Nice one @wishbonebrewery, I really love the synth range in this, lots of classic feels coming together.
my tunes:
Nice one @wishbonebrewery, I really love the synth range in this, lots of classic feels coming together.
my tunes:
I pulled all the plugs from the last patch and this happened quite quickly! I'm constantly amazed by the possibilities.
Patch Notes:
There's some twinkly granular stuff coming from Monsoon Clouds which is processing some Turing Machine pitches from the Disting VCO, Tom-like percussion is from the ADDAC103 with the patterns stabbed in via the DNi Pro DOT in Record mode then mute mode used to control. There is Ochd being Half wave rectified by MI Kinks and tempered back with Thonk AT-AT-AT which controls the waving of the Cut-off on the ADDAC105.
Everything played in live in one take, there are some crackles in it and I think my Soundcard is trying to die! I really need to get some external USB audio interface.
Other Modules are, make Noise STO, Happy Nerding HNVCF, ALM Pipslope, WMD SSF ADSRVCA, Lots of 2hp modules, spot of Befaco and Erica, Pittsburgh Modular MicroSequence. Much fun.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
I love Modulargrid, and at least for my use the features it has are very intuitive and "just right" in the way that is rare in a tool.
The only niggle for me is the keyboard shortcuts. I don't know why, maybe it's because I use Safari, but relatively often (at least a couple of times per an evening of binge planning racks) they bug out in some way. Clicking the module search box does not always seem to correctly move focus to it, and when I type the module name, random keyboard shortcuts are triggered instead and my rack goes bonkers with modules deleted or duplicated. This is very infuriating especially with a more complex rack, where it's not always easy to tell what was changed.
Whenever this happens, the only consistent way of getting rid of this bug is by refreshing the page completely, and even then I still have to fix the changes to the rack design itself. I don't feel I even need the keyboard shortcuts, and they are rarely used on websites anyway because of problems managing focus – not a problem if you have a single HTML5 canvas and the focus sticks to that, but mixing HTML elements with keypress catching is something I would personally avoid. But that is of course for you to decide, and apparently many people use the shortcuts happily and without any problems.
I think the easiest solution for people who have this problem would be to have an extra checkbox in the profile settings to simply disable keyboard shortcuts entirely.
Thank you! :)
Thanks Garfield!
Yeah I try to use my modules together even as I build. The Anti-Oscillator is like multiple VCOs plus VCA vactrol (I think) and LFO built into one module with wave shaping options as well. I love it. I do wish Malekko support was better. So many issues with Varigate 4+ and Malekko Quad envelope. At least Intellijel support responds as does Noise Engineering with my questions. WTF is up with Malekko anyways?
Check out Pamela's New Workout- that has tons of super features including clock multipliers, dividers, all types of sequencer rhythm type features. Pair it with a good sequential switch and should get you closer to your goal. For sequencers, the 512 Vector has ratcheting and host of features. As an IME/Harvestman fan, the Stillson Hammer looks incredible as well.
Hi Sacguy71,
Interesting sounds you got there! He, he, and in every video from you I see you are using the Anti-Oscillator and the Borg filter :-)
Nice work and hope to see more of your videos. Kind regards, Garfield.
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yeah - looks better to me
use one channel of batumi as a clock I guess - which will work fine
I suspect that by the time the second case appears, you will have a better idea of what you need - ie what you feel is missing from this case - but that's also part of the fun - discovery
enjoy your journey!
-- JimHowell1970
The pulse output on the Noise Tools makes for a nice clock. I would use one channel of the Batumi as you'll only be able to use it in one mode if you're needing a clock.
You could also draw a clock pulse from Function's EOC or EOR... but you'd have to switch it to cycle and won't be able to adjust it without affecting your clock.
A clock is a bit moot in this set-up. The only thing that can use a clock signal as a clock signal is the QUBIT. But I don't think it'll need it in this set-up. You'd only need to feed it clock if it was slaving to another sequencer.
The Atlantis is a good starting point if you're building a small system first and then adding to it little by little.
But if you're going to dive in fully, then it starts to lose its luster. The plus side is that the patch points are pretty much all there to break the unit out into its individual components (oscillator, filter, etc). The downside is that it's all or nothing in terms of what you get. You may do better getting individual components that will offer you more flexibility and features.
