I bought a module from @Stolzer and it was a pleasure. Nice contact and it quickly arrived in great condition as promised.

Looks like a killer setup to me. Would you find any value in the Quadrax gate expander for this rack? I use it all the time.
I'm thinking the Performance Mixer is going to be my next purchase. Seems like it would be pretty valuable for the way I work. I've also been eyeing the Ataraxic Iteritas, but I can't tell how flexible it is. Do you have much experience with it already?
-- farkas

The Ataraxic is fairly flexible but i keep going back to the Loquelic tbh.. The AI i found to be the most "tame" but the paramateres often required other parameters to be up as well, so i spent more time wondering why one pot would be doing nothing haha. I put it there since i already own it and it is a fun voice.
The Gate expander might be cool, i'm trying to think how i would use the end of the rise though... haha. I should probably watch a few vids on it. Thanks Farkas!

Looking pretty spot on to me, don't know all the modules in there, but it seems like a nice balance!

I would add another small mixer and some wave folding or some other tonal modification options!

I suggest something like Bastl / Casper Waver and / or Feedback Observatory :)
-- Kel_

Yea im starting to realize that a simple wavefolder can make any oscillator waaayyy more complex haha. I think i have a small CP3 Mixer around here where. that might come in handy! Thanks Kel

And another

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Hi Farkas,

Thank you very much and you are welcome.

Have a good weekend, enjoy modular as much as you can :-) And kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Harko93,

Well, looking at your rack, I don't see too many VCOs, EGs and filters, since you are going to ditch the Ripples ;-) Depending on your own needs, you might want to look into those components. LFOs perhaps as well?

My main advice would be not too hurry with it, take your sweet time for it and rather extend it module by module then getting everything in one go.

Good luck with the planning of the rest of your rack, enjoy modular and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

This is going to be my hybrid e-drum rack
Along with a 1010 black box and 3 polyend perc’s

Just can’t keep going with the the big name drum brains. Still have them though but will probably sell
I have been a e-drummer for almost 35 years
And going back to my roots
But with a hell of a lot more power
If you have not looked and the auto multi velocity and round robin Sampling on the micro
It is a game changer

Limited on the rack brand because of power requirements but doable

Hi tegralogic. What kind of music/sound are you aiming for?

I agree with Kel. I find the E352 amazing in every way, but very clean and digital sounding. I added an Endorphin.es Furthrrr Generator as a sort of warmer analogue counterpoint. Something like that, or a Make Noise DPO, or even an Endorphin.es Godspeed might be worth looking into.

I've been using the Zlob Modular Diode Chaos a lot lately for this type of stuff, and it's making me really want to pick up a NLC Triple Sloths for more slow modulation. Zadar and Batumi also seem like they might be good candidates for you.

Looking pretty spot on to me, don't know all the modules in there, but it seems like a nice balance!

I would add another small mixer and some wave folding or some other tonal modification options!

I suggest something like Bastl / Casper Waver and / or Feedback Observatory :)

I do not know this module well, but I would imagine that there is an awful lot to explore and I recommend that you do this for at least a month or two first, definitely load your own waveforms, see what you want that it can't do and then start to look for your second VCO that fills the gap.

If you can't wait, then I would recommend something analogue and juicy, any of them will be great, and there are some fantastic second hand bargains in the Marketplace at the moment!

Looks like a killer setup to me. Would you find any value in the Quadrax gate expander for this rack? I use it all the time.
I'm thinking the Performance Mixer is going to be my next purchase. Seems like it would be pretty valuable for the way I work. I've also been eyeing the Ataraxic Iteritas, but I can't tell how flexible it is. Do you have much experience with it already?

Thanks for checking it out. I really appreciate your willingness and dedication to listening to all of us who post music here. It was fun to make something really quick to pay homage to the impact Kraftwerk has had on many of us. Take care of yourself, and have a great weekend.

Im Currently building a Eurorack system for my Dark Ambient Project.

i have a E352 on the way,I got this recommended from different people,and from what i have seen and heard on youtube,this will suit the style very well.

Was wondering if i might should get another VCO.

Are there any modules that would compliment the E352?preferrably around the same price mark?


Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

Just bought Mutable Instruments Peaks from @AThousandDetails , great seller, friendly and the module is in excellent condition.
Highly recommended!

Hi Farkas,

Sorry to hear about the lost of Florian Schneider :-( Kraftwerk is indeed an inspiration for me too.

It's very nice of you to honour him by creating a very nice track by the way, amazing how fast you come up with this, so good!

Thank you for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

You might check the Divkid Instruo Øchd. 8 LFO's in 4HP. From very very slow to any fast you'd like.

I did not know this thread existed, so I am playing catchup!

Same here, I'm fairly new to Modulargrid and so far I've had very good experiences with @wtkdwc, @NSOTB, @ShinySawtooth, @dork173 and @hadj.

Thank you all for making the beginning of my experience with Eurorack so enjoyable.


