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@ROSELJR just wants views on her poorly written and outdated article and has no idea what a modular synth could possibly be - as indicated by the absence of any build on her profile. She may one day realize that spending time on getting a few views on a blog article isn't worth anything especially when manual work is involved to get those views, don't pay attention ;-)
I'm on an Apple device and haven't used the MS stuff for a while but from memory, ASIO4All allows the use of more than 1 audio interface on Windows, not sure if it's still the case...
I'm looking into building a Eurorack setup around the Mother-32,
I don't know exactly what to add or what I really need,
I've looked into Eurorack modules a little bit, but I will obviously continue to do research
Well, that's a bit of a pickle because in order to make suggestions, one would need to know the problem or challenge to address, and you have not worded that at all. Do you feel limited by some aspects of the M32 and if so which ones ? Do you own any other gear ? Why do you want to go the Eurorack route instead of say, a couple of other semi-modular and desktop synths, are those cheaper devices incapable of doing something you like ? What sort of sounds do you hope to achieve ? "really unique and interesting sounds" is pretty much what everyone would say, nobody wants "boring and worn-out" sounds, but what does it mean for YOU ? Usually people like to include example tracks and even sometimes point to an instrument sound at a timestamp in a video.
Should I add another Moog semi-modular synth? The Subharmonicon looks really cool.
Should I remove anything that I have currently put into the system?
Are there any essential types of utility modules that I'm missing here?
Is anything in the current system not compatible with the other things going on? Its hard to know what works well with other things.
The goal is to be able to create really unique and interesting sounds and to be able to use lots of different sources for modulation. What are the most flexible modules that I could add to this particular setup?
I know that what I've provided is kinda only a skeleton of a full modular system, but I didn't want to bloat it up with modules that I didn't understand yet.
I agree with jb that planning to put the M32 in the Rackbrute long term would be a waste of money. Same goes for another semi-modular, why not add one if you want, but again, not in the rack if it already has its own.
As I said, I can't really start approaching the other questions (what is missing, utilities - you will need them but which ones, modulation) without you explaining what I refer to at the start, but VCA's, LFO's and mixing are bound to come into play regardless of goals and style, I think.
Chainsaw does sound pretty cool, I almost went for it, but felt like the Ensemble Oscillator was a better choice for me, and I probably won't need both. Probably ? Oh no, not again ! :-)
Anyway, I currently have a patch going involving the EO and Dual Dagger, brother is it delicious-sounding stereo goodness, it's butter made of notes moving from one ear to the next - unless I start turning the Cross-FM knob on the EO, also known as the "Summon The Demons" knob, then I'm going navigating into the 7 circles of Hell :-D The Dual Dagger would be a great choice for you, a great alternative to the QPAS I believe you already own (and very different beasts, of course) and it's also pretty useful for the reverse use case, to make a mono signal animated in stereo...
As im a bit new in that world i dont understand yet how the attenuator, mults and so forth will help me: its a way to increase the potentiality of each module by adding more connexion available ?
-- heliovolana
Not exactly, they allow you to control your signals in different ways. Maths has attenuators but using those as simple attenuators will quickly become old, and you'll be looking for more. Luckily, attenuating cables exist, I bought some at Schneiders. Attenuators will attenuate (reduce) a signal, useful when sending an LFO to say a filter cutoff, you don't usually want your cutoff being moved for the entire range, the attenuator allows you to control that range.
Mults allow you to copy a signal (say an envelope triggered with your voice, to send it to both VCA and filter), etc. I won't go over what all utilities do, but someone already did, more or less : Chris was also involved in the writing of an amazing book as well: Both video courses and the book are fantastic learning resources, a lot of effort went into those. There's also a lot of good free stuff on Youtube as well, for example my favorite Youtuber is Ben DivKid (), his videos are very informative even you don't have the module being demoed, as most techniques will apply to a lot of systems/modules.
