ModularGrid Rack

What I'm working on is basically a "randomized" sampler to play live. One of my favorite things about the Microfreak is that you can modulate the arpeggiator/sequencer rate and get really off the grid in a tactile way. I want to do this in a sampler and sort of create like an instrumental hip hop version of free jazz. If there is a hardware sampler that does this (or a MIDI controller like the Torso T1), I haven't found it yet, so my plan is to go modular make the setup posted above. I think this a good simple starting point for the concept. In addition to this stuff, I already own a Moog Mavis, Microfreak, Keystep, and SQ-1, as well as a couple more normal samplers that cover me well in terms of regular usage, so I'm pretty much just focusing on this specific function.

I guess I just thought I'd run it by people here to see if there's anything missing here in order to pull off the bare minimum version of this (or any repeated functionality that I don't need). I tested a version of it in VCV Rack and this seems fine, but hardware is obviously different. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please, for the love of god, put this out.

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I want to expand my Digitakt with modular (Techno/industrial based).
Do i need other modules for cv, gate, clock, ... to work properly?

the answer to that is probably no - at least to start with... but you'll probably find you want more very quickly... and then run out of space, so...

Any case idea?

yes - ignore case for now - work out what modules you need to achieve what you want from your modular, then work out what modules you need to support them - mixers, vcas etc and then add about 20-30% for expansion - then find a case... my advice start with a mantis...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

here;s the link to your public rack (jpgs suck)

ModularGrid Rack

and the erica synths black system 3 - because jpgs suck!!!

I plan to remove the Modulator, CV Tools, and one of the VCA units from the Black System III I purchased last year around this time to make room for Knobula units and Jewler Cast. My thoughts are that the joystick and sequencer can do LFO and more. I've also still got one VCA to use. In the past year I haven't used the CV tools module much and honestly not sure what functions/options it gives me. I wanted to add Ring Mod/wavefolding options along with some poly action for live performances is the main reason for this change. As a rookie to this modular stuff, what may I regret by omitting the stated modules?

well they can definitely provide some modulation, but you're removing more than just modulation... mixing, offset and attenuation (cv tools) are really handy to have in any modular - I'd spend some time patching with them - oh look I can have some subtle modulation and I can move it about!!! & they allow you to fix issues... and well vcas - if you're adding another sound source - then how are you going to shape the sounds of it and have vcas left over for modulation - maybe consider getting rid of both the erica vcas and getting something smaller and with more channels to replace them

personally I would probably just get a second case to add modules into and keep at least the modulator (which I might replace with a matrix mixer and zadar, though) and the cv tools... more to lug around though...

so maybe I'd use a laptop (&/or possibly a dedicated hardware poly synth) for the poly...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

well the chances are you're not going to be able to fit everything you want in a 48hp and there's more bad news - that 380mA - I'd really only advise around 300mA of it... otherwise you'll probably end up with start up issues (when beads tries to take more power during startup - but you might be lucky) - they're really only designed to hold a few low voltage analog modules & they're really over-priced imo - a mantis is almost 5 times the size & over 6 times the available +12v for less than double the money & you'll need that extra space and power, sooner than you'd like to think!

better to plan your case around the modules that you want (& actually need to support them) than trying to cram too much in too little space

but for now - swap the happy nerding 3mia for the 3vca and then get some passive attenuators... and then buy a mnatis...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

whilst I'd agree taking the moog out is generally the way forward - as it's got it's own case and power - it's up to you if you are happy paying double for those... maybe in the future when you need more rack space you'll change your mind...

the next module I would get if I were you would be a triple or quad cascading vca... for 2 reasons, 1 you'll be able to mix the outpts of the vco and the moog 2 you'll be able to shape notes from the vco, rather than just letting it drone

you'll probably want a filter next for the vco and then a mult (although I'd be more tempted to get a splitter or stackcables to save space)

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

Thanks but I like the Moog and I want it here

get the moog out of the case,no need to have it there
-- Broken-Form

This is my first post on this forum. Hello.

