... also stepping back when you see something cool and trying to work out if you can do it already with the modules you have is a good idea... often just adding one or two utility modules will get you a long way for less money

-- JimHowell1970

That is a great point too. I've got 12 HP left on my second case but I feel that I have a few modules I have already grown out of. I haven't yet received my second case, so maybe not...I'm excited to see what I can do with all this stuff.

If its just 1 note then go for middle C, though it could sound a bit rough as you go up and down the full scale.
If you have the option of doing this in Software first you could experiment and see how that 1 note works up and down the keyboard.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


so is it more a matter of just choosing what note to sample, and just consistently using that for all samples?

I've been using modular hardware for a while, and I'm experimenting with this NE filter/distortion.
My question comes with the Mod (modulation) switch.
I have read the manual but I don't quite understand it.
The manual says:
//Mod: The audio is routed back to the filter cutoff frequency for
input-dependent FM. Down position is off, middle is mild, high is
I'm intrigued, because if I output the audio through the filter output, without going through the distortion circuit (Mangle) I get the oscillator signal (SQR) very attenuated and low in volume.
I am modulating the cutoff frequency with an attenuated EG via a triatt, since the CV input of the filter accepts 0 to 5V.
I have also deactivated the automatic frequency envelope, so that only the cv that I send it from my EG affects the cut.
I already knew that this is a rather "special" filter, but I'm afraid I'm not knowing how to get its good side out.
If anyone has used it, and can help me....
Thank you

Ideally if you want full range I seem to recall you should have at least 1 sampled note per octave, though I'm pretty sure the 2hp won't accept multi-samples. So if you keep your playing range within 8 notes each side of middle C you'll be about OK.

I once sampled each note of a Roland MC-202, editing each for sustain loops, and put them into a Reason software sampler, that was very boring workflow!

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Both the a-151 and Samara II look very interesting, and I can see their useful applications. I just read through the Samara manual, and hadn't appreciate quite how much it could do.

I've pulled the trigger on one of the last few wmd performance mixers I could find in stock, so we shall see how it goes!
I was mainly planning to use the vcas in it for volume control rather than shaping, my initial thoughts were to use either the Catalyst or Metron & Voltera to fade in and out channels potentially.

As the title suggests,

When using a sample playback module with v/ oct pitch control
(let's say the 2hp "Play")
what pitch should you record a sample at to get accurate v/oct pitches?

That is, if I were to record a single piano note, so that I can then sequence the sampler to get a pitched piano melody,
should I record a C note?

does v/oct have a fundamental root note it works from?

or is the standard approach to not worry about it and then tune with the v/oct knob.

Thank you

Thanks! I couldn't figure out how people were adding their rack so perfectly in the post!

no problem...

I feel like I have a bit of a direction and then I get a new piece and it reminds me that I need these other pieces to really make it do something cool. Just when I feel like I'm doing something neat I watch someone else on Youtube and then I want to be able to do that too. I'm addicted.

yeah it's often that way... I want this module as it has this cool feature that I think would really lift my modular to the next level... ah now I need these 3-4 support modules to make it actually do what I want it to do... ah! now I need another case... sometimes stopping watching youtube is a good idea... also stepping back when you see something cool and trying to work out if you can do it already with the modules you have is a good idea... often just adding one or two utility modules will get you a long way for less money

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I think you would get something from adding a filter and more modulation, and I'd still be tempted to add more mixing (but that is mainly because I've recently realised I have far from enough mixing in my own rack).

I had a play around and tried to keep most of what you had and work with the space you had remaining:
ModularGrid Rack

I added the ochd and Ornaments & Crime for modulation and O_C is so flexible, it can also do sequencing or quantising, have a look at the videos for it and decide if its style of menu driven workflow could suit you... it could even delay your need for steppy and scales (but not remove the need longer term)

I also added squawk dirty and FX aid as end of chain effects and filtering.
If you were to take the Data out, I'd suggest looking at a second filter to add more flavour, maybe the ikarie would work well?

