), that's electronic music with percussion and the percussion is making the music fantastic there too, like your demo here. I know, different styles of music but if you have some spare time try out Die Wilde Jagd, you might appreciate it :-) The big pity is that they only have so far two albums released that's indeed not much however top notch stuff.

By the way, you forgot to mention the OP-1 ;-) Nice one too!

Now you made me so curious about your percussion skills versus electronic music, now I "want" more demos to hear from you :-D

Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

P.S.: You are welcome regarding your other demo.

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Hey Jingo,

Thanks for coming back to me on the details. Wow, that's amazing that you have done all that by modular and DAW-less, fantastic :-)

I am sorry, but I will be honest here, I am not much of a Techno person, it's not my cup of tea. Your Fall Asleep is however a nice exception to that, I feel. So if you are going to make more stuff like Fall Asleep or more into non-Techno, please let me know :-)

Good luck and enjoy making music, kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Mikecd,

While I was looking at your rack layout and writing my reply to you, you wrote another message :-)

Don't use the rack power supply for powering your Deluge and your Arturia Keystep; you are going to need the power of the rack for the modules themselves...

Since you consider to DIY rack then go for a large rack, 3 or 4 times 168 HP or something like that and add power supply once needed. In that way you save some bucks as you already mention it and at least you will have some space to grow with :-)

Please check my previous post too.

Good luck and kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Removed typo

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Hi Mikecd,

Sorry, my Japanese (assuming it's Japanese) is close to zero, what means won kenobi?

You might be inspired by the minimal size of Ricky Tinez's racks but please keep in mind that not many people have the experience like Ricky to be able to get some decent sounds out of such small casing.

It's as a beginner much easier to start with a large rack, not from the beginning planning it full though, leave from a three row 84 HP rack at least one row empty for future extensions.

If I am not mistaken then Rings (Mutable Instruments) is rather an effects module or a filter if you like than an oscillator. So what you could do is place it next to Plaits (Mutable Instruments as well) module, these two might go nicely together. I got the Plaits (DCO) and I like it a lot and I am now planning a Rings to add to it.

You mention the Ochd in the same context of being a filter but if I am not mistaken (the Ochd is rather new and the first few videos/sounds are appearing here on this forum and they are indeed amazing) it's an Octa-LFO rather than a filter.

You are mentioning sequencers but you got already a Deluge! You are making half the world population bloody jealous with your Deluge and you are still thinking of adding sequencers to your rack? ;-) On the long run yes, you might need that but for the moment put additional sequencers on a low priority (that's at least my advice). Your Deluge will out run on that level for the moment your needs within your Eurorack. Save the space of sequencers because you will need the rack space for (currently) more important modules and functions.

By the way, how's the Deluge? Are you happy with it? Could you please share some experience values with us? I heard only good news about it but the big pity with the Deluge is that no dealer has it, so you can't really test it, it needs to be bought "blindly" so to speak.

Another advice is to do some more reading, checking and planning "home work", take a few points of my above advice into consideration and once you are ready show us your updated (larger I hope) rack :-)

Good luck with the planning and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Hi Later On Maybe,

It certainly helps when you have the sequencer and most of the effects external so you can optimise the space here in this rack.

My advice is to not plan the rack entirely full but leave close to one row empty first, gain some experience with the modules you are going to start with and then review your own planning how you like to proceed.

Though you mentioned that you would like to have a complete voice like the Atlantis, for a small rack like this I would reconsider that if I were you. Instead you could consider to take a hybrid modular system, like for example a Neutron. A) It's much cheaper and B) it saves you a lot of space in your rack.

The Atlantis is 40 HP that is 19.2% or almost one-fifth of your total available rack space... are you sure you want to fill up your rack with such large modules and soon need to buy yet another rack?

The same question goes for the Harmonic Oscillator from Verbos, I don't know the module but I am quite sure it's a fantastic oscillator, especially when you look at the price then it must be something ;-) Look at the HP space as well... 32 HP, another 15.4% gone.

So leave these two modules out and you save yourself 72 HP or 35% of rack space --> that's more than a third of your total available rack space! So you might want to reconsider these two modules.

Instead you could consider a Plaits from Mutable Instruments and a Dixie II+ from Intellijel; just some examples, you can add any other oscillator you like. My advice is start simple and when you are ready for it you still can buy another rack and go for the large & heavy stuff.