I've started a mini rack to expand on my 0-Coast/SQ-1 combo. It's a Doepfer 48hp powered case. I had everything all planned out, but then discovered that the power load was limited to 380mA, which is much more limiting that HP, so I have to start all over. I'd like some advice in order to put together the most efficient small rack possible.

The rack is based around the Doepfer A-119 and MI Beads. I'm mostly into weird, experimental music, and use the preamp to input the sound of my double bass, and use the envelope follower and comparator to influence various parameters on the 0-coast and Beads. I also have an Erica Synths Dual Drive, but it's temporary - it will be replaced when I run out of space/power.

I need utilities. Attenuators, LFOs, mults, VCAs, etc. I'm sure you all know better than I. But I'm looking for modules that can be multi-functional, but draw very little power. I basically only have about 250mA/+12V available (more -12V and +5V). I was thinking the Ochd (80mA), the HN 3xMIA (80mA), and maybe the Xaoc Tallin (20mA).

That leaves me with 10HP/70mA left.

If I could fit one other effect module in there that included distortion, that would be a bonus.

What other utilities would be essential for this rack? Are there better options for my current modules?


Thread: Rackbrute 6U

get the moog out of the case,no need to have it there

Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

I' m new in Modular Synth and I'm building my rack
I have have the Mother 32 and Maths right now

I'm waiting for the Erica Synth Wavetable VCO to come ( is in transit).

I'm playng this rack win Hologram Microcosm and a Delay Effects

What you suggest to think as a next upgrade?
A VCA Module?
A Multiplier can be good on the right on the rack, 2hp?

I play Ambient music with echoes from Carpenter Films...and some Interstellar remind..!

Any suggestion will be appreciated!

Pierpaolo is a great builder, I still have a uOc build by him from years ago and still works perfectly like day one!!!

-- dreamworks

His build quality is SOLID.
Never a problem in about half a dozen of his builds in years.

it's 41hp not 40

Pierpaolo is a great builder, I still have a uOc build by him from years ago and still works perfectly like day one!!!

Right, Pierpaolo/RTFM is a great guy to deal with, know that from many occasions.

Thanks for the comments, I wasn't aware of standoffs but can see they're controversial!

I have inevitably gone over my hp allowance anyway now and added another row to accommodate the utilities and modulation I so desperately needed

No, but he contacted me a couple of days ago to tell me he has this option for the Res EQ. Great builder (has learned me a lot and got me into DIY) and very nice guy to deal with.

My music on Bandcamp - Instagram - YouTube

For individual outputs of the Res EQ bands: talk to Pierpaolo Cimino (username RTFM).
-- geusensdriesmusic

Thanks, that's interesting. Did he do that for you?

For individual outputs of the Res EQ bands: talk to Pierpaolo Cimino (username RTFM).

My music on Bandcamp - Instagram - YouTube

That would mean building 10 VCA's into the module, not an easy feat and that would be pretty expensive. I've never seen a VC ResEQ, but a fixed filter bank like Bark Filter or Fumana might be what you're after.
-- LYFoulidis

I have owned/checked out Antumbra Bank, ADDAC601, Ladik F-110, MMI 295, Moog-inger 914 and guess what - none sounds like the ResEQ. It is very non-linear, with a gnarly resonance where all the bands effect each other. An instrument rather than a processor. VC control would be essential for automating the movement of those knobs. I cannot move more than two of them, much less with any precision. So, no, there is no replacing the VC ResEQ.

That would mean building 10 VCA's into the module, not an easy feat and that would be pretty expensive. I've never seen a VC ResEQ, but a fixed filter bank like Bark Filter or Fumana might be what you're after.

I plan to remove the Modulator, CV Tools, and one of the VCA units from the Black System III I purchased last year around this time to make room for Knobula units and Jewler Cast. My thoughts are that the joystick and sequencer can do LFO and more. I've also still got one VCA to use. In the past year I haven't used the CV tools module much and honestly not sure what functions/options it gives me. I wanted to add Ring Mod/wavefolding options along with some poly action for live performances is the main reason for this change. As a rookie to this modular stuff, what may I regret by omitting the stated modules?

Thanks for help and feed back, loving the mod life!

