I hope Squarp will develop a similar module for the Hapax in the future ;-)

edit: found the fix on the pc browser. is there something for mobile I'm missing?

hey ya. prob heard this one before but tl;dr. option to flip the modules upside down. sometimes you want the jacks on the other side.

Hey y'all, so like the title says I've created a goal for my first eurorack system and I'm wondering if there are enough function modules? I want to make sure I'm not forgetting anything in the design but I'm pretty new to eurorack so I definitely could have.

The idea is to feed the Morphagene into the Nautilus and Mojave to granularize and restructure non-melodic recordings into glitchy ambient noise, which would then have a gnarly bite added with the Rabbit hole. The maths is for envelope shaping, I would pair this with an external drumsource (thinking the drumbrute impact). The Octagain would mix and provide VCA. I've managed to cram a mult right in the middle, but might swap it with the Divkid OCHD for more generative motion. I'm really happy the modules I was looking at all happily line up to the 108U standard.

Am I forgetting anything?

so also finally uploaded my first youtube demo with a set. i also talk about why i like to play with modular synthesizers live and without a laptop or something. Live Set is starting at 5:30

some feedback would be super cool. Thank you!

Ok thanks a lot! Will do that then ;)

Those are all good modules to start with. If you move the MIA up one, that's also the perfect order to buy them in.

You could always sell the Mutant Brain and get a CV.OCD. That'll buy you 8hp of space. How much room did you need to make?

I think I could use one more filter up in the upper right FM stuff, but I don't know what to get rid of.
As interesting as the Chaos Marbles clone is,
I think it's real estate is kind of wasted because its functionallity is duplicated elsewhere.
It's also pretty ugly. Behringer makes me feel dirty.
Support for the Doepfer ribbon controller and an A-111-6v will probably go there instead.
Spectravox is fun, but dark science.


ModularGrid Rack


Hello there,

Just recently sold my make noise semi-modular (0-coast, 0-ctrl & strega), to buy a sequential take 5, I was just missing so much playing the keys and doing chords, i'm really glad with it but I'm already missing the modular way of pathching and stuff (i'm a total beginner btw).

I still have few modules, that I bought or were offered to me and I want to expand my system quite a bit. I've recently looked at Monotrail Tech Talks videos and I tought it was really inspiring, and made me understand more things I guess.

This is my current setup :

ModularGrid Rack

I have a small clone of Clouds and a Music Thing modular too (plus a Folktek Alter X Pedal), I've decided to buy a Behringer go rack, just to get started and have enough hps. (regardless of everything that i know and read about behringer and this case in particular)

I was just wondering what to get next to improve my setup, my thoughts are on :

-Intellijel Quad VCA
-Happy Nerding 3x MIA
-Another Oscillator
-Another Filter

Am i heading in the right direction ? I just want to have fun with my system, understand things better. I want to do mainly ambient generative stuff, drone, noise and experimental stuff.


A physical modelling synthesis module.
Very simple build, the build part of the video is shorter than the demo.
And the demo is long because this is a really interesting and deep module, I could (and will) play with it for hours to find many interesting sounds.
Highly recommended and if you’re looking for a first build, pick this one it’s easy to build and great sounding when you’re done.

will this old module still make any sense in 2025? A digital module that is so old is it now completely outdated? Are there good new alternatives? I would be grateful for any help.

a new video on Sisyphus to see all the filters at work.

Hi friends, has anyone received a strange-r ? Is the module released ?

he didnt make one. he said he intended to and it got away from him.

from the thread from MW:

FOLD - with knob down the input seems to want 0 to +8V and the trim pot is an offset, CV to FOLD adds to the knob(I think)

PWM - trim knob is attenuator, with PULSE knob in the middle and the PW MOD knob at maximum a +/- 5V seems to kiss silence so slightly backing off the PW MOD knob gives the full sweep

ZWAV - with the ZWAV knob in the middle a -/+ 5V at the input take it to both extremes

ZMOD - INDEX knob is an attenuator and the input wants 0-8V

anyone seen a manual for the Zephyr..???
been looking, can not find one..


so after i switch to a skiff case a couple of months ago i now restarted everything and now im
playing again with the big monster case from doepfer. this is a live set with some loops of
old tracks and a lot of improvised sequences and especially the bassline.

