Constructive criticism is always appreciated. And thank you very much for the kind words, catwavez.

The original post felt a bit like straight up promotion of a competitor's product on this MG listing though, so it kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Appologies for looking totally grumpy, but maybe you can see my viewpoint here?

Thanks again for anyone supporting what we're doing here. It's all for the love of music!

Good Stereo VCA but in my minde the seems more versatile and have mutch more to offer !
-- StudioB

Seems like the envelope follower is the only thing it is beyond SV1? But, SV1 has zero cross detect. So, tit-for-tat?
-- devinw

It has offset what controls the 2 signals and with teh VCA controlls you can to nice movement and the build in env is nice addion as well you can use ist simultaius with filter.
So i think the module presents more a Strero VCA Build and its all truehole build.

this one here is usefull but not in many ways. I wish they had add like a filter or something to handel the der drive more :D
-- StudioB

Alright, glad you're enjoying that module.

Good Stereo VCA but in my minde the seems more versatile and have mutch more to offer !
-- StudioB

Seems like the envelope follower is the only thing it is beyond SV1? But, SV1 has zero cross detect. So, tit-for-tat?