Mixers. You have a Quadratt. It's functional as a small mixer, attenuverters, etc. But you really are going to need at least two small mixers of the Quadratt nature (not necessarily the Quadratt) and a main mixer if you plan on having more than one voice or sound coming from your rack.
There are better units out there, but for the PRICE and SIZE, I'm very happy with the Blue Lantern Stereo Sir Mix-A-Lot. Gain, panning, mutes, plus two aux sends on every channel... plus a pair of stereo returns. You can do better on features... but I don't think so on price.
Also, you should have empty space in your rack. No one learns modular without getting their hands dirty. The more you learn, the more your experiences CHANGE your end goals and desires from your system. If you buy everything all at once and you have no space left over, you're committed unless you start selling stuff off... while you're still trying to learn to use what you've got. Always plan for a "whoops, I should add a..." and have the space for a couple of reasonably sized modules at least.
Exactly, Ronin...the Filter8, to me, has always seemed more of an asset to tinkering with modulation signals for that phase shift aspect. It IS a "filter", but like its forebear, the Mankato VCF, the other uses are WAY too compelling.
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Been learning how to use my new Doepfer A100 Basic System 1 that came with a few modules including two weird ones that are not common: the delay LFO called VCDLFO and the VCS Serge type Slew Processor/Generation module. I read the Doepfer manuals but they were confusing at best and lack patch examples. Unable to find anything on how to use these. Any ideas?
-- sacguy71
Jim got the VCDLFO sorted. But one thing that's worth mentioning about the 171-2 is that it's basically 1/2 of a Maths. Same initial design, too: the Serge DUSG, in this case a variant of Ken Stone's version of the circuit. See
I own both the Intellijel Morgasmatron and the Joranalogue Filter 8.
If I had to pick one and give up the other, I'd keep the Morgasmatron. The Morg is actually TWO multi-mode filters that can be used independently, in series, or in parallel. The Filter 8 has just one set of controls/inputs that feeds 8 types of simultaneously available filters. The Filter 8 offers more precision, better modulation options, etc. But it's definitely not as flexible.
I don't regret either of them. But being able to call up a low-pass AND high-pass filter is much more common for me than need a 6,12,18, and 24 dB per octave filter all in the same module.
It's not a bad such, you don't have to have a complete voice in this, since it's just a "sidecar" for the Moogs. However, you're missing a KEY Erica MScale, which is a bidirectional I/O for the Moog CVs which can be somewhat different from standard Eurorack. Take the mult out (you should get some inline mults instead...this system is too small for dedicated panel mults) and put that in instead.
-- Lugia
100% open to suggestions; I put the mult in there as a catch all because I had the space. Definitely a sidecar to the three units below. You can't do everything with every system (and you'll get stuck trying to solve that puzzle) - so this is a sidecar (I like that) to the Moog Mother family and larger semi modulars sitting on the desk next to it.
I'll take a look at the MScale for sure and toss that mult out. I've got a few of the Hosa cables that split, and even that 5 way red star looking one that exists.
EDIT: Just took a look at the MScale, I wasn't even aware of that voltage difference, thanks much!
I have a Rackbrute 6U filled as below.
Earlier this week, I turned the power on then everything came on and suddenly went off.
After this, the brick power supply no longer lit up, even when trying alternative kettle leads.
I received a new power supply from Arturia yesterday and have just turned on the Rackbrute again using that new power supply.
Exactly the same thing happened.
I'm now unable to use the rack at all, and have a seemingly dead power supply brick.
I'm relatively new to this - what could be going wrong?
According to my rack on Modular Grid, I'm well within the power consumption of the Arturia rack.
(By the way I've posted this on MuffWiggler too - desperate to sort!)
-- jmeager
Hey Jmeager, did you ever get this sorted? I'm also having some power issues with my Rackbrute 6U.
Mine also is well within the maximum power consumption for the case; max draw is 1005 mA on the 12V.
A few of my modules started malfunctioning - first Plaits, then Marbles, then Piques. After plugging them into different sockets on the board, they started working again, but then a different module would malfunction!
