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Hi all,
here a little dark cinematic modular ambient experimentation made with my custon modular sytem mostly based on Make Noise Shared System with some nice additions like Noise Engineering Loqueric Iteritas, mirco O_c and antumbra smog (micro clouds).

The patch idea: Thre are three voices influencing each other. Telharmonic with dpo e telharmonic in ring modulation with the other dpo osc. Loqueric iteritas is the main voice, all passing through clouds. All is modulated by some dependent slow lfos and envelopes.

Electronic music/video producer and composer.
Dark Ambient Cinematic atmospheres from Sardinia.

I get the impression I am a deep sea diver discovering some ancient underwater music technology!

Very nice :)

Hi Mibitek,

Wow, nice setup you got there :-) While listening at your intriguing sounds watching your lovely modular-video. I particularly like the view on your "forest" of patch cables ;-)

I wouldn't have mind if it was 2 minutes long instead of 1 minute. So nicely done and I look forward in hearing as well as in watching your next modular-video/sound-track!

Thank you very much for sharing and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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