Please give some feedback that would be great!

Thanks for listening!

Greetings from Croatia

Thread: Adsr use

yep, thats correct.

Sound Source>Filter>VCA
Trigger or Gate>ADSR>out of ADSR into VCA and mult to Filter Cutoff.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Thread: Adsr use

thanks for the reply ill upload a sound snip soon..i always use lfo for modulation on filters which gives movement..am I right is saying truger/gate from sequencer to adsr to CV on filter an vca. ?

Thread: Adsr use

Put recordings on Youtube or Soundcloud, you can then link to them here.

ADSR's / Envelopes are indeed a crucial part of modular unless all you want are Drones, imagine playing a pianio key and the length of time you hold it down is the Sustain, when you let go it rings out is the Release. Its a way of seperating notes from oneanother.
The same envelope that is used to control the Volume of the note van also control the Filter Cutoff to animate and give life and movement to that note.
At the moment my Rack/s have up to 7 envelope generators from simple Attack/Decay to ADSR's and also an LPG.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Thread: Adsr use

hi i have been tweaking in modular for a couple of years now im no expert at all hence this post..when i create a techno patch I hardly ever use adsr or extra vca i pipe everything into a matrix mixer and straight into the output bus..i like the sounds im creting but find i strange thsy i hardly use envelopes or adsr am i doing something wrong ? i know who adsr work but still find it difficult to find use for them ,i know they arr used to open/close vca etc but i seam to get hood results with the need of them can anyone give me any tips of where to use them and why it would be much appreciated thsnks, have a look at my rack see what you think > If you're getting the sound you want, then it might be perfect for you.

In my experience, mixing every voice with silence in a rhythmic way is crucial—otherwise, my output tends to get muddy and overloaded.
Do you have any audio recordings? That would make it much easier to give feedback.
-- modular01

i have some recordings but just video on my phone can these be uploaded on this site ?

Thread: Adsr use

If you're getting the sound you want, then it might be perfect for you.
In my experience, mixing every voice with silence in a rhythmic way is crucial—otherwise, my output tends to get muddy and overloaded.
Do you have any audio recordings? That would make it much easier to give feedback.

Just confirming, I have 2 Cast Iron units cascaded with dupont cables, and it effectively works as a 2 stereo-channel mixer. Wasn't sure about this until I got the second unit so this works as beautifully as I had hoped.

Thread: Adsr use

hi i have been tweaking in modular for a couple of years now im no expert at all hence this post..when i create a techno patch I hardly ever use adsr or extra vca i pipe everything into a matrix mixer and straight into the output bus..i like the sounds im creting but find i strange thsy i hardly use envelopes or adsr am i doing something wrong ? i know who adsr work but still find it difficult to find use for them ,i know they arr used to open/close vca etc but i seam to get hood results with the need of them can anyone give me any tips of where to use them and why it would be much appreciated thsnks, have a look at my rack see what you think

Watch out for trees, rocks, and other obstructions. If you hit them, your run will be slowed down or maybe stopped.
Study the course: Play through the levels again to get used to the abrupt twists and Snow Rider 3D hazards. Understanding the layout enables you to foresee future events and make judgments more quickly.

No worries, the world of modular can be a confusing place at times!

3x MIA (the one you've got in your rack) https://modulargrid.net/e/happy-nerding-3x-mia-black is a module that can be used as a mixer or attenuator/attenuverter. 3x VCA https://modulargrid.net/e/happy-nerding-3x-vca-black (which looks almost identical to 3x MIA) is a VCA and mixer. The two modules are easy to mix up at a quick glance.

