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Hi everyone, here's a recording of my latest live set, performed live at Modulab Eindhoven (NL).

I've used two separate cases for two independant voices. The first one is a semi-generative voice driven by NLC and Beers voltage sources, switches and sequencers. Oscillators are two Dannysound EN129's. The other voice is Frap Tools Brenso driven by Usta, & Sapel. Drums and percussion is the Weston B2, NLC Badumtisss and Patching Panda Hatz2 for kick, hat, snare, and a preset of homemade NLC samples using my Rossum Assimil8tor.

Enjoy, give it a spin. Thanks!

Available on Bandcamp, Spotify and all platforms.

My music on Bandcamp - Instagram - YouTube

Slim and Raaf