Hi Everyone,

I'm interested in some 2HP gear and had a question about the functionality of their TM module. I'm interested in using the TM alongside a quantizer and sending the signal into the 2HP Pluck (on top of a drone and drenched in reverb and delay). The appeal, of course, is that I could get a certain degree of randomness, but I could control it using the parameters on the TM and the quantizer.

My question, though, is can you lower the tempo of the TM (does it send a gate signal, basically?), or is the output fixed in that sense? Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Thanks for the advice. I was looking for powered cases today and had some sticker shock, so I think you're right about keeping the Neutron in it's stock case.

Erica Synths has a drum mixer with compression that caught my eye.
I might not want to mix entirely in the DAW after all.

Expert Sleepers has me scratching my head. It looks like they are using ADAT lightpipe as a way to multiplex several signals onto one cable, but I haven't figured that out yet. They have some non-Linux software, Silent Way, but I think it isn't necessary for most use cases?

What I would do is download VCV rack. The basic set-up is free. I believe that it comes with a knock-off of Clouds. Try your hand at producing ambient sounds in VCV rack FIRST. Once you're able to make something you like, you can emulate your set-up in a real Eurorack case. I'd get the skills first so that you know what you're looking for before spending a small fortune on what you think that you need.

As Lugia stated, you don't necessarily need to use what's currently popular for the genre. It really depends on where you want to go and what appeals to your own tastes.

Get the micro-versions of the Mutable stuff and buy a Eurorack module capable of mixing your signals. Unless you like the kick sounds in the Plaits, you may want to go in a different direction. The Intellijel Morgasmatron dual filter is great for making some tasty electronic kicks. But you'll want an envelope generator and a VCA to go with it. As an alternative, the Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas Alter makes for a good stand alone kick module with no other external gear. You can also use it as an VCO when not needing it for a kick.

Oh, and the Expert Sleepers Disting just got a few compressor algorithms, great for compressing drum drum mixes... but again, you're going to want some way to sum them and feed them into the compressor.

You may find it better to keep the Neutron in its own case and use your expensive rack HP for more modules.

I checked the website, there's no documentation that I can find.

You may want to contact the manufacturer. There are mixers that are intentionally made with low headroom so that distortion can be used as an effect. I don't think this one does. I'd ask the manufacturer how many volts it can take at unity gain before distortion. In most mixers, you can intentionally overdrive the sound by starting with an already loud signal and making it louder.

I don't think you'd have an issue unless your drums are already slamming the inputs.

I'm not trying to pretend I know what is necessary to make ambient music, or anything at all for that matter. I did say 'practically necessities', I guess what I meant is that these are the popular tools used today. Though I see that this isn't how it was interpeted.

I made the assumption here that the poster(like many others, including myself) came to modular after being inspired by current popular ambient modular artists - R Beny, Lightbath, Emily Sprague, etc. In which case these module's would be good places to look. I realize I shouldn't have made that assumption though

That being said I see no problem with following trends that speak to you. Personally my only goal is to make sounds that I enjoy listening to, and I doubt that I'm alone there.

I'm not doubting your credentials here, but I don't think anyone has the authority to tell anyone else to 'quit immediately' when it comes to creating sounds, apart from maybe my upstairs landlord.

Hmmm...perhaps I should quit making ambient, then. My Digisound 80 has none of those...so none of my 15+ albums of ambient work are valid anymore.

(NB: the equipment doesn't make the music. The artist does. Believing that certain pieces of equipment are "necessities" is an utter fallacy, and a great way to kill ones' creativity by becoming reliant on specific musical "crutches". If you can make incredible ambient music with a couple of steel drums, a touch of reverb and multitracking with no other electronics at all (see Stephan Micus' work for this example), then do so. But if you have to labor under the misapprehension that you MUST have X piece of gear to do Y sort of music, then quit immediately, as you're not really making something that truly speaks of who you are musically.)

I wanted to ask something about this interesting 6-channel mixer in 5hp and good price.
Could it be fine for drum modules without distorting the sound? or the sound is mixed with each other?

Thread: Techno #1

BPM master 70
Escala morada
Rainmaker preset "2 . Ping-Pong"

Rings, Clouds, Morphagene! These 3 are practically necessities in the 'Ambient Modular' genre, if that's a genre.

