Here's the English translation of the labels on the module. I just took the image from here and stuck it into Google Translate.
Can someone nail down labels for the controls on this one? I'm kinda gathering what some of these are but some guidance would also be helpful.
There's also the 2HP sized breakout:
Then that plus a disting mk4 is 6HP.
-- os
Os you got me anyways 🤗 I can't do the tiny midi breakout because I need the DIN connection, but my plan is to go with a mk4. This is going in a 40hp 4ms pod so there isn't a ton of room. The only reason I've been reluctant to go the mk4 route is because MIDI-to-CV is almost all it would be doing. Feels like a waste, but for the price and hp, it's probably my best option.
Currently waiting for Control to restock.
Are there any other MIDI-to-CV modules that can work with this breakout module? I'm looking for something really slim (2hp) that I could connect this breakout to that would then do the conversion.
Do you do much swapping out of waveforms on the Piston Honda? Or have you settled on some you really like and just stick with those? Do you have favorites from the WaveEdit stockpile or do you make your own?
Hi there! I've been following your design for a while. I'm assuming you swapped out the Morphagene for the Nebulae. Are you liking the Nebulae? What's your favorite thing about it so far?
This module seems to be out of production. Someone please prove me wrong.