I thought it might be a problem with the module (even though they are only 6 weeks old) so contacted Emilie at MI. She very speedily replied, and based on the faults I described suggested that it's a power issue.
Was wondering if you'd solved your issue?
We need a sticky thread for N00Bs!!
my tunes:
^^ This. It's sort of amazing how many rack help threads come down to variations on this advice. Just about every new system needs Links + Kinks + Shades + Veils (or equivalent choices from other manufacturers). It's not 100% universal, but it's pretty close.
@JimHowell1970 what would you recommend instead?
Thank you guys again 😊
-- gorilla
combinations of basic utilities - multiples (can be stackcables/headphone splitters), mixers (matrix, panning, small utiltiy), modification (logic, sample and hold, rectification), a sequential switch, a quad cascading vca... either as individual modules, or as small combinations (links, kinks etc)
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
The goal of this patch initially was to get acquainted with the 2 channels of WMD S.P.O., each with Scale/Polarize (Attenuversion) & Offset controls. For the "A" inputs of channels 1 and 2 on SPO I have multiplied the same envelope from the CH. 4 unity output of Maths. This is a bi-timbral patch, taking the undulating Square wave of M32 with its own quantized pitches, as well as the Morphed dual-wave output of Graphic VCO with a quantized sequence from Metropolis. Each channel of SPO then has another input:
1A: Maths CH. 4 Unity Out
1B: M32 Triangle LFO via Attenuverter on Sinc Defero
2A: Maths CH. 4 Unity Out
2B: Pique #2 ADSR Envelope (attenuated twice, in M32 and then in Sinc Defero)
Out 1: Graphic VCO Morph Input
Out 2: M32 VCF Cutoff via Data channel 3
Providing the clock and most of the initial gate and pitch information, Metropolis works as follows:
Scale: Minor Pent (PEnT-)
Octave: 1 octave range
BPM: 120
Forward mode
AUX A: Ratchet
With an odd number of pulses in an 8-stage sequence, phrases start and stop offset from - but subtly related to - the rest of the patch
Pique #1 is using the Trigger Stream Randomizer algorithm, the "Expert" mode beneath "Tap". This stream of triggers, derived from the Clock output of Metropolis, sends triggers that have a probability of either not appearing or multiplying in the gap between 2 Metropolis clock pulses. Playing with Delay time (3rd knob) did not yield very helpful results, but adding some Jitter (4th knob) was interesting, as it did not upset the "big beats". Pique #1 goes to Pique #2 and Maths CH. 4 trig in.
Pique #2 is a simple ADSR envelope, receiving triggers from the same random trigger stream in Pique #1 as is being fed to Maths channel 4 trig in. The goal of this ADSR is to influence the M32 LFO, at depths that are controlled by the VC Mix on M32.
Taking the morphed mix of Wave 01 from "Acid" and Wave 07 from "Basic" (Tri-saw) out into Pico Mix for levelling each wave, pitched by Metropolis.
CH. 1 - Summed Output of Graphic VCO via Quad VCA CH. 1
CH. 3 - S.P.O. CH. 2 output
CH. 4 - Pique #2 Out 1
A6 Quantizer: Quantizer is fed voltages from the Triangle LFO on M32 (itself influenced by the ADSR of Pique #2 triggered at semi-random intervals via Pique #1). At first this is kept at Scale: 5 (Fifths) but in performance can move to Scale: 4 (Minor triads). Also, start with Parameter 0 (Attenuation) at 6, then move up to 31. The Attenuator on Disting MK4 works like a "fine tune" attenuation of the 2nd attenuator on Sinc Defero, which works like "Coarse Tune" as to how much of the LFO is sent to the quantizer (Sinc Defero's 2nd channel also works to attenuate the influence of the LFO on the Morph CV of Graphic VCO)
CH. 1 Triggers Quad VCA CH. 1 CV input taking its gate from Metropolis directly.
CH. 4 Attenuverted Out goes to the Resonance on M32, and negative voltages can create interesting inverse relationships with cutoff and resonance in the M32 filter
CH. 4 Unity Out was explained above as feeding both 'A' inputs on S.P.O.
