This seems strange to me, Why do people have an obsession with Black panels?
I'm enjoying the eclectic and wish those Red ADDAC modules were still a common thing, I don't want everything to be black, it can't just be me can it?

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Ha! I was just thinking about this. As I get to know my rack better, I actually do find myself half-wishing for a more uniform black panel look. When I was first getting started, I didn't really care and almost preferred an eclectic assortment. I'm getting a little more conservative the longer I do this though. Haha. It's funny that it matters to any of us, but it does for whatever inexplicable reason.

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Yeah, you guys are weird hahaha
I mean, my own cases are slowly turning quite black but its not by choice.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Funny, I'm the other way. All of my current modules are silver (Intellijel, MI, XAOC, ALM etc.) and I limit myself to not purchase any black ones. I've been burnt too many times by black PCB panels, which I dislike with a passion. Especially on something like Natural Gate, which is supposed to be this final word on LPGs it's comical to have a PCB panel. Brushed aluminium for me!

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I haven't bothered much about panel colors so far, but what somehow bothers me more than the panel colors is the way each module looks so different from the other.

Even if you get all black modules, they still look different in style. Some have a shiny finish, while others are simply matte black; some appear "blacker" than others; some panels appear clean and minimalistic, while others appear busy and a little crazy; then you have gold on black and white on black trends too; don't even get started with knobs, as they come in all sizes and colors too.

Eurorack looks busy and intimidating, and I totally understand those who replace the original panels and knobs to make the instrument look homogenous, more clear, and more approachable. Maybe going all-in on black panels is a way to bring some order to this madness.

Personally, I don't care about the colour. I just want it to work. But I have noticed that this 'black panel' phenomenon has been growing and gaining ground for some time.

This 'limited black edition' fashion affects all sectors. An example with this telescopic handler for agriculture... Well, I can understand it here, we see the same trend in cars and motorbikes. But when you find this also for your toilet...

alt text

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

I'm going to order a Matt Black Vinyl wrap for my Toilet!

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

They are so depressing and ugly. Spend all day looking at black cords and electronics everywhere already... Always get the silver panels when possible but apparently there are many edgelords with horrible design taste who are into eurorack, they are the majority. No big surprise - have you heard the youtube demos for most modules?

Dear non-designer Euro manufacturers. They look bad. Stop listening to the vocal minority. Look at the synths of old. Look how good Rossum and Synthtech looks compared to After Later. They make me wanna barf while I off myself, crying in the corner. They look foul and diseased. They look tacky and the contrast is horrible. Even Folktek looks miserable. Take some prozac guys

Dear non-designer Euro manufacturers. They look bad. Stop listening to the vocal minority. Look at the synths of old. Look how good Rossum and Synthtech looks compared to After Later. They make me wanna barf while I off myself, crying in the corner. They look foul and diseased. They look tacky and the contrast is horrible. Even Folktek looks miserable. Take some prozac guys
-- intowhite

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I was kinda wondering why there weren't more bright colors.

I'd rack iridescent chartreuse or dayglo orange if I could get them. Black and silver are boring.

YMMV! :)

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

This seems strange to me, Why do people have an obsession with Black panels?
I'm enjoying the eclectic and wish those Red ADDAC modules were still a common thing, I don't want everything to be black, it can't just be me can it?
-- wishbonebrewery

I'm with you on this one. I think the patchwork aesthetic suits the modular philosophy

I'm with you on this one. I think the patchwork aesthetic suits the modular philosophy

-- padmasan

Nicely put.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

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Oh, another negative about black faceplates that really got to me was the constant specks of dust that were visible on the system. Even though I'm fully aware the same amount of dust must be on my silver modules, I can relax much better in front of my synthesizer without having to constantly brush some specks off when I'm sitting in front of a full silver system.

Luckily there's still manufacturers who are doing silver plates so I don't have to bother with some custom designs (I really wouldn't).

I think modules like MI Clouds really showcase how much can be done with multicolored LEDs on an aluminium panel, the Blend interface is nothing short of genius. IMO FR4 panels feel cheap and lazy on devices that cost as much as Natural Gate or the Nautilus. Underneath the panel it's just multicolored LEDs, and the panel just diffuses the light.

All I am saying I miss those yellow Metasonix panels. Maybe I should make some.

Do I dare, o why not?! I like black panels and I like black synthesizers. I have trouble with the silver and white panels gives me the feeling that I am in a hospital. Uhm ok well, my two cent's.

My main dislike of black panel designs: (1) I can’t see the knobs as well, and (2) I can’t read the text as well. Tiny knobs and text make Eurorack hard enough as it is. So I’m supposed to use it in a nightclub while it’s styled like a ninja in camouflage? That’s like playing a practical joke on myself. Nevertheless I do buy some dark models. It can’t be the deciding factor for me.

My main dislike of black panel designs: I can’t see the knobs as well.
-- Kaleidic

It's true. As a pianist, I actually prefer a traditional white (ivory) keyboard with black (ebony) keys than the other way round. It's more 'readable'.

To complete the original topic, black or brown wooden piano cases were often multicoloured in the past on... harpsichords. And they were magnificently painted.

However, with the psychedelic movement, some pianos were repainted in the 60s. One of the most famous is Lennon's (painted by Dutch design collective artists The Fool).

Today, these different trends can be found in synthesizers and modules.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Well maybe it's as simple as this. Black text on white (or silver) or white text on black, presents the most contrast and therefore the greatest readability. There is a lot of print in very small font on many panel fronts. The manufacturers are trying to make their products easy to use. Any manufacturer will weigh the relative commercial value of usability versus the attraction of an unusual color scheme. Which is undoubtedly why the trend is away from unusual color schemes.
But don't mind me. I'm just an old fuddydud engineer.

Hi Wishbonebrewery, Sweelinck, All,

No you are not the only one, I also do not prefer black panel-based modules. Sometimes (but that are the exceptions) it looks nice however most of the times the contrast of black panel-based modules is poor and text and knob's-positions are less easy to read.

I prefer a silver/aluminium look of the panels or otherwise any other colour but not black. Of course if there would be a module that I really would like to have and it's only available with a black panel then I have no choice and as you said already Wishbonebrewery, I will buy it then but it's not by choice...

I wish there are more brands like ADDAC who use a different colour than black, though ADDAC also moves (like many other brands) to black panel-based modules, it's a bit sad indeed... Is that perhaps one of the reasons why I like Doepfer modules? ;-)

That are my 2 cents, kind regards and I wish everyone enjoyable moments with their modular system, Garfield.

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