Thread: small racks.

I think small cases are good for specific jobs... I have all my drums in a Dopfer mini case .
Convenient if I just want to take the synth case and say use a sampler instead of the modular drums.

OH MY GAWD. Arturia DRUMBRUTE came listening to MIDI channel 10 for note messages.

I read in one part of the documentation that it only listens to start/stop messages, but in other parts it says it sends note MIDI info if you set it up in the (Windows and Mac only) MIDI control center software. That implies it listens to note messages. More burrowing in sparse documentation on MIDI suggested that's true. Playing a pattern that sweeps all the notes in Renoise while changing the channel found joy on the tenth try. Your mileage may vary.

This message posted for posterity.

I'd still like to hear comments about the original question, even though no way am I getting rid of this DRUMBRUTE now that it's exactly what I want. :)

ModularGrid Rack

Hi! I have a nice Arturia DRUMBRUTE that I love for the sounds, but I thought it would be playable from Renoise (my Linux DAW) via MIDI Note and velocity messages. It's not---It just responds to the clock sync and transport messages.

I have a new Behringer Neutron semi-modular that I could use to transition into eurorack gear. I could sell the DRUMBRUTE and base off an endorphin.es BLCK_NOIR to replace it in the eurorack system.

I have "My Useful 2x104 Rack" shown above. It's got two goals:

  • Keyboard voices via Neutron, MI tides, clouds, and plaits.
  • Drums via plaits (the kick), Erica Synths clap, and BLCK_NOIR.

I plan to mix inside Renoise (the DAW) after upgrading my soundcard.

That means I'm missing a MIDI-to-CV module that can send note and velocity information via CV, right? The modules I see are either experts-only DIY or really expensive modules for just a few voices. To control the drums I have in mind, even before extras like clav and tambourine, I need 9 voices. I could sample some drum sounds and sequence them in Renoise to reduce drum voices in the eurorack system, at the cost of dynamism and flexibility.

It's entirely possible that I'm totally missing something! Advice or comments would be most helpful.

Yeah, and it's never exactly worked out well. It's worth remembering that Bob Moog did make a drum controller for a hot minute, but that item didn't stay in the catalog very long. The nuance of all of the various drum strike techniques, incremental dynamics, etc just don't come across well in the analog domain. You really do need MIDI to break down those increments so that they come across in the electronics. Also, let's say you want to do a rim shot. Now, if you have a percussion controller that can recognize that as a different sort of stroke than a simple head-strike, then you can keep that very basic stroke in your repertoire. But without that additional sensor, doing any sort of rimshot, or for that matter anything other than a basic 'thud-on-head' hit, becomes totally pointless. And a basic contact mic setup will reduce things down to that level of basics.

A more sensible...albeit more elaborate...option might be to investigate some dedicated percussion controllers, instead of trying to make actual drums behave like not-drums. You're more apt to get into a tasty e-percussion area with something like an Octapad than something that requires loads of constant adjustment. Much lower maintenance, to be sure. Then to get from it to Eurorack is just a simple matter of MIDI conversion of whatever flavor suits your playing style best.

looking for ideas/help choosing modules for creating ambient drone music. so far I have the moog mother 32, which i plan on keeping it outside of the rack, disting mk4 and tide. I plan on adding maths, and shades mixer/attenuverter. any help would be appreciated

Made a ditty. Short and sweet, silly even.

I would first look into comparator modules and research them. Ultimately, you're looking to create triggers. Once the volume of your contact mics reach a certain threshold, you want to go from a state of "off" to "on." Volume might be trickier. An envelope follower driving a VCA sounds like a good place to start. You may also want to consider a low-pass gate with the contact mic opening and closing it.

Though, it'd probably be cheaper to use MIDI drum triggers and then convert the MIDI data to gates and the velocity to a CV output. Reinventing this wheel in pure Eurorack is an expensive way to go.


I want to combine my acoustic drum with eurorack.

The plan:

My drum will be the triggers.
The task of the eurorack will be to shape another sound on the acoustic drum sound.