Now we have a black panel for the ResEQ as preferred by some. The ResEQ has been around for quite a while. What I had hoped for is an expander module with CV over all the frequency bands. Add gate sequences and have fun! Much more exciting to me than any visuals ;-) I heard rumors that there is a 4u version of ResEQ with CV control. Anyone?

If you don't want to use up your 3U space, there also the Intellijel MIDI 1U and CVx which can be expanded and the outputs can be customized via an app on your computer including Clock, Reset, Run, MIDI CC messages, pitch control, portamento, after-touch and a lot more. You'll need their MIDI 1U Jacks, but this might be a flexible option that won't take up too much space. I use it as my MIDI to CV interface and it works like a dream.

The Mutan Brain module shown here does not seem to have any sort of clock / run outputs, so I'm not sure it's going to work as you expect it, actually.

Mutant Brain can output clock (tick / and run) as a trigger signal for all gate outputs. Working perfectly.
Configuration can be done here:

The Mutan Brain module shown here does not seem to have any sort of clock / run outputs, so I'm not sure it's going to work as you expect it, actually.

I'm using the Flame µQMCV for this exact purpose, having the DT midi out (sending clock & transport) in the midi in of the µQMCV - that way I have 4 midi channels sending Gate / Pitch / Velocity, as well as the "Run" and "1/16th" outputs going into Pam's "Run " and "Clk" inputs, keeping everything in sync - a quite simple, efficient and complete solution in my opinion :)

As far as you are sending the standard start and stop midi signals from your Digitakt to the Hexinverter Mutant Brain, the signals can then be used in your rack to handle clocks and modulations accordingly.

But regarding your rack setup, you should familiarize yourself with the general modulation and sound generation capabilities. In order to play notes and sequences, which is probably what you have in mind for techno patterns, you need more CV modulation tools like envelopes and LFO's, maybe also sample and hold (s&h). To shape audio and sound you’ll need an amplitude modulation module like a VCA, a filter, a low pass gate and / or a mixer to which you can send the CV modulation coming from the envelope. If you stick with a small case size like this one, VCO + BIA is quite enough. Modular sound design is all about modulation rather than stringing lots of VCO’s together.

Hope that helps to make you dive deeper into the topic of modular synthesis.

A 80 ish song with patch notes.

Wow, a lot of detail and modules to look at! Give me a few days to research. Thank you

Yeah. Plenty of modulation sources are needed. Any effect modules you recommend?
-- Monib

I like the fx aid pro... I don't have one, I have the xl version, which I really like, but if I was going to buy another, it would definitely be the pro version... not only does it store all the algorithms (or at least most of them - 200 iirc) it has a screen which means that you can see what you are doing, the regular and xl versions only hold 32 algos and only have leds to show which number algo you are using - which means you need to keep a pdf or printout handy - or load the 1st 32 algo slots of a pro with the same algos - so you can use that as an in-rack cheat sheet... also Igor adds new algos all the time and doesn't look like he's stopping anytime soon

but... that will only really get you one effect at a time, though... so maybe a pro and an xl...

If I was going to do something relatively small & sampler based today, I'd probably go for an instruo Lúbadh (as the sampler), Maths & a pams pro (for modulation & clocking), at least one analog vco (possibly the tiptop/buchla one - for audio rate modulation & to sample), a matrix mixer (maybe 2, probably the doepfer one, as it's simple to use, for mixing modulation sources to create more complex ones), a couple of analog filters and/or lpgs (possibly doepfer), a couple of fx aids (a pro and an xl), an end of chain mixer (with a send/return) and a bunch of utility modules - probably a xaoc samara ii, a doepfer sequential switch, a joranalogue compare 2, a random or chaos module & a quad cascading vca (preferably a veils clone) - and I'd probably want a sequencer too (I've got a black sequencer, that I like a lot... which might look like overkill but I'd find ways to use it v/oct can also be used for modulation & with a powerful sampler I think I'd want the precision) - I wouldn't buy it all at once, but I'd start with a case that can at least house all those modules & preferably at least another 20% to expand into...

possibly something like this:
ModularGrid Rack

having built an example rack - I'd probably want to add at least one simple and small-ish mixer too (or anothe cascading vca - possibly happy nerding

seriously don't sideline utilities - they are the key to great patches...