Not shure about plaits thou. Was thinking of it for diverse timbre machine to feed the morphagene or to mix with the CO. but maybe you guys have suggestions for better use of the plaits hp

building my second modular after leaving for some time. I´ve build a little case and try to build a simple setup for experimentation. Beats covered by Analog Rytm. Poly Stuff by a Prophet.
The Case is not fully loaded yet. Already build in are Renemk2, Maths, Zadar, Verbos CO, Belgrad and the Morphagene and till now I use it in conjunction with an 0 Coast, mostly as an output VCA with the 0 coast Envelope and the Clock out to Rene.

Most Modules have Attenuverters for modulation so I picked the 3x VCA for mixing and output. Batumi for Clocking and yeah LFOs...

But maybe I´m a little bit blinded by now, am I missing something. Anything you would add or strip away? It´s a tight space and for now I want to stay in that case.

alt text

Great transaction and communication with @Kanou. Highly recommended.

Thread: GERMZ

Hi Garfield,
Glad your enjoying our GERMZ>
We do not use Deluge on any of our tracks, Just modular.
Hit us up on Bandcamp for more cosmic electronica.
circuit bent for life

alt text

I'm trying to finish this rack, its main purpose is to mangle field recordings and effecting/mangle my other synths sound (0-Coast and Folktek Mescaline).
I currently own all the modules, out of the rack I have the following modules available: X1L3 Wreckage, 4ms RCD and 2 TTA One samplers.
I enjoy resampling with the PG simple sounds, like birds chirping, then mangling them in something different.

I'm having the feeling it is still missing something though, some extra modulation (like a straightforward LFO with different shapes and a dedicated analogue noise source for the SM), and more tools to process sound (a filter bank maybe?)

I'm planning to sell soon the MI Ripples, as after a year owning it, I'm still not liking it for my "needings".

What are your thoughts? How would you improve it?
Any kind of feedback would be greatly appreciated!

I've knocked another 50 gbp off the price as this needs to go...

Someone must want a dual envelope/lfo/oscillator and dual filters and a great array of effects?

For almost no money :D

Hi all,

What would balance out this system in your opinion? What is the perfect way to interface it with the rest of the gear while replacing some of the functionality in the hole that is left from where the neutron was going to go (i'm considering leaving it out of the case).
I have some of the modules here already and more are on their way. Just brainstorming where to take it from here. I would like some more sequencing ability either through midi from my elektron boxes or a sequencer in eurorack format. Also would like it to function as a standalone unit without the neutron if needed, so I am looking at dual vcos that would be good to replace the neutron's and probably some more modulation. Also... any other glaring things I am missing? Other things I think i might need more of are cv offset / attenuverters / vcas / clock modulators. Thanks for any advice, very appreciated.

ModularGrid Rack

Just slowly putting this thing together.. trying to decide if the Performance mixer is overkill or not, i'm super interested in the Metron for sure especially with the Votlera... BUT that's a looooottt of space

+1 here too, great idea !

--- Voltage control all the things ---

[May 6, 2020] MDLR 9U x 126HP Square Series. Generally from left to right: inputs, oscillators, modulators, filters, audio processors, output.

[May 6, 2020] I used an Erica Synths 6u x 104HP case for interactive controls. The Tete is on order, and I keep fiddling with the layout, but there's a good deal of expression potential with this case. I use some flat 6ft ethernet cables with the multicore to patch over to the main synth rack, and tend to use external unbuffered mults for triggers and gates. They're cheaper and they don't take up rack space. I could probably use more cross-patching capability between racks, but it is what it is.

[May 6, 2020] Just assembled a Make Noise 3U skiff with clock, seq, touch, drums, and a multitool. I chose the Pam's over the Octocontroller for this rack since it has Euclidean capabilities. I wanted to put the Jornalogue Compare2 to up the controlled variation, but was just a little short on HP. I do not enjoy the 2.5mm sliding nuts in the skiff. At one point, I also wondered if I should have just dusted off the Digitakt and skipped the whole skiff. That quickly passed, and here we are.

Just had to record a quick lo-fi electro tribute to Florian Schneider of Kraftwerk, whose death was announced just a few hours ago. Kraftwerk's music is a major influence on me, as I'm sure it is for many of you as well, and I wanted to pay tribute quickly.


So last news, I got my Bitbox, its all good, took Steve a while, and he sent me the wrong tracking number first too. He's only online like once a week which probably should be said beforehand when selling stuff... Maybe that's just my opinion but I do sell stuff too

Thanks @Ronin! Due to Lugias Tipps I changed a bit in my System. Thinkin about to start a 2. Rack in the near future but till then, iam patching, noodling and learning with my stuff i have so far. take a look at my rack and tell me ur oppinion :-) I have a Beatstep Pro for sequenzing as well

ModularGrid Rack

Here's an easy rule-of-thumb for modulation... if there's an attenuator or attenuverter (a knob that controls the amount of anything) in the patch, you can insert a VCA into the chain and modulate THAT.

That's not the only way to modulate something. But it's one of the easiest ways to bring some "movement" into your sound. Not all modulations have to be these huge sweeping affairs. Even some subtle amounts of modulation can go a long, long way... especially when you are modulating multiple things.