The sound which the eurorack have to shape can be different things:

Samples ----> for this I thought I would buy the Make Noise Morphagene

External soundsources (taperecorder, other bandmembers with synths or guitars,mics)----> for this I need something like an preamp, to bring these in?

I will also need an input for the triggers. I probably will use contact mics (not drum triggers).
(Drum triggers are easier to mount, but contact can as a secound use also deliver a sound, so I tend to contact mics)

The soundsources which come into the rack (or are already in there) should be processable.
I definitly want a delay and an distortion/overdrive maybe also an reverb.

This soundsources should be silent.
Just when the contact mic gives a signal, the amplitute should rise.

Which module do you suggest for this task?
Envelope Follower?

I want to have bouth possibilities...to be able to let the amplitute from the input-signal (drum set) really shape the amplitute of the eurorack. Then I think an envelope follower would be best, right?
But I want also the possibility to have a really short sound over the drum.
For example: that the cymbal rings longer, but just at the start there is a short moment when the eurorack opens up.
This would be possible with an VCA, right?

(I want to be able to use two different triggers for 2 diffenent sources at once, so I need things twice)

So the questions again:

Which modules I need to bring concactmics in (use as triggers but also as normal mics)?
Which modules to shape the amplitute (of soundsources)? VCA? EF? Difference?
Which modules to bring in external sources?
Which output modules to send the final audio to an keyboard-amp or PA?

(Also I want some LFO to let the rack change itself ;-))

Thank you so much for helping,
It will be my first step into ,,


Bought a VCA-4MX from @Groove_Addict. Friday. 700 Euros. Haven't heard back.
Hope it just a Holiday thing in Portugal.
I have hope he will come through. He listed a couple more items since the sale, but I haven't heard back.
if anyone has any info ...

Edit: Heard Back! Shipped! Life sometimes! Thanks for helping, @mister_wavey

Thanks to @Bots - does what he says

Thanks to @lucoli - glad i made contact. Solid. And, Wow.

Thanks to @mackplakt... quick n easy.

Thanks to @Vladiz.. trying to ship [Shipped] in a battlezone.

It's a work of pure madness! Basically, it deals with voltage as functions to define a point in Cartesian space...x, y, and z. But instead of a singular point being defined, it moves around as something of a 'blob' of CV so that it fades in and out of the various geometric points it has defined. And on top of that, it alters/processes the incoming CVs to make up the 'blob', so the identity state of that hunk of CV has the ability to be in constant flux, if desired. About the only other thing that purely deals with CV as mathematical operators like that that comes to mind offhand is Ladik's Joystick Math...but it deals solely with x and y functions, whereas the Vector Space not only treats the incoming voltages through that extra z dimension, but also with crossmodding. Very powerful...for generative work, I'd rank it as a prime choice for keeping modulation sources/paths in continuous flux.

Thread: First Random


Thread: First Random


  • Pitches from M32 glide smoothly with changes in LFO Rate
  • Create more contrary/oblique movements by pressing root and 5th scale buttons (C and G) on the M32 keyboard and moving around the 8 available octaves


Thread: First Random

Disting Settings

B1: Sample & Hold
- Z Knob @ approx. 10:30
- S Knob Parameters all default



I want to combine my acoustic drum with eurorack.

The plan:

My drum will be the triggers.
The task of the eurorack will be to shape another sound on the acoustic drum sound.

The sound which the eurorack have to shape can be different things:

  • Samples ----> for this I thought I would buy the Make Noise Morphagene

  • External soundsources (taperecorder, other bandmembers with synths or guitars,mics)----> for this I need something like an preamp, to bring these in?

I will also need an input for the triggers. I probably will use contact mics (not drum triggers).
(Drum triggers are easier to mount, but contact can as a secound use also deliver a sound, so I tend to contact mics)

The soundsources which come into the rack (or are already in there) should be processable.
I definitly want a delay and an distortion/overdrive maybe also an reverb.

This soundsources should be silent.
Just when the contact mic gives a signal, the amplitute should rise.

Which module do you suggest for this task?
Envelope Follower?

I want to have bouth possibilities...to be able to let the amplitute from the input-signal (drum set) really shape the amplitute of the eurorack. Then I think an envelope follower would be best, right?
But I want also the possibility to have a really short sound over the drum.
For example: that the cymbal rings longer, but just at the start there is a short moment when the eurorack opens up.
This would be possible with an VCA, right?