The 1 U passive multiple, do you really need that when you get started? Perhaps not yet, right? So my advice is to leave that out first and keep some 1 U space as a reserve. The same goes for that FSR 1 U module, I am sure that the first few times using that module is a lot of fun, but on the long run a good investment? Perhaps consider an expression pedal instead on the long run?

Instead of the 1 U pedal module I would consider a 1 U Audio I/O module. Then once you bought your 2nd Intellijel 2 x 104 HP case then you could consider the 1 U pedal module. You don't believe me that you are going to need a second rack? Well the way you plan your rather large (don't take too small modules either though) slurping HP-modules ;-) You need a 2nd casing faster than you can say: "Shit my first rack is already full! I didn't expect that to happen" ;-)

I might overdo it here a little bit but I hope you get my point :-)

Oh yes, I am not sure but I don't think I saw a mixer in your rack, consider a four channel mixer so you can mix that to a stereo output to your external mixer.

I guess for a starter this should help you a bit I hope, shout if you need to know more. Good luck and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Thread: DivKid Ochd

Hi Mowse,

Wow, this is seriously good and entertaining! So lovely to listen at it. I mean you already managed to provide us a quick demo the day after you received this module in the You section of this Forum, but this demo, that plays in a total different league!

Well done and I look forward in hearing more from you :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Jingo,

Ha, ha, funny title "Fall Asleep", well I can assure you I did everything, listening carefully, felt interested, was amazed about certain sounds and rhythms you managed here but one thing I didn't... I didn't fall asleep for that your music is far too interesting and nice!

By the way, everything done by modular synths? The drums/percussions as well, or if not how did you managed that?

Well done and I look forward in hearing more from you, kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Hi Igor,

Nice to hear from you again and this, I agree with Warren, is cool. Again a nice track to listen at :-)

I hope you will steady deliver us lovely tracks like this!

Thank you very much for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

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Glad to hear that you managed to get one of your dreams come through and can work on the next one on your list, well done!

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Thread: New Thing

Hi Farkas,

He, he, nice effects and funny video, very creative!

Ha, ha, after thousand years or so people find this back on an electronic scrapyard and they feel by then pity there is so less left of the video material; not knowing you did this on purpose ;-)

Looking forward to your next creativity! Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Broken-Form,

You can find all that information on this website :-)

Go to Modules site then at function select Multiple and below click on Price to have it sorted by price :-) Or to make it even easier, here the below link should do all that already:

383 of them, so still a bit to search for :-) Putting a filter on a few of your favourite brands or HP width should narrow down that a bit.

Good luck with the multiples and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Hi Aphew Goodman,

Wow, that's super cool! I love the percussions in this track, however beside your nice percussions, the other sounds, those make me smile and here and there I had to laugh :-) It doesn't happen many times that I have to laugh during listening music (which I do see positively) but you can make that happen! So many nice and happy sonic surprises in your music!

Well done and kind regards, Garfield.

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Thread: fun stuff :)

Hi Sunchylde,

Holy smoke! You got tons of albums already released with fantastic music! I am listening now at your Modular Synth Jams, lovely music. The next time when you do a concert please let me know, if I can make it, I will try to be there. Not a promise but I will give it a try.

Thanks a lot for sharing that link on bandcamp! Kind regards, Garfield.

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Thread: Patch cables

Hi Lugia,

Since you took care of your speaker cables, I am already less worried :-)

And of course spending hundreds or thousands for cables or certain equipment but still having somewhere a "weak" device in the loop, then that doesn't make sense indeed. But something tells me that you took care of that too ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Frenchili,

You are welcome.

It's difficult to advice you on "is it not worth it to expand on the o-coast"... For one, I don't know you well enough and your current setup though you gave me already a good idea of it, on the other hand... of course Eurorack is a lot of fun but before the fun comes you need to really go deep into it with reading, checking, investigating the pros and cons, just a lot of home work to do. Since you actually already got such a nice equipment, is that really want you need and/or want? I think you should ask yourself that very honestly.

Don't get me wrong here, I don't want you to move away from Eurorack but with your current nice setup you really need to be sure that you want to go into Eurorack because it just doesn't come cheap and I don't want that you spent several thousands on Eurorack and after a year or so being frustrated with what it provided you. It might not go that way, you might love it like hell like I do. So there is, to copy someone's phrase here, no right or no wrong, either way will work out.