Data is fantastic, and its really helped me understand what my modules are doing and how to get more from them, but in a case this size its taking up a lot of real estate.

one thing that did occur to me, was to put the big honking button and the Data in a separate 4ms Pod alongside this case if you were set on its size.

If you want to grow this in the future, then I'd suggest looking at a bigger case, for all those nice modules you like the look of, you will need more space to make the most of them.

Hi All,

Looking for suggestions to fill that last 2HP! Was thinking maybe a buffered mult or similar???


Thanks! I couldn't figure out how people were adding their rack so perfectly in the post!

I feel like I have a bit of a direction and then I get a new piece and it reminds me that I need these other pieces to really make it do something cool. Just when I feel like I'm doing something neat I watch someone else on Youtube and then I want to be able to do that too. I'm addicted.

I still am unsure of the direction that I want to take my rack.

Not necessarily the best strategy... but it is quite common

I have just been adding modules as I could afford them.

that's generally what most people do, at least to

I saw a video of someone that had the case USB connected to a computer and was running some software to control the VCOs. Does anyone know if Garageband can do that? Or is there another free program? I'm not sure I would always want to do that but I would like to give it a try.

what does reading the helpfile/manual for Garageband tell you about setting up a midi track and sending the output to a midi device?

there are quite a few free DAWs available... google is good for finding out what they are

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

please copy and paste the url of your public rack into your post...

jpgs are crap for this purpose (ie requesting help/advice/sympathy/whatever) as they do not allow for 'mouse-over' or 'click-through' - which are really helpful in helping us help you!!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hi there,

I am new to modular synthesis and somehow got sucked in with the NiftyCase earlier this year. I just ordered a second case and assuming that all the modules I ordered arrive my rig will look like this:

ModularGrid Rack

Any suggestions for things missing? I'm a bit low on HP but I could always take the Mavis out of the rack.

I still am unsure of the direction that I want to take my rack. I have just been adding modules as I could afford them. I have an Arturia microbrute that I have been using to control the VCOs and I have been connecting my Akai Rhythm Wolf to the MIDI that clocks the case.

I saw a video of someone that had the case USB connected to a computer and was running some software to control the VCOs. Does anyone know if Garageband can do that? Or is there another free program? I'm not sure I would always want to do that but I would like to give it a try.

Anyways, any suggestions are very much welcome.

Ok, I've revamped this a bit based on feedback. I didn't have much of a focus before. I was just adding modules that sounded cool and I thought might work well together.

  • I removed the kick and Misha. This won't be a drum synth. The Misha looks cool, but on reflection I think it'd be awkward for me to work with.
  • The Big Honking Button is there at my wife's request. It's for fun only.
  • Maths will help with some random utility, such as smoothing out the attack on the West Pest.
  • I added Steppy/Scales/Digitalis to get some quantized random sequencing. Those would likely control the West Pest and then that would be sent into Nautilus as one voice.
  • The other voice would be the Morphaphene and work with Pam's, etc.
  • Removed the MIDI and stereo headphones in favor of more mixers. For MIDI I'll go through the West Pest or just use CV.
  • Data is there mainly because I want some cool visualization as I patch, but it does have some utilities that can come in handy. I won't really be using it for a voice on its own.

Am I missing anything super obvious? A good filter might be nice but I don't know how necessary it would be until I replace the West Pest.

Thanks everyone for the feedback so far! The synth and modular community is great.

Having a new module purchase in mind is a great thing but it can definitely distract from what you, I, really need.
I need a Arturia Beatstep Pro for some out-of-case sequencing, simply because the same capability in-rack would cost a fortune and not be as good as external sequencer.