(I want to be able to use two different triggers for 2 diffenent sources at once, so I need things twice)

So the questions again:

Which modules I need to bring concactmics in (use as triggers but also as normal mics)?
Which modules to shape the amplitute (of soundsources)? VCA? EF? Difference?
Which modules to bring in external sources?
Which output modules to send the final audio to an keyboard-amp or PA?

(Also I want some LFO to let the rack change itself ;-))

Thank you so much for helping,
It will be my first step into ,,


Speaking of modulation cube, Worng Electronics Vector Space. Any experience with it Lugia? How would you compare it?

Well, a Piston Honda's definitely a whole 'nother sort of wavetable oscillator, to be sure. That 'modulation cube'-sort of paradigm allows a lot of very strange behavior to happen; kinda reminds me of the Z-plane filters E-Mu used on their later Proteus iterations, but wackier. But the MCO definitely whomps it on price. Might make for a nice AF modulator for a Piston Honda, though...just let ALL the wavetable sources morph until your brain melts! ;)

Hi guys, It's me again

Thanks guys. I think i will give a try to pams workout. The MU clones and O_C from Michigan synth works look lovely, but they don´t seem to be for sale in the common EU retailers i know.. I´ll keep and eye on those... i also thought of chronoblob , but as i have a few external delays, i will stay with clouds for now as my only in-box fx unit

I'm looking at this in particular, there are two dangling / loose cables:


Thanks Luigia! That MCO sounds real nice.. Though considering I already have a Piston Honda it must just be my GAS flaring up.

Good to know! That would definitely make it a cheap alternative to buying the full module for those who have the Toolbox. Granted, I see them both being useful, but that ability to flip firmware is nice in of itself, also.

hi modular freaks,

To all the Rainmaker owners: Is your module also quite noisy when turned to wet, even without something plugged into the inputs?

Greets to every1!

Thread: Pew

Major key in Rene. Don't feel like putting in knobs right now or explaining the variations, tempi etc. I have connected with it. Have a video and some pictures, might upload at least the former and link it to make it clearer what's going on.

Liam "The Lemony Bard" Zaffora-Reeder

The Disting is a multi-function module. It can do LFOs, but I wouldn't depend on it as a primary source for LFOs.

There are many dedicated LFOs out there. Which one to select is entirely up to your own tastes. A simple LFO is direct and easy to use. You can go more complex like Xaoc's Batumi with a Poti expander for example. More complex LFOs allow you to restart the LFO's cycle and/or sync them to a clock source. You may also find others with additional or different features.

Your Maths has input channels that will allow you to attenuate or even invert the LFO (attenuverter)... channels 2 and 3 can do that for you without running through the slew aspects of channels 1 and 4. But you may want to have at least one dedicated attenuverter if you want to use the Maths for a different set of functions.

I have the Xaoc Batumi and like it... but you may want to explore other options as its a bit on the expensive side.


Thanks a lot for your answer !

Yes I forgot to put a LFO ! Actually I had to do again the rack because I clicked on "optimize rack space" and it removed a lot of modules ...
Thanks for the name of your LFO, I thought about putting an Octasource from Erica Synths, what do you think about this one ? Or should I get a simple LFO like a Quad LFO from Doepfer ?

Thanks a lot for your advice ! I can't wait ... !

You may want to consider the micro our "u" versions of all of the Mutable Instruments stuff in order to save space. Michigan Synths Works stuff is available through retailers if you're not comfortable going to a freelance builder.

I'm not sure if the Ornaments & Crimes will give you a 1:1 replacement of the Pamela's New Workout. You may want to look into the Temps Utile module instead. Do the research between all three modules. Both O_C and TU are available as micro modules as well. 8HP each I believe.

Seems to be lacking LFOs and modulation sources. Get one or two LFOs and throw in an Expert Sleepers Disting for experimentation. You have basic sequencing covered in your MIDI to CV converter if you have a DAW or hardware MIDI sequencer. Granted there are other uses for Eurorack sequencers other than triggering notes.