Quantized out from Disting controls the 1v/oct of M32 and thus half of the pitch information heard in the patch (amount between those pitches/M32 timbre and Metropolis pitches/Graphic VCO timbre selected via MIX knob). The Triangle LFO out influences both the SPO Channel 1 'B' input and is the sole information (other than attenuation values) used for the quantizer setting the pitch of M32. The waveshape of the Triangle LFO is a mix between Triangle and the attenuated ADSR from Pique #2 (attenuation of which is influenced by the M32 Filter output via VC Mix Control input)
@JimHowell1970 what would you recommend instead?
@sacguy71 nice! I'm still hesitating between the dual borg and a borg II + a resonant low pass gate so I guess it'll depend on what's being sold in the coming weeks
@lugia, I think you're talking about the Three Sisters. The Just Friends in cycle/shape mode gives a lot of rhythmic variations, especially when self-patched.
Bought the Richter and the Resonant EQ so the second row is now complete!
Thank you guys again 😊
Ola.. Yes.. these are ones that I have. I just don't have the case for another week or so. Ok.. great. I will look into a VCA then. Thanks for the advice.
dr space
Messed around with modular today after work and came up with some fun tones:
The Cursus Iteritas is one wacky module can get flutes, trumpets, percussion and birds out of that module. Very different than the percussion focused BIA.
Thanks Jim! Very helpful as always. I have the hang of this very useful module now in my Doepfer system as well as the handy A-148 Dual S&H module and A-118 Noise module. Combined are super great for patching generative melodies in concert with LFOs and VCOs.
I have it in my setup and it is ok- it does the basic oscilloscope monitoring and has a tuner. I like the small size and easy to use functionality. I do wish that it had more tools like a voltage meter and quantizer.
Thanks Garfield, the BIA is a superb module for percussion. To get the sound I feed it thru several LFOs at different rates to each of the BIA patch points for pitch, S/L/M, B/A/T and so forth. That adds wide variety and functions as well as layers to increase the wall of sound exponentially. I use a lot of stuff from the IME/Harvestman Kermit MK3 as well for S&H, noise and random LFO generator to add bite to the Noise Engineering BIA and Cursus Iteritas. This allows me to run a full set on only a few modules plus VCAs/mixers, attenuators and so forth. I am still learning the ins and outs of Intellijel Quadrax and the Kermit and Bionic Lester. Those are super deep modules and can do incredible stuff. I love Quadrax plus the expander for self patching happy accidents. Many modes of envelopes and filter cutoffs possible with that module plus it can function as LFO as well.
@GarfieldModular, the shows I've played have been using twitch which works pretty well for one performer or group at a time. Might be a growing modular audience there too.
my tunes:
Hi Steve,
Yes, that might be an idea, bundle all our modular synths together into one large cacophony :-) Might be quite interesting! Shall we use Soundjack for it, or what are you using? Problem with Soundjack is that you can't give a clock signal to each other, not at least that I know of. Another problem I have with Soundjack is that I can't get the sound from my computer to my monitors for some weird reason.
Kind regards, Garfield.
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Thanks @GarfieldModular! Now that I think of it, maybe we should all do a ModularGrid forum stream one day 🤔🤔🤔
my tunes:
Hi Steve,
Cool stuff again. Amazing how much live/streaming activities you are involved in lately. Nice performance :-)
Keep up the good work, thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
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Hi Mowse,
Oh yes! If your entire album is going to be like that then it's going to be an hyper-spaced album, fantastic!
I look forward in hearing your album and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Sacguy71,
Oh this is way cool man! :-) How do you do that kind of hammering percussion sound?
Sounds interesting and thanks a lot for sharing this. Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Do you already have this selection of modules? Or are you planning to get them?
The biggest immediate need I see is for some modulation sources, and VCAs. I'd suggest something like Pamela's New Workout (8 linked clocks, LFOs, etc.) or Quadrax (4 modulation sources which can be anything from envelopes to LFOs, with lots of CV possibilities, along with something like an Intellijel dual VCA, or Veils, Tangle Quartet, or any other multi-VCA module. There are a million options out there, but these are crucial parts of any modular system.
