Thread: Autism Rack

I wanted to go to the Schneidersladen. I've been to the Music Store here in Cologne to test a few things, the staff were nice and they knew their stuff a bit, but it's not really just modular.
It would probably be worth the trip to Berlin. I'll see if I can manage it. But I'm already very happy with my bottom row, so I'll probably get that and then there's plenty of room to expand further. I'm in no hurry and I still have my grooveboxes. I'll slowly weave Modular into my setup.

Thanks pal 🙏🏻🌊

Thread: Autism Rack

Hello, the journey continues :) I've read through your answers twice more and then got back to work on my rack.
I have chosen the Clank 104hp travel case. The small modules somehow confused me more than they would have organized things for me. However, I am still considering building individual cases. With the current version, I would start with the bottom row and the one above "is fixed", but I would then add to it bit by bit. I have already been able to test the Atlantix + Metro + Sea and I was in the store for three hours. I even forgot to drink. I think this combination plus Pams will be a good thing for my personal start. I'm currently reading and looking more at ALM and I also tested the Cizzle in the store. Like the sound.

Thread: Autism Rack

I need to take a closer look at some of the modules you have selected. Read the instructions, watch YouTube videos to see if it works for me, but your explanation of the connections and where they make more sense in the case is very good. Thank you for making the effort.
If I were to split this into two 104hp, I would automatically have a little more space in the u1 row. What would then make sense with the output would be a mixer to bring the individual tracks together.
Thank you! nice help!

Thread: Autism Rack

Hello, first of all, thank you very much for the super detailed answers. I take everything back and apologize for my hasty response.
It makes more sense the way you explain it now. I was thinking about two identical cases because then I can set up one flat and one at an angle. Nevertheless, with the dust cover they remain handy for traveling. There is also the 2x 104 Travel version from Intelligenz. Here's my other idea - that would be a future setup for me + plenty of space for more.
So far I've only used grooveboxes for my gigs. However, in the end it was more of a "playback" of previously produced things. I would rather practice something over and over again like I do with my guitar (I can memorize it well) and then perform it. Of course, you can also do that with semi-modular - it would probably be just as expensive.

metropolix standalone + cascadia + Model Cycles (as an example)

Since I come from a classical music background, an instrument for 4 - 5000 $ would not necessarily be unusual. But again, I would buy used modules if possible and I really like the Atlantix from the demos.
The idea of perhaps switching completely to modular at some point also seems very appealing. At the same time, it seems like opening Pandora's box, once opened there's no going back - of course that's just a perceived truth.

Thread: Autism Rack

So what is installed in the Atlantix is not enough to get sound out of it? It reads differently on the Intellijel homepage.
I thought this more "complete" synth would save a few modules. Q: "[...]Dual VCOs, Multimode VCF, VCA with Drive, and an ADSR envelope" What would be useful then? LFOs? CV?

I could laugh too, but somehow I wouldn't have the time to react to your answer like that - because then I would laugh and do something better with your time than answer you. So if you have any useful thoughts, please let me know, otherwise save your time and do something nice with it.

Or can't modular just be modular? That sometimes seems to be a problem for some, that access becomes easier thanks to such modules and that somehow scratches some people's ego - does it have to be deadly complex to be modular?
Then perhaps the Cascadia would be better because it has lots of tools?

Thread: Autism Rack

I have used hardware synthesizers before. I used Elektron DN and M:C until recently. I then had a Pulsar 23 on loan for a month. That changed everything for me, I miss the melodic part with this synth but the linking of dots and the tinkering and losing in such a direct way of working has kept me going ever since.
I'm now reading a book about synthesis, it's very dry but easy to understand, I just can't think of the title. Back to my project.

I would like to perform with the modular synth. In the beginning maybe in combination with the Model Cycles, later I would like to get another 104hp case and build the drum part in it. I've limited myself to intellijel because I'm on the autism spectrum and because I think it makes sense to use the design / workflow of a manufacturer. I always read how others like the variety of advantages of Eurorack. I love limitations and at the same time the idea of a well thought out concept. I have of course looked at many manufacturers. I also liked ALM - both the sound and the ideas. I'm thinking about building my drum part with it (I really like the FM synthesis of the MS and they seem to have a thing for it). Although I also really like Plonk from intellijel. I could imagine two or three in a row.

I have considered whether the Cascadia would also be an alternative but semi modular feels too indecisive for me at this point.

Oh well, I had a question about my rack. Does it make sense? What else could be added to u1? For performance I would still have to harmonize the M:C - even if it might be more exciting without MIDI. No matter

I look forward to any objections and suggestions. Thanks a lot