if you are going to buy Maths - download "the maths illustrated supplement" and work your way through it a lot - spending time to think about the what, why and how of each patch... it will massively help your future patching

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Yeah, I think utilities is what is needed the most. I'm a bit sound source heavy

I'm looking at the happy nerding 3xMIA for a bipolar mixer, and also the TipTop Buchla Dual Voltage processor as possibilities. Any other must have utilities you'd recommend?
-- samhstewart

Matrix mixers (doepfer or nlc), sequential switches (doepfer) , logic (joranalogue), a kinks clone and or a xaoc samara ii...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Yeah. Plenty of modulation sources are needed. Any effect modules you recommend?

Regarding the mixer. As you already have an x-pan, you could stick with the make noise schema for mixing and grab a moddemix to add to the case. I like to use the moddemix and optomix as a sub mixer before inserting it into the aux in on the x-pan. So rather than having 1 large mixing module, you can cascade submixers throughout the case and still have the benefit of the other functionality they add. And as mentioned above, maths is great for this as well.
-- WmVoid

I think I'll go with the Optomix and the Moddemix then, sounds good place to start. I have funds for OCHD and Black Modulator and Happy Nerding Mixer as well, do you think these are worth getting just now? If I got them I can then save for Pam's and see if I can pick up a New or a pro depending on availability.

Yeah I have the Shared System that I've expanded a bit (mostly within the MN ecosystem). I chose to stick with DPO rather than XPO for now as I still haven't gotten all of the good sounds out yet. I have added an xpan and qpas, and plan on mimeophon at some point.

Re: Rene/Seq: Rene + Tempi is my 'preset manager' because you can connect them via Select BUS and they will stay synced as in tempo bank to pattern. Rene as a sequencer is unlike every other sequencer Ive ever used. It really is a cheat code to creating counter point melodies and long musical sequences and variations + modulation source. It has its quirks like not starting on the first note after a reset, but for me the pros outweigh the cons.

For more traditional sequencing, Ive used a mutant brain with digitakt and that gives you 4 v/g outs + 4 clock/gate outs all controllable and recallable from the digitakt. It is very powerful combo plus you get drums and samples outside of the rack. I'm not fully aware of the oxis specs, but it seems very capable as well.

-- WmVoid

I think I'll probably end up getting Rene + Tempi, but not the now, I'll use the OXI and see how I go with that, it is great, 8CV and 8 Gate outs. Doesn't have drums like Digitakt though. I think I'll have enough to learn and get on with the rest of the case, which was my plan ayway. Those modules should fill top row.

Can't thank you enough for your help.

Regarding the mixer. As you already have an x-pan, you could stick with the make noise schema for mixing and grab a moddemix to add to the case. I like to use the moddemix and optomix as a sub mixer before inserting it into the aux in on the x-pan. So rather than having 1 large mixing module, you can cascade submixers throughout the case and still have the benefit of the other functionality they add. And as mentioned above, maths is great for this as well.
-- WmVoid

Thanks Wm

Checked out the Moddemix and this seems a good idea, yeah think I would like to keep with Make noise stuff now if I can! I want sure if best to get a large mixer or go down different module route but this is wise since I would have other functions, learning all the time lol! My original plan was to get the Shared System but decided to get case and slowly build it myself and maybe change a few things on the way once I gathered more info on Modular and what I want. But I would like to stay close to it but with the new modules like xpan and Mimeophon. Does that make sense


-- Indianabones007

Yeah I have the Shared System that I've expanded a bit (mostly within the MN ecosystem). I chose to stick with DPO rather than XPO for now as I still haven't gotten all of the good sounds out yet. I have added an xpan and qpas, and plan on mimeophon at some point.

Re: Rene/Seq: Rene + Tempi is my 'preset manager' because you can connect them via Select BUS and they will stay synced as in tempo bank to pattern. Rene as a sequencer is unlike every other sequencer Ive ever used. It really is a cheat code to creating counter point melodies and long musical sequences and variations + modulation source. It has its quirks like not starting on the first note after a reset, but for me the pros outweigh the cons.