Instead of thinking straight, I have a module in mind but then also all the modules that would benefit that module in a line in front of it.
Proper a Case of 'Up here for dancing, Down there for thinking'

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


a big part of the journey is the research and thought that goes into it, it's your custom synth not mine!!

sayng that - don't overlook doepfer for utilities - they are inexpensive and do the job perfectly well - their a-151 sequential switch is a bargain, for example! but if you're looking at xaoc devices then for utilities samara II is hard to beat - it's definitely on my want list the future!

with regard to mutes - it's often better to mute gates/envelopes that are opening vcas, than muting actual audio - as muting audio can cause unwanted 'clicking' sounds - so maybe carrying on how you are doing it

if you can find a reasonably priced wmd performance mixer, I'd jump on it and see how you get on... you'll probably not lose money if you come to resell it in the future! just remember that you'll probably want more envelopes and modulation sources to drive the vcas and vcpanning - a good idea is to use the built in vcas to control overall volume of the channel - using another vca before to control the shape of the note 1st

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Here is a version I put together recently to consider how I'd accommodate the bigger mixer:
ModularGrid Rack

Thanks Jim, I definitely agree and am quite happy to take out more of the sound sources from the case to make it into more of a useful instrument. I can always swap them in and out later if I want variation, and my old doepfer case isn't that far away on the desk in a pinch :)

There are still a small number of performance mixers out there in the wild, but at a premium which is making me cautious.
I've hovered over the buy button a few times in the last few weeks, it would only take some light encouragement and positive reviews in context of my case and I'll no doubt buy one. The temptation started due to the built in vca's, cv over panning and general rock solid playability of the other WMD modules I have which made it feel like I'd be able to get to grips with it quickly. I'd then also need to consider some mutes somewhere in the line, disabling triggers in metron will only do some of that work.

Yeah, the matrix mixer I think will do an awful lot for me, I'm curious to see how it combines with the sequenced voltages coming from the metron / mimetic and also seeing how the sumdif could get involved in that in some way :)
I have been using the zero2 for rectification, but its using up the switch (which I might benefit from something like switchblade to give me more but slightly different switching anyhow), so I've also been eyeing up the black noise dual rectifier to free this up again.
Tilt has been doing a lot of heavy lifting, and I can certainly see how Maths would be a good addition. for some reason I strayed from it early and have a blindspot for it even now, I'll reflect on that some more.

I've been trawling the utilities section, and there are some lovely xoac devices modules which catch my eye like minsk and kamieniec (or more of the Leibniz Binary Subsystem), but I feel like I'm missing something obvious.

Do you have any suggestions to narrow down my gaze?

lots of good advice already!!!

I think that if you are stuck on the number of sound sources in the case, either adding an extra row to the rack, or better yet doubling the size of it, to allow for more modulation sources, a lot more utility modules and a decent mixing solution - ideally imo a matrix mixer (particularly, but not limited to, for modulation sources), some sub-mixers (for both cv and audio) and an end of chain mixer

see the formula in my signature for a quick guide to improving versatility of your modular for the least cash outlay

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I think the wmd performance mixer might be difficult to get hold of now that they've closed...

& due to the large number of sound sources I'm not convinced the cosmix pro (only 6 channels iirc) will be big enough

I have a tesseract modular tex-mix - which is both expandable and reasonably priced... it also has vcas built in (on the mono channels) that could free up a lot of your vca channels for other purposes...

given my philosophy (see signature) I'd want more utilities & probably more modulation sources... the matrix mixer looks like a good addition towards this though - multing 5 modulation sources to this will give you up to 15 modulation outputs - something your other modules are screaming out for!!!

I'd spend some time researching different types of utility module and thinking about how they can add to your patching...

even without a maths, although personally I think everyone should have a maths, downloading and reading through the 'maths illustrated supplement' a few times, concentrating on the how, what and why of each patch, can massively add to your patching repertoire

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

At that size of case you probably want to be very precise as to what you want to do with it, all the modules you have picked out are cool, but they don't really compliment each other on their own.

The west pest probably takes up the space of what you'd want to reserve for all of your sound sources in the future, I put way too many into my first rack, and I'm still taking them out to make space for more essentials.

Maths is well regarded, it can do modulation, attenuation, slew and lots of cool stuff... but it cant do all of that at the same time, you will likely want a lot more than Maths and the lfo in west pest to move things around.

In a case this size I'd use stackables or passive flying mults instead of putting a mult in the case, but also... there are 2hp alternatives if you really want one.. or even better something like Links would do a lot of work in the same space.