It's not a bad set-up as is. You seem to have plenty of room for expansion. I'd try using it with the Moog 55 for a couple of months and then analyze your own set-up for what seems to be lacking or what other areas you'd like to explore.

Have a plan for expansion, but don't be afraid to alter it as you learn more and realize your own style and themes.

The 1010 Music Laserbox is the same format at the 1010 Music Toolbox. If you buy a Toolbox sequencer, you can just flash the firmware to make it a Laserbox and back again to a Toolbox. So if you're in the market for a sequencer and some added functionality when not using it as a sequencer, the modulation source might be worth it.


Finally ! I’m making my first eurorack.

My current setup is : roland TR 8, system 1, tb 3, mx1, and a yamaha CS 5 :D
And as my dad is fond of synthesizers (but dont have the time to use it), he recently bought a moog 55 (from 2015). it will be delivered within a month.

The case I like is the Arturia 6U.
So here is the setup i imagined :

Eurorack setup

Im not sure about including a sequencer. I think getting a Beatstep pro is a better idea so I can use it for other synth, and still have free space in the rack ?

Would this setup fit in my current collection ?

I never used a moog 55 yet, and I dont know if it makes sense to have this small eurorack setup, or if it will be a duplicate.
Maybe I should orient the eurorack setup towards more pads/space / noise sounds , with Mutable instruments modules ?

Thanks for your help !

It works!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Test comment

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks!

If you're thinking of getting rid of Frames due to it's large size you could replace it with the 8hp version (https://www.modulargrid.net/e/michigan-synth-works-planks-2), the sliders keep it very tweakable and you could open up 10hp for something else - maybe a delay such as the Chronoblob?

Many thanks amstrad!

Technically yes.. But you´d need some big decent big drill to pass your flying power bus through that hole. Also you´ll still need some stand to stack the cases if you want to put those one over the other... And, if you eventually wanna sell your 60hp´s, a drilled item should rest value... Would definitely think in a built in case here... similar cost, less effort. http://store.synthrotek.com/Eurorack_Enclosures

Used to have a monopoly.
For this i would mostly get a decent 4 note polyphonic Midi/CV. Vermona qMI 2 is great and super accurate (tested the built-in my perfourmer MKII) but a second hand Yarns or similar could do the 4 note chord job (yarns also have arpeggiator and portamento like monopoly, not mandatory since you can work it in the daw, but a plus).
I´d also get a few Hosa GMM-105 (or other stacking/mixing devices) to send the different trigg/VCO/ETC outputs to single inputs (VCA/ADSR/VCF,etc). Then similar routing with modulations sources and you´ll be pretty close in terms of functionality.
I was never in love with the monopoly filter.. i think that ajh will be more moogy and punchy, still get the doepfer or similar if you´re in for the closest sound possible.
As a plus, you can take a look to doepfer new polyphonic line and other QUAD modules if you want to save space, got more control on each voice, etc. The A-111-4 + quad VCA+quad adsr,etc, would save plenty of space there to fill with other modules (clock dividers/multipliers, modulator, etc), maybe you end up with something not so monopolish but with more interesting options...

Hi guys. By now i got all modules mounted except Pamela, disting and LxD. I´m not clear about the P.Workout... might get an 8hp ornament and crime instead... (advice on this?). Also frames and tides might leave the rack, as i got those in a cheap second hand ad (advice for replacement?) not really in my initial plan. Tides is so far my modulation source, and Frames my mixer, maybe parasites firmware could give them a new life, didn´t try yet, but i´m open to other things...
i´m happy with the others, but any suggestions would be more than welcome.
P.d. I know the pattern generator is wasting too much space there considering there´s many midi Sequencing options, but sometimes i just need some instant gratification in the melody line and i find it a good companion for now..

ModularGrid Rack

Well, it's about that time again, so here's KICK ASS!!! for November 2018, in which (as usual) I point out some of the more interesting-looking and sounding Eurorack modules for the MG audience.