The dual xfade that I suggested https://modulargrid.net/e/happy-nerding-dual-xfade is a CV-controllable crossfader, but it can double as a VCA if you use only one of the inputs and adjust the knobs appropriately. The Doepfer A-133-2 https://modulargrid.net/e/doepfer-a-133-2 is different in that it's a bipolar VCA and can not only modulate the amplitude of a signal, but also it's polarity, which allows for other creative uses and ring modulation. The CalSynth 2VCA https://modulargrid.net/e/calsynth-2vca is a more standard VCA but also allows continuous adjustment of the VCA response between linear and exponential, a very handy feature to have. It also can act as a mixer of the two channels. Those three stand out to me as good 4HP VCA options, each with their own unique features!

Thread: Bug Report

In my experience those issues have been present for years. This is a weird fix, but it usually seems to work: 1. Take the problem modules out of the rack and set them off to the side. 2. Put the modules back where you want them, but make sure the last thing they overlap before placing them is another module in that same row. If you overlap a module in a different row just before setting the module in place, it'll sometimes kick one of them out or be misplaced upon a page refresh.
-- Chace

That does work! Thanks for the tip.

Thread: Bug Report

In my experience those issues have been present for years. This is a weird fix, but it usually seems to work: 1. Take the problem modules out of the rack and set them off to the side. 2. Put the modules back where you want them, but make sure the last thing they overlap before placing them is another module in that same row. If you overlap a module in a different row just before setting the module in place, it'll sometimes kick one of them out or be misplaced upon a page refresh.

Isnt the 3xMIA a VCA? Or are the links you sent a bit different? Still learing my way around the modular world. Thanks!

Thread: Bug Report

This is my rack right now:

Whenever I refresh the page, the bottom left modules glitch out:

I can move them back into the rack, but refreshing the page messes them up again. I've tried this on macOS 15.1.1 in Google Chrome in incognito mode and it gives me this problem, it also persists onto my Ubuntu computer. I also have found that placing modules is generally pretty glitchy - sometimes I'll drop a module into an empty space and a nearby module will get booted out even if they aren't overlapping. I've dealt with this for a while now and always just assumed that the website was inherently a bit buggy, but thought I should post in case it's actually just me...

It looks like you could use some VCAs. I'd recommend looking into these: https://modulargrid.net/e/doepfer-a-133-2, https://modulargrid.net/e/happy-nerding-dual-xfade, or https://modulargrid.net/e/calsynth-2vca. I see that you already like CalSynth and Happy Nerding (also one of my favorites!).

Edit: Fixed the links.

I already own all of these modules but not sure what to fill in this space with...

ModularGrid Rack

I also have a novation peak, mpc one, launchkey 37 and norns shield and great reverb pedal!

Thread: Idea

Thanks again!
I'll think about your suggestions. The Batumi is really tempting, if I don't get it for the initial build it will absolutely go on the buy later list.
I'll go watch some more YouTube vids on Maths. I got it pretty high up on my next purchases list, so maybe I'll still start without it and give it to myself as a treat for whatever I come up with as a reason in a few months.

Thread: Idea

Agree with the above sentiment about Maths....it's not really that complex, in that there's no hidden menus, etc. It's all right up in front. And it's probably the best learning tool for modular. Once you understand Maths, a lot of things fall into place. Once done learning the abc's, Maths adds tons of value as a sort of "swiss-army knife" of modular.

Best of luck and have fun!!!! :)

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Thread: Idea

I think Maths is a better starter than, say, Ears in this case, actually. For starters, it actually does everything Ears does except the contact mic stuff, which is pretty easy to set up at home. You can start by using it for simple duties (envelopes, complex modulated LFOs, logic, and yes, envelope following like what Ears will do) and then explore more concepts though Youtube and the manual. It can even make an interesting filter or traditional oscillator to experiment with. From there, it'll be pretty easy to figure out which of the functions you use separately enough to warrant its own module. Having both at some point will be helpful, but for now having a Maths alongside these modules will allow you to experiment with multiple robust and musical case arrangements/patches in far more ways.