I don't know how good you know the Zoia already? With the Zoia you can do a lot what you can do in Eurorack as well but in a much smaller device, much, much cheaper than Eurorack. So why not diving a bit deeper in Zoia first (in case you haven't yet) and then ask yourself again: "Okay I love the Zoia, I like what I can do with it but here and there it might have limitations, so am I now ready for Eurorack?" And if then the answer is yes, yeah go for it :-)

Sorry, can't advice you much here, you need to figure that out for yourself and answer yourself that question.

Above all, take your sweet time for that, don't force yourself, at the end the most important part is that we enjoy it :-)

Good luck with the decision and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Jeff,

Yeah fully understand your point 1 now. Point 2, yes, control centre might be still right here and indeed the MiniBrute 2S can be used for that. Point 3, ok, understood; as well as point 4.

Okay fair enough, you use the MiniBrute 2S in a way I used the Neutron (from Behringer) and it's similar like your situation that it has 2 VCOs, a filter, 2 EGs and (only) 1 LFO but please keep in mind that once you go for your Eurorack that you usually not using everything from that Hybrid Modular system (i.e. your MiniBrute or mine Neutron). I still use once and a while the LFO and the two VCOs, but that's usually it.

So your plan is clearer now and from that point of view it's okay. I still do think that 2 * 88 - 5 HP = 171 HP in total is going to be a bit too less on the medium/long run, on the other hand I have seen a beautiful setup here who does the same as you the Minibrute connected to an empty rack of Aturia. It goes quite nice together indeed and it looks pretty nice, so from that point totally understood. But please don't be surprised that after a year or so you will start considering a second rack ;-)

Still my advice stands to not buy everything in one go, instead do it step by step, a few modules in one-go as a maximum, get some experience and understand the modules you bought and then add some more, etcetera.

Yeah go for it, have fun with it and if you have particular questions about modules or other stuff just shout.

Good luck, Garfield.

Edit: removed typo.

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Hi Baltergeist,

That's great, one complete album! The Tides you let us start with is a nice kind of ambient track I like but then I peak at Automata and what you deliver there is one big impressive piece of music, wow! I like that song the most I think.

Calling is pretty nice too, I like the effects there. Having said that, Cuttlefish is for me the track with the most pleasant and interesting sound surprises and you finishing off the album with the more experimental Rounding a Digital Cape.

Nice work you got there! I look forward in hearing more from you and kind regards, Garfield.

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Thread: fun stuff :)

Hi Sunchylde,

Wow, this is some serious fantastic stuff! It's so nice :-)

At the beginning I heard some JM Jarre stuff then you moved over to Tangerine Dream kind of sequencing stuff and at the end I had a bit of a Klaus Schulze feeling, all my favourites :-)

I could easily listen to many more of such material, so keep it coming and thank you very much for sharing this with us.

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Oh, that's a beautiful demo! Thank you very much for that, so nice to hear the 103 in action here!

Now you have played a few times with the 103, do you miss those CV inputs (hence 104) or are you happy with your choice because of the easier user interface?

I look forward in hearing your next demo :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Mowse,

Yeah, that's good, that's nice :-)

I don't get it... when I receive a new module I read the manual first, one day gone ;-) Then try to install it in the rack another day gone because I blow the fuse because the red strip was connected wrong, so the next days I spend on buying a new rack and new modules that I manage to blow up. Then after perhaps a month or so, I would be happy if I get one tone out of a new module...
Okay, I am overdoing this here "a little bit" ;-) But you get the point I guess.

But you? You get the module the evening before and the next day you got already a video with a fantastic sound ready for us! That's great! I am just jealous ;-)

Keep up the nice demos and kind regards, Garfield.

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Thread: Patch cables

Hi Lugia,

I don't know the brands Mogami and Gotham Audio stuff but if you take for example Audio Quest and you go to a HiFi shop and ask them to demo the cheapest audio cable of Audio Quest for you and the most expensive one of also Audio Quest; perhaps add a mid range cable from the same brand too. Just to get an idea of the difference between them then you seriously wouldn't believe your ears. I just recently (Autumn 2019) heard a demo for power cables for audio devices, not even the usual audio speaker cables, no just the power cables, just the standard strip that's packed with the device (amplifier for example) and the top line of Audio Quest (I think that cable costed Euro 60+k for just one cable! I know totally ridiculous) and a few of their (Audio Quest) mid line cables.