Things seem to be picking up...I've run across a nice number of bits 'n' pieces to look over, so without further ado:

1) LeafAudio Noisefoc. This thing is way-raucous! It uses TTL-type logic circuits to generate sound, and the result sits right in the cusp between 'noise generator' and 'VCO', I think. The audio clip at LeafAudio's website (link in the module entry) really shows off the sort of aural pandemonium this module's capable of. It's worth noting that the EDP Wasp used similar TTL logic to generate sounds, but where EDP kept things under control (more or less), Leaf allows all of the utterly crazed possibilities to shine through here. And don't just look at it as 'noise'...used carefully, the Noisefoc's capable of adding some complex timbral content alongside basic ol' VCOs, so most anyone could find a use for this. This module's a kit...but you might want to brush up on your soldering skills and give this a shot. 8 hp, around $28, probably via Exploding Shed although the listing for it isn't up on there yet.

2) Takaab Nearness. Takaab's been putting out some interesting but simple twists for a good price for some months now, and this is no exception. This is a fixed level mixer with seven inputs and a stereo pair of outputs...but the twist is that by using the patchpoints closer to each stereo out, the signal to that particular output gets louder. Simple, yep...but imagine this in tandem with a couple of panners. Well, that would give you lots of stereo spatial modulation just by feeding a basic LFO into the panners without a whole bunch of fuss or expense. You can even configure it via a jumper for line-level output, which is awfully convenient and saves on a separate output module. 3 hp, and about $50.

3) ALM Busy Circuits Quaid Megaslope and MCO. Two nifty toys from ALM...the Quaid Megaslope can work as a multisegment EG (sort of in the style of the Casio CZ envelopes), a very adjustable complex LFO, or even as a sequencer with sequenced slope functions. This thing has 'useful' written all over it; I'm sure there's things that can be done with one that go way beyond what I'm capable of explaining. 19 hp, $308, more or less. Then the MCO...oh, boy, is this thing crazy! It's a wavetable VCO in a very convenient 6 hp, but it also has some complex CV functions hidden inside. The PWM and 'Type' controls govern a bunch of interesting pulsewidth weirdnesses, and the 'Wave' control lets you morph through the stored wavetables smoothly. ALM says that this VCO will sound very much like 1990s digital, and having heard it on their website (link in the listing), I'd have to say that's spot on. What I heard sort of reminded me of a cross between the Kawai K3 and K4 oscillators...very 'cold' coloration that hovers in a zone between analog and lower-fi PCM. $174 at the present $ exchange rate.

4) Pharmasonic Digisound modules. I own (for about 20 years now) and love a 22-module Digisound system. These were kit devices dating from the 1980s, and even while using Curtis chips for the most part for their main operation, they were flexible enough so that you could easily patch your way into totally weird areas...industrial grind, ethereal drones, and loads of other things in between. And one of the real secrets to what made the Digisound line cool is their take on a wavetable VCO, the sought-after VCDO. Well, seek no more! Pharmasound's brought the Digisound VCDO back, along with ten more of its siblings, staying true to the original architecture and using the new versions of the Curtis chips. But the VCDO is the real prize here...32 waveforms that can be stepped through in both the tables and table banks, making it a great candidate for sequencer-heavy systems to juice up timbral variation in time with the sequenced pitches. I do hope there's more in the pipeline from Pharmasonic on this front; it would be very cool to compliment my old-skool Digisound with some identical new Eurorack friends. All modules (thus far) are 12 hp, and the VCDO in particular comes in at a very affordable $209.

5) Ladik P-180 Octal switchable 'OR'. Ladik's still popping out some intriguing and inexpensive Eurorack toys. This month, they kicked out their first 'real' VCF, but I picked this thing because, if you're running a system that uses lots of trigger/gates (say, with a few sequencers) and clocking, this thing is a godsend! You have eight logical ORs on this, and you can use each OR's switching to select either the A or B, or a combination of the two via the logical OR. That last part, in particular, makes this appealing for live sequencer work to play havoc with your timing signals with ease. 12 hp, and the kicker is the price: $64, more or less! Most any other device that gives you timing control on this order is going to cost waaaaaymore!

6) 1010 Music Laserbox. OK, on the surface, it's just a laser controller for driving an ILDA laser projector. And that's extremely cool in of itself, especially since you can have a real-time view of the RGB traces on the module via its touchscreen. But hold up...this outputs + and -5V, meaning you could just as well use it, well, anywhere! Now, consider the fun of applying these Lissajous patterns that you can view and control on the module to audio modules. That could give you some really tasty complex modulation which you can use most anywhere. I can figure the generative music crowd would find a million uses for something of this sort. ADDAC had, until recently, a Lissajous generator/LFO in their lineup, but this new take on that idea from 1010 seems to be a lot easier to understand and use in real-time. 26 hp, $599.