Do you like the Doepfer A-143-3 specifically? I love Doepfer modules too, and that one does seem nice and roomy, but it doesn't seem to offer a lot of flexibility. 12 LFOs, but only four speeds/rhythms. No voltage control, even. It's also not as cheap as I expected. Free-running LFOs like that are awesome and help make modulars feel distinct and free, but there are a lot of options there that might get you more for that amount of space and not much more money. Batumi? Ochd + expander? Lots of options.

Just my two cents on those issues. You seem to be on the right track. Knowing why you're doing what you're doing is more important than doing any one specific thing.

Thread: Idea

Thanks for the feedback!
There are several goals for this setup. The main ones atm are:
1) Overcome the inertia to get a case and cables and some usable modules that allow me to fool around with patching and making new (to me) sounds I enjoy for a few months (ideally) before I get the next module (thinking about Maths or Pam's pro workout)

2) play around with the audio input of the modules (I think I might need an extra input module for that) and the envelope follower to see what it does

3) learn to use the modules as thoroughly as I can before diving into learning what Maths or another complex module can do and how to do it.

4) Maybe get some samples to use for a few beats in Ableton or with my Electribe

I bought a West Pest last year which is fun but a bit limited in terms of the sound I (think I) want, but I think I should be able to use it for sequencing, midi to cv and additional wavefolding/basic envelope stuff for a start. I also have a Microfreak, which should work as an external keyboard controller and maybe also sequencer.

I thought about a filter before I realized I should be able to use the West Pest for something filterlike and would maybe go for a Doepfer Wasp filter (coming from Germany having Doepfer in the rack seems kind of required) if the current plan does not work out.

Why I chose Rings and Clouds specially:
Since there are Plaits oscillators in the Microfreak I plan on using these as input for the other modules until I get some more modulation sources.
When I first got interested in modular some years ago MI was among the manufacturers that excited me most, so I wanted to start with these. If I had enough loose change I'd get most of those for my first system, but I guess as a normal person you have to start somewhere and pace yourself (also see in-depth learning above).
And having watched a couple dozen YouTube Videos Rings into clouds is both a "traditional combination" (to avoid the word cliché) and still seems to hold up well, especially with the additional firmware modes.

As for the FX Aid: While trying to figure out what to put in the rack I caught myself coming back to delay and reverb pedals like the El Capstan and the Big Blue Nightsky and wanted the option to experiment with additional delay and reverb stuff in the box. I still might get one of those later on since I also have a guitar standing around collecting dust but I expect the FX Aid is versatile and high-quality enough to stave off my GAS for a few more months.

Thread: Idea

What are you sequencing with? Is "Rings into Clouds" the voice you want to focus on (nothing wrong with it - just checking), or are you planning on running external audio through this or adding a more traditional oscillator? If the two are being considered the main sound source here, why Rings but not Elements or Plaits? What do you imagine doing with this, exactly?

It's not that I want to question your motives or suggest these are a bad start. I don't necessarily think you need to make a standard subtractive voice. This is one of those setups where you could get very good and usable stuff out of it. That setup could also be frustrating depending on what you expect. We need more info before making any suggestions.

That being said, I think an envelope generator (preferably with multiple envelopes, like a Maths or a Doepfer A-143-1) and a filter are sorely missing here. The former most of all. Also, I wouldn't spend any more real estate on effects even if you are going with a Mantis case. Those are things I can say pretty confidently now.

Thread: Idea

Salutations, Wigglers!

I was warned against coming here about a dozen years ago (expensiveness of the hobby etc.) and therefore missed out on a lot of bloops and bleeps. I finally have a bit of hobby-money and a sort of a midlife -crisis and would like to invest in a small system that will probably grow over the next years. I think this Idea is sort of a minimum viable system (Soundsource, modifier, utilities, effects, output) and am thinking about putting it all in a mantis case. Different external sound sources and additional effects are also available. Any thoughts or tips about things I may have overlooked would be appreciated.