The funny thing was when they started to demo with the cheapest cable and after that the next (low) range power cable, you didn't hear much of a difference and you thought: "What a nonsense, I don't hear much difference and pay a few hundred for just a cable?" BS (bullshit)! Same for that next level from low level to medium level cable (around thousand plus), still didn't hear much difference and people started to walk away because they felt that was so much BS they couldn't believe it. I decide to stay a bit longer and took one of the places in the middle of the stereo spot where just a few people left (because where I stand before wasn't very good but the room was full, the demo's of that person are well known here in Germany from Stereo magazine). Then up to the top level cable, yes you could here a bit but of course that's not worth that 60k.

But now it comes... then they went back from the 60k cable to that "cheap" included cable that came with the device, suddenly the difference was so huge, you had to puke to listen to that standard cable. Technically almost can't be explained but there can be a huge difference. That 60k cable was a kind of fun but of course not realistic for most of the people so they went back to a mid range cable and then back to the standard cable and going back in quality you can hear the difference much better than the other way round.

Hence the same for audio cables.

The problem is that like me, you and billions of other people, you just don't want to believe it, it's technically difficult to explain (well one of the explanations is the copper quality, it's close to 100% copper that is ridiculous expensive and the insulation is complicated and expensive too) and you just can't understand it. But please do yourself a favour and go to a HiFi shop and ask for a Audio Quest cable demo (or any audio top brand but Audio Quest most HiFi shops have) and after that, I am sure, you will update your above comment :-) No, please don't be stubborn, just go to a HiFi shop and follow a demo ;-)

But for your wallet it's better to keep believing this is all BS and don't do that demo, because once you have heard that it can be better, you also want that few hundred or few thousands cable and you are seriously thinking of selling your house... so... yeah better don't do that demo ;-) It's better for your wallet!

But of course for a patch cable that's not all worth it, I agree. However for your speaker cables you might want to check this out.

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Frenchili,

If you are in "My Modular" in the rack that you want to share with us, copy the URL of that rack you are editing in My Modular, paste that URL in a link here in a post, that should work. With preview option (before you submit your post) you can check if it works.

Since you are in "My Modular" anyway, you can directly delete this rack ;-) Sorry for being so frank but that's far too small.

Yes you got already the 0-coast, Zoia and the Octatrack, a fantastic combination by the way, I know already someone who got this and you almost have everything already, perhaps an additional 0-cntrl and then you actually not really need any more a Eurorack... :-)

But if you want to go into Eurorack, even if you have already the above, then do it at least good and take at least a 3 times 84 HP rack or that Intellijel 7U rack (2 times 3U and one 1U row; each 104 HP). Consider a classic setup of at least 2 VCOs, EGs + LFOs, 2 filters, 2 VCAs to get started. Don't forget at least one mixer and an audio input/output module (can take the 1U for that). Leave some space free (half till at least one third) for future extensions/modules because you are going to need it if you are really going seriously into Eurorack.

Effects modules and sequencer you can use your current setup for that first so you can wait with those modules, get the basics right first, play around with it. Missing functionality you can do that (temporarily) with the Zoia till you know what module you want and then add such module but take it easy and slowly; start simple first and build up some experience is my advice.

Good luck, have fun with Eurorack if you decide to go that road and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

Edit: removed typo.

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Hi Bananagab,

Why you don't buy a Neutron next to the Model D and these two together with your computer? Might be good enough? It saves you a lot of money and efforts for Eurorack "trouble" :-)

Or if you "insist" :-) going for Eurorack, consider a bit the classical setup of VCOs, LFOs, EGs, filters and VCAs, at the very least. Here and there I see you got something already but getting at least each two of them would give you a bit more variation that you might need on the longer run.

Consider a bigger rack too and remove the Model D (and keep that in it's original housing) to save on space. You will need the additional space!

Good luck and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Hi Jeff,

Not sure what you exactly mean (and think what you want to do) with the Arturia Minibrute 2s as a control centre for your Eurorack? Personally I would rather use the Eurorack itself as being the "control centre", but that might be just me.

I am also not so sure if the combination of the Shuttle System of and the Arturia Minibrute 2s is such a good idea? I am not convinced about it, which doesn't mean it wouldn't work together, I do think it does... it's just the combination of these two that puzzles me a bit. I would go for either one of them first, get some experience with the rack and then consider if you still want to add the other.

I think I only would go for just one of them and then focus a bit more on classic but single components like VCOs, filters, LFOs, EGs, VCAs and that kind of stuff.