Ahh - now I understand. I’m away from my rack at the moment, so have had to think through the patching in my head.
I could use my Disting EX as a pair of filters (or choruses), and the miniBrute’s filter as a 3rd. However, I suspect I need some better in-rack mixing to tie it together. Maybe a Doepfer a 138-s, or an Intellijel mixup perhaps? It would also be interesting to see what happens when panning the off-phase filters left and right.
Mine came as well and still learning to use it as it has sooo much to it in one module. Here is a quick demo of mine:
I love turning it into a single voice with the dirty oscillator, S&H, random, and LFO. It breathes life to boring Doepfer basic VCOs.
Would love to get some comments on what modules might compliment what I have in this case? I think it is going to generate some very interesting sounds.... I don't know why the picture does not show up. Sorry..
Dr Space
I have had similar issues plus a lot of vanishing messages from my inbox. Any idea why this is? In the beggining I thought the senders changed their mind and deleted their messages, however It does happen these days often that once I read a message, it disappears.
just got the kermit mk3 and its one really remarkable modulator. In this small technoish patch it modulates an acl variable sync vco fm, hihats decay and crash tone both from erica synths...
Great.. Just duplicated and that worked. Thanks for the advice..
dr space
Thank you ! Yes it seems to be too much mixer but in fact I need all the mixer of the techno system for the drums..
You think I need to remove the Unify mixer ? If I keep the Quad VCA and take the double andore I have to put out the Vermona Melodicer..I would love to have it !
Other possibilities ?
I try my best to listen all of your advices !
And the result is ? Can you confirm its better now and usuable like this ?
A sneak peak at another track in the works for my first album, Reticulating Splines.
@GarfieldModular Thanks! Much appreciated. Just having a little fun with my Boston crowd.
you appear to have a lot of mixing - but all appears for audio - also I'd split it up a bit
I'd keep the quad vca and add the double andore - 6 vcas is still not a lot for this size case
I'd want more utilities for multing/mixing/modifying modulation
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
I think you have to add a 1u row and then look for the 84hp 'tile' under 1u
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
@DrSpace I don't actually know the answer to this, but I do know you can duplicate other people's racks ("Duplicate Rack" above the rack name). You could then delete all their modules and add your own :)
my tunes:
I am getting the Nifty case soon and want to sketch out what I will put into it but I can't see how you can choose that in the racks when you create a new one?? Where is it hiding?? I can see many people have the picture of it in their racks?? Please help..
dr space
Thank you very much Lugia and sacguy71 for your reply and advices. Yes i understand, but i already own the Erica Synths techno system and i love it as a drum machine, I don’t want to remove modules from it...
Can we consider it is my drum machine (maybe with zularic and BIA if it is possible to use with it ?)
Yes too much distortion but i will use some of them with the drums modules if possible..
Lugia: Ok, i was wrong for the space economy, i will remove the ADSRVCA modules and maybe take Intellijel Quad VCA ? Or double Andore can play this role as sacguy71 recommend ?
I will check attenuverters, and remove maybe Plague bearer, thanks again !
Sacguy71: Thank you ! Yes i will try to work my rack again with Kermit and Double Andore (but it is big !)
Is it better like this ?
Agree well for my future larger system, I plan to build something with the WMD Performance Mixer and 512 vector with add on module and some other goodies.
Was asked to play a small label fest for the autumn equinox and put this thing together:
Using the same rack as last time, -MCO, +Pluck and +DTF to help explore some different textures.
Perhaps surprisingly, Clouds is really the star of this one. I read an interview with Emelie Gillet awhile back where she shared some of her disappointment around the lack of randomness and modulation that folks use with Clouds, so I picked up the Doepfer A-118-2. That plus Ochd can really take things in a texturally varied, almost 20th century classical direction at times. Eurorack... very interesting format.
Anyway, hope you enjoy if you give it a listen!
my tunes:
It's not a bad such, you don't have to have a complete voice in this, since it's just a "sidecar" for the Moogs. However, you're missing a KEY Erica MScale, which is a bidirectional I/O for the Moog CVs which can be somewhat different from standard Eurorack. Take the mult out (you should get some inline mults instead...this system is too small for dedicated panel mults) and put that in instead.