anybody knows how to do ratcheting with tiptop circadian rhythms?
anybody knows how to do ratcheting with tiptop circadian rhythms?
got my Sweet16, perfect! thanks for the tip
Thanks for this quick reply. I will go completely modular and skip the semimodular synths
I have a "Tiptop audio circadian rhythms" and a "Erica Synths Black VC Clock V2" to generate rhythms.
After Later Audio - Resonate (Rings), Typhoon, MVMNT, Tiptop audio Z5000 as fx to start with.
I am starting with modular synth and trying to understand bit by bit.
What puzzles modular me now is how to "play" Behringer Wasp Deluxe with eurorack.
I cannot trigger a rhythm or a pitch, I don't find out how to send sequencer gate to Wasp or even pitch it.
Trs to midi does fail on me also.
Any tips?
I am not a handy guy, does somebody wants to assemble a Sebsongs Odds for me?
hi, I presume you can fade in and out different cv from eurorack with this faderbank.
can anybody explain to this newbie how to output the slider info back to eurorack?