Edit: For some reason the Image does not show the recent changes I made. I hope that's just a problem at my end.

Hi everyone,
I have to let go of a few things to gather funds for something. I have an unused Blackhole case, the 104HP version, in red for sale.
I originally purchased it with the intent of having two cases but have since decided to keep one case and have separate studio racks for other setups. Some modules have been installed but were subsequently removed without it being in use.
Message me if interested to discuss a price / shipping rate that works for both of us. Please send reasonable offers only as it is in new condition.

Please check my new track.

Have fun.

Sunday morning beatmaking

Thread: Bug Report

Anyone else notice this? Is there a solution?

What device are you using?

-- modulargrid

Mac OS 10.14.6


I put a rack together that is roughly similar to the audio-path functionality of the Zoxnoxious synth. What is the Zoxnoxious synth? It's a set of voice cards that are controlled from VCV Rack. The voice cards have analog elements such as oscillators, filters, VCAs, etc. Each voice card has a correspoding VCV Rack module.

Obviously missing from this rack are any control elements: clocks, sequencers, LFOs, envelopes, etc are all missing. Those are all done in VCV Rack. Using VCV Rack allows for a ton cpu control over the voice card. In addition to VCV Rack generated controls, the Zoxnoxious voice cards can route signals between each other for modulation, filtering, etc. No audio goes through VCV Rack, only control elements. All audio is in the hardware synth.

Here's a rundown of the four cards I've developed so far and a rough Eurorack equivalent. Going left to right:

Z3340: Similar to most other 3340-based VCOs. I usually have two of these installed, hence two Kassutronics 3340s in this rack. The Zoxnoxious Z3340 has many more features such as four different sync modes that can be combined, and VCAs to mix the saw/pulse/tri outputs.

Pole Dancer filter: a bit similar to the A-107 morphing filter. The Pole Dancer is a multimode filter with direct access to a mixer for pole mixing. A separate module called the Personality provides the mixer (after all, a Pole Dancer needs a Personality!). Not only can one create many variations of low/high/band/notch filters but also morph/crossfade/switch/sequence between them.

Z3372: A filter + white noise generator in a single module; I dropped the AM8328 and Nse Noise Generator to represent it. The Z3372 is based around a clone of the CEM3372. It'll also do output panning which can be modulated by other voice cards.

Z5524: a 2-VCO + VCF module that is roughly like a combo of the Timo 3394 and WMD Legion. The Z5524 uses a modern TZFM VCO for one oscillator and the synth-on-a-chip CEM3394 clone for the VCO/VCF. There are some internal routings that give the hybrid character. The 3394 provides 6 different waveforms for TZFM modulation. The TZFM VCO also does hard sub-sync, where hard sync is one octave below the fundamental. Soft sync is also present, and both sync modes can be used at the same time for a more mellow hard sync.

With that lineup and all the control elements in VCV Rack this gives a pretty big analog palette to play with. Here's a demo video from a few years back:

, not sure if I know another module that can handle 32 channels of CV automation (that's the way I'd use it, I guess)...
-- toodee

not willing to compare the two sequencers,
i use both and find both very useful. but just in case that's useful: Nerseq handles many cv tracks. i used 2 cv expanders, that's 32 cv outs in addition to the 12 cv outs of nerdseq.

happy patching everyone :)

Nice and affordable, but for some reason the faceplate of this module is about twice as thick as 99% of other modules. The design looks great but if the overall aesthetic of your case doesn't allow for small differences like that this might not be for you.

Keeping it simple

I believe the accurate CV outs are expensive hence why the droid has so few

Good stuff, guess its a bit like everything sounds better at 7 or 8 versus being cranked up to 11 all the time.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