It might be worth looking at what specifically would work well with the west pest, e.g. filter, more modulation, vca's and utilities to give you more nuanced control over it, a sequencer if you aren't enjoying the built in one, maybe one effect modules (the FX aid is a great little one to look at)

Looking further ahead I'd look at what you'd need to replace some of the functions in the west pest when you come to swap it out, e.g. clock (PPW?), sequencer (Misha?), Midi in (black Midi - CV?), LFO/Modulation/envelopes (Maths, but you likely want more of these anyway, look at the ochd, quadrax, tilt, triple sloths etc for inspiration as well as any function generators, envelope generators, and modulation sources you can find, PPW will do some of this, but its not quite as straightforward).

I'd also consider if you want any sequenced modulation (a second sequencer) or generative sequencing/modulation (e.g. marbles clones)

Hope you find this set interesting. Patch notes below. Thanks for watching, it means a lot.

Decoherence Patch Notes

BeatStep Pro BPM 105 Project 06 Key C
SEQ 1:
Pitch [out] ► Circuit Bent VCO [1v/oct]
Gate [out] ► Doepfer Dual ADSR Ch. 1 [gate]
SEQ 2:
Pitch [out] ► Mother 32 [Mult In]
Gate [out] ► Doepfer Dual ADSR Ch. 2 [gate]
Clock [out] ► Mother 32 [TEMPO]
Midi [out] ► DR-670

DR-670 Drum Machine Kit 8

WMD Triple Bipolar VCA
Mix Out ► Zedi10 Pan L

Erica Synths Pico DSP
Out L ► Quad VCA Ch. 2 [in]

Out L ► WMD TBVCA Ch. 2 [in]
Out R ► Quad VCA Ch. 4 [in]

Circuit Bent VCO
Audio ► Doepfer Wasp [in]

BURST ► Clouds [Trig]
INT CLK ► Math Ch.1 [Trig]

Ch.1 [Unity Out] ► Clouds [Freeze]
Ch.3 [out] ► Rings [pitch cv in]

Mother 32
VCA ► Mimeophon [in L]
Mult 1 [out] ► Plaits [V/Oct]
Mult 2 [out] ► Rings [V/Oct]
ASSIGN [out] ► Wogglebug [speed in]

Rings Yellow/Yellow
Out L ► Clouds L [in]
Out R ► Clouds R [in]

Plaits Green Preset 1
Plaits [Out] ► Filter 8 Ch.1 [in]

Tides VCO Mode [orange, green, ---]
Ch. 1 [out] ► Wasp [CV2]

Synthesis Technology Quad VCA
Mix Out ► Zedi10 Pan R
Ch. 1 [out] ► Cockpit^2 Ch.1 [in]
Ch. 2 [out] ► Cockpit^2 Ch.2 [in]

L [out] ► WMD Ch. 1 [in]
R [out] ► Quad VCA Ch. 3 [in]

Instruō øchd
LFO 3 ► Rings Structure [cv in]
LFO 4 ► øchd CV [in]
LFO 5 ► Plaits Timber [cv in]
LFO 8 ► Mimeophon Rate [cv in]

Doepfer A-124 Wasp
LP [out] ► Milky Way Ch. 1 [in] Preset 1 verb

Endorphin.es Cockpit2
Mix [out] ► Zedi10 Pan C

Endorpin.es Milky Way
Ch.1 [out] ► Quad VCA Ch.1

Jornalogue Filter 8
180 [out] ► DSP L [in]

Doepfer A-140-2 Dual Mini ADSR
Ch.1 [out 1] ► Quad VCA Ch.1 [cv in]
Ch.2 [out 1] ► Quad VCA Ch.2 [cv in]
Ch.2 [out 2] ► Filter 8 LFM [in]

With the number of voices planned in this rack, I think your rig would definitely benefit from a mixer (the passive multi is definitely insufficient) and probably a few more utilities and as the saying goes, you never have too many vca's. Your math alone probably won't cut it.
-- Oroboros

Thanks for the feedback! That's a good point about strengthening the mixer/utility game for this. While I was thinking I wouldn't use all the voices all the time it would be better to be more flexible. I can probably sacrifice a few modules (or just use a bigger case, haha). For example, I could hold off on the Data and replace it with something more useful.