You also can keep the Minibrute 2s in it's original casing. Just had a look at it, are you sure you want to put that top part of the Minibrute 2s in a Eurorack or is it just here for display purposes? In the latter case, 2 rows of... 88 HP(?, does a 88 HP case exist?) is too less, I would recommend to start at least with 3 rows.

The oscilloscope is definitely a nice module but for such a small rack I wonder if you should wait with it till you buy your second rack to give some space for more essential modules.

Good luck with the planning, welcome into modular synthesizers and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Hi Mowse,

Wow, you got yourself a nice rack there! :-)

The bottom row are presented by the "strong boys" (VCOs), looks pretty serious ;-) Are you happy with the Odessa module from Xaoc Devices? Is it worth the investment?

Looks like you are pretty much fan of Mutable Instruments :-D

Enjoy your new rack layout and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Yeah! I wish you lots of fun with the 103 :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Apache-Raver,

Thanks for the info on those Dreadbox modules, I might consider the Ataxia actually.

Thinks are going well here, just that I am not sure which platform I should use for sharing music, any suggestions of a website that doesn't cause trouble if you want to quit it or not using it for a while?

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Apache-Raver,

Nice setup you got yourself there, nice to look at your setup and looking at your modular "activities" while listening at your sequenced music!

That red module in the right bottom corner, what is that, by any chance the Dreadbox - Ataxia EG? If yes, what's your impression about this module and Dreadbox' new modules series in common, good? I might consider here or there one of them too...

Thank you very much for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Wishbonebrewery,

There are some fantastic nice sounds in it and that together with the beautiful percussion sounds, well done again :-) !

So when is this ADDAC 103 module arriving at your doorstep? Can't wait for your demo patch on that one :-D

Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Pablo,

In context with modular synthesizers I agree here with Lugia, not having at least CVs & gates out and in or at least a clock in, is a big miss from a design phase point of view.

The Arturia - Keystep Pro or the - Ground Control (a Eurorack module by the way) have this already... granted, I am waiting already a year or so for the Ground Control that still hasn't been released and recently has been postponed till October...

Some basic ideas and concepts sounds indeed interesting but so pity of this missed chance :-(

But please let me know once you have found the ideal sequencer for modular, I would love to know since I still haven't found the ideal one; though the above two mentioned ones come quite close (but haven't tested them yet).

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Hi Iammurals,

You are writing that you are not really looking to ever have to use it as a stand alone system but you then forgot to tell us what you already have and how this is going to fit in your current situation, so because of that, it's pretty difficult to advice on anything useful.

I have two main advices:

  • Look into a rack that's at least 3 times the size of what you got planned now, you have no space to grow here, meaning you have to straight away buy a second rack if you want to add just one module (and if you are going to like modular, you will for sure going to add more than one module...)
  • If you need this "only" for sound processing and design then why not use the computer with Ableton or something like that and do there everything? Much easier, most likely much cheaper too

Please carefully think how you want to go to use it and how this then all should fit within your current situation? If you have the possibility then you should try at least a part of that setup at your local dealer to see if it delivers what you expect from it, such testing might give you a total unexpected result, believe me. Before I bought any module and casing, I came once till thrice a week to my local dealer and the only thing I did was testing, testing and testing. I tested (as far as the modules where available for testing) all the modules I was interested in and then I continued with testing, testing and testing. I have done that for about 3 till 4 months in a row before I started to buy my first modular stuff and yet now I got a modular synth, I keep testing, testing, testing and reading, reading, and checking, checking and checking everything I can find about modular synthesizers.

To summarise: modular synthesizers are fantastic, really! But they require you to do a huge pre-work and pre-investigation on it, to get a rough idea on how it's going to work (or not as it will show in test results).

Good luck with it and oh... did I mention already that you should test it first at your local dealer? ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Thread: RNDSynth

Hi Jrs77,

The ACL - Sinfonion might be just right then, ridiculous expensive but ideal for us lazy people who don't want to put any notes into any devices. With the Sinfinion you just provide a clock and some input, let's say a slow LFO and there you go. You have three "normal" channels/voices for notes, then one specific "chord" channel (3 or 4 note-chords), for that you can use the chord "sequencer" but even if you don't use that "sequencer" (officially it's called chord progression sequencer) it still runs fantastic and putting some input in that sequencer is easier than eating an apple. It's not in a way that you have to put single notes for that chord sequencer, just a few settings, removing / adding only a few notes in a few chord steps and there you go.