7) Percussa mSSP. Also in at 26 hp, this shrunk-down variation of Percussa's powerful SSP might be smaller, but it's hardly less powerful. Loads of different synthesis methods are hiding behind its panel, way too many to go into here. But the real difference here is the price: $549, as opposed to the $2k for the full-on SSP. This thing makes me drool, really...not only does it have the similarities in raw synthesis power like its bigger sibling, but the 'footprint' fits much better into the Eurorack-verse and that price tag is...well, wow! Yeah, I can hear a few people saying that it doesn't have this or that, the screen's smaller, etc. But it loads any patch made on the original, and doesn't eat 60 hp while doing that and more. It's currently in Kickstarter for $549 for the retail version, and has only a few weeks to go while still needing about another $100k, so bust out that magic plastic quick! Hopefully just as the SSP made its Kickstarter goal, we'll see this get over the line as well.

8) Klangbau Köln Frequency Shifter. Add your own quadrature oscillator, and you're shiftin' like a boss. This is basically the 'guts' of a Bode frequency shifter, minus an internal oscillator source for the shifting. But it's got a few tweaks, such as a control (the 'RMO' knob) that lets you morph between ring modulation and proper single-sideband suppression, or a bit of extra I/O for doing delayed shifts. And with the shift frequency set up the way it is, there's lots of abuse potential for feeding those with things that aren't quadrature sine waves. This module has a good little bit of crazy hiding behind its panel, more or less...but the real craziness is the price: $246 plus/minus. Priced a proper frequency shifter lately? If you haven't, bring some tissues for the ensuing nosebleed! KK's taken care of that, though, with the real deal for way less than the usual cost. 10 hp.

9) Steffcorp VCF-12. Take an ARP 4012 VCF. Now, add a lot of freaky stuff...dual KBD CV ins, an extra 2-pole output, a variable-slope (CVable!) out, dual (one invertable) FM CV ins, and you've now got some weird mutant VCF on your hands! It might've originally come from an ARP 2600, but it's gotten mutated into some sort of strange, very CVable creature. Steffcorp even hand-selects the critical parts necessary to give the proper 2600 filter sound, but that's not going to be all you can do with this thing. Potent! 14 hp, $306.

10) North Coast Synthesis MSK 009 Coiler VCF. Speaking of weird, here's a really different take on filtering altogether. The Coiler gets its name from what it uses: inductors. This is an inductor-based multimode VCF, which means it'll have lots of odd nonlinearities, curious behavior, and the like. But as if that wasn't enough, North Coast added a second audio input that feeds your signal through a full-wave rectifier, giving you some extra waveshaping and distortion possibilities that are, well, weird. But very welcome, too. You can get it in two flavors: the assembled version, which is about $204, and a through-hole kit for $136-ish. Oh...and it can also do a few envelope-following tricks, too! Like I said...weird! 8 hp.

11) 2hp Play. Take a sample playback module and leave it in the dryer too long. This is what you get: the absolutely-smallest Eurorack sample player out there. I'm often amazed at the functionality-cramming that 2 hp gets away with, but this is a shocker. Capable of loading 32 mono samples at a time with sample switching via its CVable file control knob, you also get CV control of pitch (1V/8va tracking, of course), several playback modes, software updating and tweaking via micro SD, and it comes with a preloaded micro SD to get you started, all for a measly $149. Talk about a functional gap-filler!

And that, as they say, is that! Nice to see such an interesting bunch of newcomers. Some of these would make for awesome stocking stuffers, too...provided the stocking in question has the proper current supply! Until next month...and for that matter, next year!

I wonder if I would like to change this configuration into a Korg Monopoly type of sound...what Oscillator modules i would choose? Filters I think i"ll use Doepfer A-105...but I wonder about oscillators. Here is the Minimod layout:

Could I, in theory, use three moog 60hp cases and cut holes between them to distribute power with the microZeus?