I'm looking for some general thoughts, advice, and tips to improve on my rack evolution.

I posted awhile back and have looked back at that thread a few times and slowly the lightbulbs have come on, so hoped trying this again might provide me more to think about going forwards.

The last few years exploring eurorack has been very enjoyable for me, I've made a few mistakes along the way, but each of them has taught me something and I'd say that I've very few regrets. Something started to click recently and subtly I started to change the way I used my system, from a bit of a random playground where I wanted a bit of everything to try, into something a little more structured.

This is my current rack:
ModularGrid Rack

and my overflow rack:
ModularGrid Rack

The Metron and Arpitecht unlocked something in my brain, I swapped out my pico drums for the LXR and I now feel like I have something I can really work with as a foundation. I've had the same patch plumbed in for a month, and it has been really satisfying trying different things with it, making small adjustments and building out a couple of tracks that I can move between. The sl3kt is either driving the same melody to godspeed, twin waves and plaits, or splitting them up for the occasional variation.

Mixing however is a pain, in my current patch one veils I'm using just to mix dry & wet signals & sidechain on the non drum stereo mix, the other I'm using to control the level of the godspeed, twin waves and plaits before everything ends up in the jumble henge --> disting --> octatrack

The main things I want to change are to add in a matrix mixer (I'm happy to wait for the ritual electronics one) and a better pre-output mixer. I've looked at the performance mixer, and the cosmix pro, but really cant decide which would be the best fit / compromise.

Things I'd probably plan to take out to make space in order: Plaits (this was one of my first modules, but I've only recently started to enjoy it, so this is a tough one, but I do think I have too many sound sources in one case), bin seq, fractio solum, 2hp vca, freez, contour or tides, plog, ears and at a push the quad quantiser which isnt getting a lot of use right now.

One example would be like this, dropping the muxlicer if I were to go with the larger mixer:
ModularGrid Rack

Generally the choice of what mixer to get is baffling me no matter how much I look into it.

A final thought before I hit post... If I could find space for some kind of compressor / sidechain I think that could help simplify my end of chain too and relieve some pressure on an inverted envelope being multed to the vca for godspeed, twin waves, plaits and lubadh.

I had been looking at the bard quartet for ages, and the new expander for it definitely would have appealed if I hadnt bought the arpitecht and the tenderfoot quad quantizer just as it came out. I have actually found the arpitecht is doing a ton of work for me lately and is incredibly flexible, and with quantised outputs from the metron/voltare I've barely touched the quad quantizer.

I'm still trying to figure this out, I've been relying on the Jumble Henge to mix down into stereo, but its not going to cut it for me much longer, and I've been trying to wrap my brains around what would, all I've narrowed it down to is having fader controls and being able to handle stereo.

The FX aid is great, I also use beads for granular/delay/reverb, and I have a Arbhar & lubadh for additional reverb and delay if not otherwise being used for their main purpose. This is an area I constantly find tempting, but I try to limit myself on so that I can make space for more utilities.

I went a bit nuts in this space, picking up a used Metron completely changed my approach to it, alongside the Arpitecht which can provide grids like controls. The S8 is very straightforward, but definitely needs a quantiser as each pot has a large range. The varigate 4+ is a solid alternative, each slider has a large range too, but there is a combo to narrow down the adjustment to make it more usable.

take a look at the kassutronics quantizer.. nice lay-out of functions - awful wooden panel, but that's a taste thing - and double channel
-- T0MMI001

Thanks, I'd missed this had CV control first time I looked

Not sure about the buttons being in a circle and panels can always be replaced!

I always recommend the same, I have it and I am very happy.
There are 4 mono channels with CV, send and return, mutes and pan. They are also chainable, so you can grow using the same output. 4 channels plus master are 18HP, but the ergonomics are quite good, at least for me. The price-quality ratio is great.
-- ferranadsr

Thanks… the Tex Mix definitely isn't for me. I had one about a year ago, it was just too cramped and eventually got returned as it had a scratchy pot

I'll have a think about the other ideas, the only way the Pico DSP stays is if it can live of the right hand side of the case - it's just too small an fiddly otherwise

With the number of voices planned in this rack, I think your rig would definitely benefit from a mixer (the passive multi is definitely insufficient) and probably a few more utilities and as the saying goes, you never have too many vca's. Your math alone probably won't cut it.