The part I like most of the Sinfonion is the Arpeggio, just plug the clock into it, use the 1 V/oct output to connect it to one of your nicest oscillator sounds you got and the Sinfonion is doing the rest for you, playing chords, melodies (well kind of, created either by those 3 voice-channels and/or by the arpeggio), whatever you want. If you get a little bit less lazy than 100% (so let's say being lazy at 95%) then with once and a while pressing a button you change the sound, note, chord, arpeggio, transposition and all the other things I most likely forgot.

You can let sound it all nicely in-tune or if you want to let it sound not too perfect you use the detune option and there goes your nice sounding sounds to smithereens ;-)

The Sinfonion is quite complicated but the manual is written pretty good with quite some humour, so it's easy to read through, follow the simple steps mentioned there and you got most likely what you want (and way beyond that).

The user interface is very friendly and once you have gone once through the manual, you need that manual only for a few special settings but most of the time it's easy, not much to remember, no serious menu diving, most is just one-level, with a few exceptions I think (like factory reset or something like that, but the often used options is just pressing one button and then you can select what you want).

You have assignable "things" like: 4 CVs that you can assign, 2 inputs, 2 outputs and... nice one: two pot-meters that you can assign to parameters you like to change with them.

Oh yes, make sure you got enough voices that you can "feed" the Sinfonion with, that's perhaps the only con (beside the price) of this fantastic thing: The Sinfonion is like a black hole, it absorbs (and requires) all your modules you have in your rack; it's for medium till large environments. So if you just have two oscillators you might just not have enough "food" for the Sinfonion to feed it and keep it happy ;-) You need 8 voices: 3 for those normal channels, then 4 (so a quad VCO is perfect for the job; I am using here the Doepfer A-111-4 for the chords, these two go quite well together) for the chord channel and a voice for the arpeggio. I guess you can start with 6 voices and in the future grow to 8 voices, starting with using just one normal channel first; but 6 voices is the minimum I would advice to go for. If you don't have a quad VCO yet, you could even start with 5 voices, 3 voices for the chords then, 1 for the arpeggio and 1 (to start with) for one of those three normal channels.

Good luck and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Hi Mebitek,

I am glad you like your DFAM :-) From the video one can hear you are enjoying it! :-)

It's funny that you mention Noise Engineering modules... for some reason... I feel a bit scared of the modules of this brand, I don't know why, perhaps because of the... ehm... "weird" (?) front panels?

Could you please let me know why you love these modules so much? Is it the user interface, the sound, the... ? Whatever that overwhelms you? It would be interesting to know and perhaps it can take away my scared feelings about this brand?

Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Ha, ha, I am afraid it was me talking about the user interface, big knobs and that kind of stuff, sorry for being so "bad" influencer ;-)

Nevertheless, I am excited and can't wait for your next demo video where you show us what you can do with the 103 from ADDAC :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Removed a typo.

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Hi Mebitek,

Interesting sounds and experiments you got there! :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing and also thank you very much for the details on your sound details, always welcome to read.

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Funbun,

Ha, ha, well chosen name for your computer, I love the name :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Sislte & Family,

Wow, nice dirty sound indeed! I love this demo video and sound, some real fun sounds and nice overview video of your rack!

Looks like the entire family is involved in the goodies :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Carl,

Thanks for the details on that bass. Wow, I am a bit jealous. Once and a while I hear some interesting stuff about Pittsburgh but where I live in Germany most of the dealers let go the Pittsburgh brand, no idea why but it means I can't try it out and even just buying it blind is getting difficult since you barely can get it... pity my modular life has to be some longer without Pittsburgh I am afraid.

Have a good weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Mowse,

Bloody Nora! This is some nice & heavy exciting music, I like it quite a bit :-)

If every time when you clean up something in your setup something like this nice comes out of it, then please keep on cleaning up your setup ;-)

Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Funbun,

Wow, a complete album, well done!

Does Frankenputer means anything (sorry my English isn't very good) or is it a name? He, he, you are pulling all the registers there with this track :-) Of your... I guess AE modular system, right? Nice!

Thank you very much for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Carl,

That's very nice indeed! I tried to reply to you yesterday already but for some weird reasons I couldn't send posts/replies; hopefully that works now again.

I admire that almost crystal and clear sound you got there! At almost exactly 1:00 there kicks in some quite deep sound, what's that? I mean how did you manage to make that?