For more traditional sequencing, Ive used a mutant brain with digitakt and that gives you 4 v/g outs + 4 clock/gate outs all controllable and recallable from the digitakt. It is very powerful combo plus you get drums and samples outside of the rack. I'm not fully aware of the oxis specs, but it seems very capable as well.

I have bought a module from @RossMotus669 and everything is perfect. Very well packaged and shipped very fast. highly recommended

I consider Pam's an essential module for any system.
-- CitizenGain

I see a couple of PNW's for sale, I don't mind paying the extra if I know I'll get use out of the new functions but they will probabaly be lost on me till I learn more. I'll go for the Happy Nerding 4x St Mix then as well as mixer and if I need more later I can get another.

I'll leave sequencer just now and check some more out, I have enough to work with I think. I have the OXI One at moment but again, was looking for something to work in the rack more but this is not important just now.

What do you think I should get first? Concentrate on the modulation sources (Optomix OCHD and the Black modulator), are these good choices for me? I have enought to get them and PNW and Mixer just now, think that would give me plenty to get working with and keep me busy and a lot to learn.

Really appreciate your help.

I have put the bottom ones in order I would like to get them. Do you think Rene and Pam's Pro would be a good choice as well.
-- Indianabones007

I consider Pam's an essential module for any system. I've got PNW and might upgrade to Pam Pro at some point. When it was released a few months ago it came with lots of firmware quirks but I guess it's mostly stable now after some update releases. Still, I'd probably look out for a used PNW as they've become quite affordable as soon as PPW was released. But that's really just a matter of how much you want to spend. You'd be able to get a PNW + Happy Nerding 4x St Mix (which is great, I've got two in my system) for the price of a PPW. ^^

No experience with René here. From what I've seen and heard in demos it's really powerful and performable but it doesn't really seem immediate to me. As far as I know you can only see one channel at a time and have to switch between channel X, Y and Z in order to see what they're doing, which may be perfectly fine for other people's workflow though. Considering real estate, René and most similarly feature-rich sequencers take up a lot of space, so I decided to outsource my sequencing duties to external gear. Korg SQ-1 and Keystep at the moment. If you get the chance, you should try out some sequencers and find the one that fits your style the most. :)

Regarding the mixer. As you already have an x-pan, you could stick with the make noise schema for mixing and grab a moddemix to add to the case. I like to use the moddemix and optomix as a sub mixer before inserting it into the aux in on the x-pan. So rather than having 1 large mixing module, you can cascade submixers throughout the case and still have the benefit of the other functionality they add. And as mentioned above, maths is great for this as well.
-- WmVoid

Thanks Wm

Checked out the Moddemix and this seems a good idea, yeah think I would like to keep with Make noise stuff now if I can! I want sure if best to get a large mixer or go down different module route but this is wise since I would have other functions, learning all the time lol! My original plan was to get the Shared System but decided to get case and slowly build it myself and maybe change a few things on the way once I gathered more info on Modular and what I want. But I would like to stay close to it but with the new modules like xpan and Mimeophon. Does that make sense


Yeah, I think utilities is what is needed the most. I'm a bit sound source heavy

I'm looking at the happy nerding 3xMIA for a bipolar mixer, and also the TipTop Buchla Dual Voltage processor as possibilities. Any other must have utilities you'd recommend?

I need a mixer and was looking at Instruo Lion,.

I agree you do need a mixer, but what do you want the mixer for??? if you want it for end of chain and/or to have control over levels, then lion is probably not what you should be looking at... & personally for a matrix mixer I wouldn't really look at it - I prefer control over levels and no special loop cables or splitters, which I'd lose - or at the very least be searching a while for... if it really is a matrix mixer you want I'd go for something simpler - like the doepfer one or with vcas like the nonlinearcircuits or 4ms one(s)

-- JimHowell1970
Thanks Jim

No, I’m not really after something like a matrix mixer, yes, I would probably lose leads, I’m gathering a lot lol. I just wasn’t sure what to look for in a mixer and want to get something that would do into the future rather than have to buy again and I realise I need to go simpler now. Just looking for something to combine voices, I know the make noise case has a simple one, will this be enough to start? I have changed case now to show a Happy Nerding 4 channel one, would this be more simple to start with.? Appreciated

Regarding the mixer. As you already have an x-pan, you could stick with the make noise schema for mixing and grab a moddemix to add to the case. I like to use the moddemix and optomix as a sub mixer before inserting it into the aux in on the x-pan. So rather than having 1 large mixing module, you can cascade submixers throughout the case and still have the benefit of the other functionality they add. And as mentioned above, maths is great for this as well.