Schneidersladen is often expensive compared to others and they don't make good prices even for loyal customers.
"even 5% is hard for us to do in this times" ... come on ... i know people who work(ed) there and i know the prices THEY get.
To give 10% to loyal customers would not be a problem at all.
-- hookedagain

I don’t personally find Schneidersladen more expensive. When it comes to European brands of modules, I find them (and Thomann) cheaper to be frank. Bear in mind that most prices on European sites are inclusive of VAT ( 19 or 20%) while American sites do not include any sales tax.
Being outside the EU, I don’t pay the VAT and modules (EU and US manufactured) can be imported duty free to where I live. Customs locally only collects a 5% federal tax and there is a small brokerage fee to clear it through customs.
As far as Modular Grid is concerned, I never paid attention to the prices listed on modules and to maintain it up-to-date would have to be a nightmare.

Yeah you're right, I also have some BL modules and they're great, that's why I got curious when I saw that 1 star.

There are people on the site that give companies they don't like 1-star (for whatever reason) effectively ruining the rating system. So don't put much stock in ratings. If MG showed the voters that rated 1-star, you would see the same people voting for things they haven't used. So yeah, useless rating system mostly. Unless it has lots of votes. Some stuff isn't even out yet and CoolGuys(TM) will "vote" 1 or 5 stars. BLM has an etsy store with legitimate reviews if you're curious (5 star seller, over 100 sales). I have a few BLM modules and they are fantastic.

take a look at the kassutronics quantizer.. nice lay-out of functions - awful wooden panel, but that's a taste thing - and double channel

First of all, let me tell you that I've only been using modular hardware for 3 months, and I've started with a tight budget, so I've looked a lot at the price-performance ratio.
You could take a look at the Instruo Harmonaig https://www.modulargrid.net/e/instruo-harmonaig
It is a bit more expensive than the intellijel scales and bigger, but they have a lot more functions, for example chord progressions.
I've only used the virtual version in VCV rack, and it's amazing and very powerful.
I always recommend the same, I have it and I am very happy.
There are 4 mono channels with CV, send and return, mutes and pan. They are also chainable, so you can grow using the same output. 4 channels plus master are 18HP, but the ergonomics are quite good, at least for me. The price-quality ratio is great.
There is also the Befaco option https://www.modulargrid.net/e/befaco-hexmix but it is much more expensive and bigger, 6 channels 28 HP.
I would stick with the Pico DSP, it is very versatile, takes up little space and you can always even use the granular algorithm, or the exclusive reverb or delay for some percussion.
A good option to consider is also https://www.modulargrid.net/e/erica-synths-black-hole-dsp.
What I do miss in your case is an MI rings or clone
Best regards,
I would stick with the Pico DSP, it is very versatile, takes up little space and you can always even use the granular algorithm, or the exclusive reverb or delay for some percussion.
A good option to consider is also https://www.modulargrid.net/e/erica-synths-black-hole-dsp.

The prices on the modulargrid module sites are always much too low, i have no idea where that comes from. Just ignore it.

This is a sketch of an idea. I have the West Pest currently, but the idea would be to use that to start, and maybe switch to other voices later on.

Otherwise this contains a bunch of modules I find cool. They may or may not gel 100%.

This is where I currently am after 18 months into my modular journey.

ModularGrid Rack

Case is a custom 6u 104hp build with Konstant Lab's BoardPWR for power. At some point in the next year I'm going to go up to a 9u case but that's about as large as I can go for the moment (limited space in the house)

As far as other modules I've got a Noise Reap Paradox, Make Noise STO, A-151 and A-183n that I swap in and out. Also got a Zlob Triple Cap Chaos, Triple Diode Chaos, CuteLabs Missed Opportunities and AI Systhesis matrix mixer to build.