There's a brand new version of BitBox that has a much more powerful processor in it. It's the same price as the old Bitbox. I'd get that one.

The only downside to the newest version is that they haven't ported over the alternative firmwares yet.

Thank you very much, GarfieldModular!
Yes, Plaits is perfect pairing with Soma Lyra FX. Also I have some ideas with other modules. New video coming soon! :)

Stay safe! All the best!


+1 for me too!!

And why not just any audio equipment? It's all related :)

Acrylique case (126 HP / 6U):
1x fond acrylique: 650 x 277 mm x 8 mm
2x frontaux acryliques: 650 x 200 mm x 8 mm
2x latéraux acryliques: 267 x 200 mm x 8 mm
Prix TTC : 180.00

2x paire de rails Tiptop Audio Z-Rail 168 HP : 150.00
2x paire de brackets Tiptop Audio Brackets : 18.00
Paquet de vis M4 : 5.00
Prix TTC : 173.00

1x alimentation Doepfer A-100PSU3 : 149.00
2x bus board Doepfer A-100 : 70.00
1x AC Power Socket : 7.00
1 prise AC 250V : 10.00
2x Plastic spacer : 5.00
Prix TTC : 241.00

Total Prix pour la box montée : 594.00
Total Prix des modules : 5359.00

1x 16 patch 30cm transparent : 49.00
1x 16 patch 50cm transparent : 56.00
1x 16 patch 80cm transparent : 49.00

Total Prix pour les patch : 154.00

Total final : 6107.00

The database includes too many racks to simply sort by name or date. Would be great to sort by most discussed for example (on the homepage, there's a section "Hot racks" so I'm assuming the data is available).

No noise issue with mine bought 2 weeks ago. New firmware was flashed before I test it.
First tests

I'll second this. In fact, having an overall "not modules" section for modular hardware to cover things like cases, rails, power supplies, patchcables, etc would be a smart idea.


I think I'd be great to have a section in the marketplace where people can post ads for cases, enclosures, etc in the various modular formats. Not sure how easy it'd be to set it up to be as sophisticated than for the modules but at least having a forum subsection for this would be a good start. What d'ya think?

Hi Sislte,

Oh.... that makes it, to decide what to consider to be the next VCO/DCO, even more difficult, because the other one I am considering is indeed the Cs-L, if looking at the larger oscillators.

Why can't we just all win the lottery so we don't have to choose and just can buy whatever we want to have it tested and play with? ;-) Just kidding.

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Farkas,

Thanks a lot for the additional information, it's nice to hear how one comes to certain sound creation! :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mucho,

Some more ideas...? Well, then you might perhaps want to consider the Erica Synths - Black Octasource, a hell of a psychopath of a module that can make even the most boring module sound like a good module. The modulation possibilities are fantastic, mind the modulation possibilities that the Octasource can provide to other modules. It might be in the beginning (when you get to start to know this Octasource) a bit rough module to tame, but once you got it in your way under control, you can do influencing other modules on some real nice modulation level with this beast.

And if you and the Octasource completely want to go bananas then modulate the Octasource too, nothing is real after that any more ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Yavilec,

Oh that's nice! Thanks a lot for sharing and demoing the Lyra8-FX module. You got some nice sounds and effects there :-)

I like the Plaits module by the way, got it myself as well, was worth the effort to get it and real nice sounds can be created with it, as your demo track shows, obviously.

Thank you, take care and kind regards, Garfield.

P.S.: It goes without saying that I can't wait for your next track ;-)

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Bitbox looks cool. I'll look into that a bit more tonight. I do have a Nutella/tsunami that I built which is a polyphonic drum/sampler but it's a bit on the fritz, so maybe that is a good replacement.

Please...more ideas! Thanks

I'd get a sampler like Bitbox or the smaller new Bitbox. Just to add some variety and random bits and chords and vox to the heavy drum stuff

I previously had 2 smaller cases, but got an 84hp intellijel case as a gift, so I have decided to combine all of my modules, resulting in the mix you see below. I am mainly into beats/techno (hence all the NE) but have a taste for ambience here and there and seem to be able to get it all from this setup so far. I'd like to fill the case and I do have a few ideas (like maybe Pam'sNW and perhaps another voice). I know the whole "you know your own synth best and it depends on what you want to achieve with it", but I am just hoping for some outside thoughts on what others would do or where they would take this setup next. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I should also probably note that I also have a beatstep pro as well, so I'm pretty set on sequencers, so I think?

Edit: Thanks for the replies.

How is your experience with the DPO of Make Noise, is it worth the investment? I am (extremely) happy with the STO of Make Noise but I wonder (looking at the price) if the DPO can cause me that much pleasure as well?

No doubt! DPO has a very cool, rubbery FM sound. It is also nice to be able to use linear and exponential cross FM modulation at the same time.

That said, I love the Instruō Cš-L too. It has a different sound. More.. rigid, harsh even, but good. It has quite many functions that the DPO lacks, such as ring modulation, fold on both oscillators, more outputs and so on. It is warranted to have both.