I obviously don't know what I'm doing lol, it won't let me share the new one so here is just an image of it

needs to be public - not checked as private!

and I agree completely about less voices - see my signature for hints on balance and "more versatility for less cash"

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I need a mixer and was looking at Instruo Lion,.

I agree you do need a mixer, but what do you want the mixer for??? if you want it for end of chain and/or to have control over levels, then lion is probably not what you should be looking at... & personally for a matrix mixer I wouldn't really look at it - I prefer control over levels and no special loop cables or splitters, which I'd lose - or at the very least be searching a while for... if it really is a matrix mixer you want I'd go for something simpler - like the doepfer one or with vcas like the nonlinearcircuits or 4ms one(s)

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I'd probably try to focus on fewer voices. With Plaits, XPO and Cs-L/DPO you've got at least 3 sound sources in there (next to the three semi modulars you mentioned), only one VCF though. A pretty great one, that is. I love my XPO/QPAS combo but QPAS isn't gonna cover all the filtering needs for 3 oscillators. I'd add another stereo/dual VCF and/or a dual LPG like Optomix, LxD or MengQi's DPLPG.
Maths allows for mixing and function generation duties but you might want seperate modules for these tasks and open up Maths for its more sophisticated possibilities.
Mixers: Lion is quite a powerful matrix mixer and aesthetically it's a great match for Make Noise's black and gold line. The way you have to use pin and insert cables isn't for everybody though and might be something to get used to.
X-PAN needs modulation in order to really shine. Btw, I've had some great results modulating XPO, QPAS and X-PAN with Instruo's/DivKid's Ochd. It's only 4 HP wide, too.
Plaits, QPAS and X-PAN each come with a built-in VCA but that may not be enough. Especially if you wanna modulate your modulation which I consider really important in order to make a stereo patch really shine. Or for ping-pong sorta spreading of your left and right channel. Random voltages (noise source -> S&H) makes for some great modulation source as well. Really like to modulate Mimeophon's "zone" and "rate" this way.
I'd probably ditch the complex oscillator in order to make up the needed space for utilities, another VCF and modulation sources. I have an STO sit next to XPO for occassional complex FM patching.

-- CitizenGain

Thank you for that great reply and help. I have done a new update on case, Again the top ones is the ones I have. I've ditched the Complex Oscillator one. I want to be able to use the Rack on it's own sometimes, thats why I thought maybe that would be good but I would really like the modulation sources as you mentioned first. Space is an issue for me and setting everything up together won't be feasable all the time.
I obviously don't know what I'm doing lol, it won't let me share the new one so here is just an image of it

I have put the bottom ones in order I would like to get them. Do you think Rene and Pam's Pro would be a good choice as well.

Would that set up work better now?

I'd probably try to focus on fewer voices. With Plaits, XPO and Cs-L/DPO you've got at least 3 sound sources in there (next to the three semi modulars you mentioned), only one VCF though. A pretty great one, that is. I love my XPO/QPAS combo but QPAS isn't gonna cover all the filtering needs for 3 oscillators. I'd add another stereo/dual VCF and/or a dual LPG like Optomix, LxD or MengQi's DPLPG.
Maths allows for mixing and function generation duties but you might want seperate modules for these tasks and open up Maths for its more sophisticated possibilities.
Mixers: Lion is quite a powerful matrix mixer and aesthetically it's a great match for Make Noise's black and gold line. The way you have to use pin and insert cables isn't for everybody though and might be something to get used to.
X-PAN needs modulation in order to really shine. Btw, I've had some great results modulating XPO, QPAS and X-PAN with Instruo's/DivKid's Ochd. It's only 4 HP wide, too.
Plaits, QPAS and X-PAN each come with a built-in VCA but that may not be enough. Especially if you wanna modulate your modulation which I consider really important in order to make a stereo patch really shine. Or for ping-pong sorta spreading of your left and right channel. Random voltages (noise source -> S&H) makes for some great modulation source as well. Really like to modulate Mimeophon's "zone" and "rate" this way.
I'd probably ditch the complex oscillator in order to make up the needed space for utilities, another VCF and modulation sources. I have an STO sit next to XPO for occassional complex FM patching.