I look forward in hearing more from you and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Hi Quantamiid,

Welcome to Eurorack! What I am going to write next is not to discourage you but I think we need to be realistic here, okay?

The case is far too small, consider the Intellijel 2*104 HP + 1 U instead, that's small enough. What you have here is microscopic and you will much sooner (than later) outgrow this extremely small casing.

Do you have everything to start making sounds? That depends on how you look at that question. If you want to hear something coming out of your speakers, yes, most probably you manage to do that. Is it going to be fun after a while...? Mwaahhh, I doubt that...

Not sure how much experience you have in synthesizers in common, especially the common setup and also depending on how much external gear you already have, but assuming you have nothing else just going to have this rack then it's far too less. For a classic, simple setup consider at least this here:

2 VCOs (Plaits is nice but get another one too), 2 EGs, 1 or 2 LFOs, 1 or 2 filters (the Wasp filter A-124 is indeed a nice one), dual VCA (or two single VCAs) - preferable those that have linear as well as exponential functionality so the Tallinn you choose might be just right, one or two effects modules (I see you got there already something so that might be fine) and then we haven't talked yet about utility modules... and... that's just to get started and build up some experience, etcetera, after that you want more to explore further, etcetera and then... indeed you need a bigger rack again ;-) It's actually very simple: You just can't have enough HP-space...

Oh and please do keep in mind no matter what you are going to do, a Eurorack is going to be expensive, so you need to be prepared for that and do lots of reading and checking on the different modules, on the basic principles and once done that, you have to ask yourself what you want to do with the Eurorack? What kind of sounds or music you want to make and how are you going to realise that with what kind of modules? Nobody said this comes on in easy ;-) So the pre-work for getting ready to get started with Eurorack is quite substantial, please don't under estimate that.

But once all done that, extended the budget a bit for at least a larger case, then you should be fine to get started. Till then, I do think you have to do a bit more homework ;-)

Still try to enjoy all this, also the pre-investigation phase, all the reading& checking and then bang! Go for it! Good luck and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Hi Farkas,

Oh wow, you got yourself a nice rack there :-) Pretty full too...

I would love to have myself that Furrrrr generator too, with my first test at my local dealer I didn't manage to get a proper sound out of it but during a second test, wow, it literally blew my head off, so nice! But looking at the point of how much it shrinks the bank account, is it still worth it you think?

How about the E352 Cloud Terrarium from Synthesis Technology, do you like it, also worth the investment? I got the E330 multimode VCO and I am quite happy with that one, would the E352 or actually I was looking at the E340 Cloud Generator, be a nice addition to the E330? I just read that E340 is sold out :-(

Well, I could talk all night about interesting modules and stuff but I just reorganised my modules the last few days, since I just recently added a new rack (didn't had for months enough space for new modules), so I want to play a bit with my new setup. Sorry to have to let you go because of that ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Farkas,

That's quite funny that dub reggae type of music, never expected that for a modular system, but why not, right? :-) So I liked that quite a bit!

Only pity I didn't see much of your setup since you made the video pretty "unclear" ;-)

Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Rookie,

He, he, yeah, it might indeed take 40 additional voices or something like that to realise a symphony... not to speak of the x-number of large additional casings you are going to need to put those 40 voices into it...

That's perhaps a con of modular ;-) But it would be funny and cool to see a complete symphony played by a modular system. Must be one or two walls full of modular stuff I guess...

Well it's nice to dream, I continue dreaming and I guess & hope you continue making nice music ;-) Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Baltergeist,

Well... the Maths module, if the serial number is any indication of sold/produced items (which I somehow believe it might do), I got a serial number in the 10 thousands, 17-thousand-something is mine one. Whereby indeed other modules of Make Noise are rather in the few thousands and not in the 10-thousand area. Dynamix serial number is even lower than 700. So it could be roughly an indicator of quantity sold or at least produced?

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Modulargrid,

62k active members or 62k sold items on Market place?

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Sweelinck,

Sorry that I don't understand French. So it was very nice of you to make a summarise of the video in English, thank you very much for sharing this interesting material :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Rookie,

Great! :-) Now I got the same question for you as I had for Dongh Yuk too: "When will you convert a symphony into your modular system?" ;-)

I still love to look at your modular case setup, it's a nice little set that's lovely to look at!

I look forward to hearing more from you and kind regards, Garfield.

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