I can also see me buying some more utilities like a Compare 2, Branches, logic and attenuators etc. and perhaps some filters e.g. want to play with a QPAS, probably want to play with a complex oscillator at somepoint but not sure I'm ready for them ATM.

Generally I try to avoid anything 4u and below that has a knob on it but there are exceptions, and as work in tech I'm more interested in modules with tactile controls rather than ones with digital interfaces.

Music wise I tend to listen to mostly electronica and ambient - Carbon Lifeforms, Marconi Union, Jon Hopkins, Urlich Schauss, even occasionally Steve Reich etc.

And the music (noises?) I'm mostly making tends to follow evoling ambient with occasional percussive elements but I'm really still experimenting, exploring and having fun!

I'm still new to this and open to thoughts, comments and other feedback on what I've got so far and where I'm thinking of going.

Quantizing is the area I'm least sure about and I think I'm actually pretty OK on the others below but writing my thoughts out helps me so feel free to prod at them


This is probably what I need to tackle first as I'm current using the Disting for this and I really dislike it (don't like the UI). Know I could also use Pam's for this but want something that doesn't involve menu diving and has immediacy so unless someone produces an expander with buttons think this rules out O&C too.

I've read multiple manuals and watched a fair few videos and I think what I really want right now is the simplicity of a couple of uScale IIs but as they're discontinued I'm looking at other modules - Intellijel Scales, Shakmat Bard Quartet or ADDAC207. Are there any others I should look at? Must have buttons to chose the notes though


The ergonomics of the Doepfer and ST Mix don't work for me as the ST Mix is too cramped.

Currently thinking of getting the SSF Vortices as it's got enough channels, and has voltage control for fading, panning etc. I can use the existing mixers as submixers if I need them, would use right angled cables for the lower sockets to keep the cables out of the way.


I think I'm going to replace the Pico DSP with an FX Aid (XL probably) but not sure what to do with the Echoz... I guess it's OK but wondering about replacing it with a DaisySeed based module perhaps patch.init so I can experiment with programming it


I'm having fun with the Turing Machine & SQ-1 but want a bit more CV control so thinking along the lines of TipTop Z8000 and perhaps Transient Modules S8 coupled with something like a Grids clone, Steppy etc to clock / reset / hold them (can also PNW for euclidean etc, clock dividers, logic too)

Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading this far…

Bought a Turing Machine MK II from @RTFM
Well packaged, great build quality, and amazing communication!
Highly recommended seller.

It would be nice if the person who gave this module one star could post a comment mentioning what's wrong with the module.

Schneidersladen is often expensive compared to others and they don't make good prices even for loyal customers.
"even 5% is hard for us to do in this times" ... come on ... i know people who work(ed) there and i know the prices THEY get.
To give 10% to loyal customers would not be a problem at all.

hello, thank you for your attention. Also, thanks for the warning. We fixed the issue
-- Vaemi

youre welcome!
@modulargrid consider to add some kind of instruction to insert 0 in case a specific power line is not used


@modular01 power specifications are exactly as written and written correctly. 5V is not used in the module you gave for example.
-- Vaemi

this "5V is not used" should be inserted as 0 mA
its impossible to distinguish between zero mA and missing information when you keep this field empty
thank you!

-- modular01

hello, thank you for your attention. Also, thanks for the warning. We fixed the issue

i had great deals with mschacht, Yves18, JonasSchmidt, klodifokan, DirkB and originst - nothing but good to say!

@modular01 power specifications are exactly as written and written correctly. 5V is not used in the module you gave for example.
-- Vaemi

this "5V is not used" should be inserted as 0 mA
its impossible to distinguish between zero mA and missing information when you keep this field empty
thank you!

@modular01 power specifications are exactly as written and written correctly. 5V is not used in the module you gave for example.

@Vaemi if possible please ensure there is nothing missing in the power specs:

thank you!

I would love to see a metric for price per hp. Basically $/hp when viewing specific modules or building a rack would be even better.

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My cases and power were not cheap but so far no issues. I invested in heavy duty dual power supplies for my cases. Worth the insurance against damaging expensive modules.