Hello guys and gals,
I’m a bit stuck. Do I really need VCAs?
Do I need effects?
Do I need a mixer?
What would you do to finish off this rack?
Help would be very, very helpful.
-- clivevass

You may wanna ask yourself what's the purpose of your system. Show that rack to 10 different people and ask them what module they'd buy next. You'll get 10 different answers, all of which would take those people one step further towards their dream rack but may be completely irrelevant for your musical approach. Are there any modular synth artists or youtubers you really dig? Anything you'd like your system to do which it can't quite do yet? The answer to all of your questions is "no, you don't need that", if you're able to get all the results from your system you could wish for. Then all that's left to be added are some blank panels to cover up the holes.
As for my personal opinion and what I would add to the rack, I agree with JimHowell. Utilities are king. Switches, mixers, logic, attenuators/attenuverters.. Happy Nerding's 3x MIA covers a lot of these functions at only 6HP and it's really affordable, too. In fact I love all of Happy Nerding's utilities.
I'd definitely add a cascading/mixing quad VCA. Mutable's Veils appears on the used market now and then. Other great and inexpensive options are Intellijel's Quad VCA or ALM's Tangle Quartet. The latter one doesn't exactly have that cascading behaviour but has a mix output. Only linear response, too, other than Veils and Quad VCA.
I'd personally add another VCF, maybe a versatile dual one (Intellijel Morgasmatron, DinSync Sara, AJH Gemini, which is rather huge though), delay/echo/reverb like Mimeophon, some sort of end-of-chain mixer in order to blend wet and dry signals. Oh, and function generators (Shakmat Triple Steeple, Intellijel Quadrax, Joranalogue Contour 1, Cosmotronic Delta V). A designated CV mixer, too. I'd also have Assimil8or swap places with Tetrapad/Tête, just for the aesthetic of having them sit next to Metropolix (and because their inputs and outputs are located at the modules' top anyway which is great for bottom row modules).

Hi guys.

I've scrubbed my lst case asI decided to get the Make Noise 7u one.

ModularGrid Rack

Looking or advice, I'll be getting the case in a coupe of weeks, it's on order from USA.

The top row is the modules I've bought and the ones below are the ones I favour so far to get next, no particular order, just getting them if deals come up. I've done well I think with ones I have bought.

I'm unsure about Make Noise DPO or Instruo Csl, I like the sound of both but would like a different voice in there. I have 0-coast and Strega and also Moog Matriarch.

I need a mixer and was looking at Instruo Lion,.

I'm looking at just having fun with delay, stereo and harmonies etc

Many thanks

I’m very curious if users can share successful experiences with delaying cv signals with « audio delay modules ».

I suspect that looking for one module to do comb filtering and long and accurate delays will be challenging ?

Synthesis technology E102 is a very fun module.
Joranalogue step 8 implements accurate track and hold (and is a super fun module too)
For comb and such, Joranalogue Delay 1 is impressive.

For my part, just a 24HP suggestion chosen for playability and adaptability.

Though at that price you could buy a TR-8S, plus premium cables, and even (being 18 years of age or over - and to consume in moderation) a nice selection of beers from our friend Wishbone Brewery ;)

Personally, I did opt for a mix because I think it’s a good solution: external drum machines (including the ADX-1, TR-707, and a DrumBrute Impact that sounds great and is perfectly suited to live performance), with some ‘percussion’ modules of course.

ModularGrid Rack

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

I think class 10 sd cards are not supported. I've tried with two separate ones. The same files work on class 4...
Anyone noticed the same issue? Or I am doing something wrong?