Let's see if I can try to help and also save some time for the people who usually help everyone by pointing the obvious:
"Seq. switch because I've heard people say they're important" -> that's not a good reason to buy any module IMHO. Buy them because YOU UNDERSTAND or at least strongly suspect WHY they are important. Advice: pick up a copy of the free VCV rack and experiment, understand what VCA's and switches etc can do. Remind yourself that an amplification section in modular (a VCA) can serve many more purposes than the amplification section of most fixed architecture synths, most of modules can be "abused" in funny and/or musical ways. A similar remark comes to mind for Beads, I mean sure, Beads, amarite, but if I ask Beads or Mimeophon or Arbhar, do you still have a firm answer and justification ?
Doepfer + 2Hp VCA: looks like the space would be better occupied by a MI Veils 2020. If you don't understand why, I can only offer RTFM as advice :-)
2HP modules are great but a bunch of them cobbled together can get hard to wiggle - those things are tiny, mate. You may want to consider the user experience aspect when designing your instrument.
Case size: Trying to rock 2 voices in a GENERATIVE setup with this space is ambitious to say the least. I can't remember what the exact titles were, but there are threads about this on this very forum. Basically, if you want to go generative, the 2HP TM will likely not be enough, and you have no ways to do logic, almost no modulation source. In the (approximated) words of a wiser member of this forum, the utility modules are the shine for the fancy nice looking modules, without it they remain dull for the most part. VCV will normally help you realize those shortcomings. Usually I see the TipTop Mantis case being recommended a lot but if you keep your build centered around only supporting the M32, you may not need a case as big as the Mantis. My advice is to at least PLAN your modular in a bigger space to get rid of that space limitation in your head, see what you need and then pick a case for the use you will have - and leave some space for (limited, if you want) expansion, modular is almost guaranteed to open a lot of doors in your head, so it can be good to be ready for when that happens.
Including M32: NO. If you are thinking about putting the M32 in anything other than its own casing, don't, unless you have a large case that has a lot of empty space, it's a waste of space and therefore money (because you pay for the space in the case).
Obligatory delay, reverb: why obligatory ? Unless you have very specific needs in terms of effects, like say the need for being able to CV control FX parameters, there may be other cheaper ways to handle this... As you have not included an Output module, I'm assuming you will feed this to a mixer or sound card of some sort. The latter implies a DAW, and therefore cheap great sounding FX VST's which could liberate precious space.
Doepfer mixer: if you intend to keep the build as small as possible, I don't understand this choice of mixer, there are smaller offerings, or similar sizes that offer more.
For your future research, plenty of excellent advice for similar questions. Type "generative" or "ambient" in the search bar from forum index and you'll have a lot to read.
Quick suggestion: consider replacing the Wasp in there with the amazing Shakmat's Dual Dagger: 4 filters in only 6 HP (basically 2 HP and 2 LP per channel), and will deal with the stereo signal from your chainsaw a little better IMHO. If you're hand with an iron, they do sell it as a kit as well - I built mine with the Shakmat team in Brussels and I've been enjoying delicious stereo filtering ever since. Would work nicely as an end of chain performance filter as well I suppose ;-)
I also think mults are good when you have a bigger system and you want to get from one module to another using an intermediary mult without having to buy stupidly long cables.
-- greenfly
Can’t tell if joking or making a suggestion akin to buying a Mordax Data because of the pretty graphics
The Eurorack 1U landscape is developing at the moment. Convenient for travel. I'm starting to think about a standalone setup only based on this format. is coming. Mosaic, and Intellijel of course, have a great offer. Etc. And Xodes (XO) has created a series of format changers. They allow using 1U modules in a 3U case by creating 1U rows. Perfect for combining with some Picos or 2hps, for example.
-- Sweelinck
Where can these tile carriers be bought?
-- Broken-Form
That is one of the great mysteries of life, no one really knows… It is rumored to have appeared only once, around the time Jesus turned water into wine.
Or you can find that out for yourself by heading to the manufacturer’s page, and order from there or from the dealers listed in their “dealers” section. It may sound hard but if you believe in yourself, I’m sure you can figure it out. I have faith.
@kossu did you buy any chance get inspired by one (or more) minimalist setup videos from Rick Tinez ? If so, remember that while he does have a “focus” Palette case he often makes videos with (which probably makes sense visually than a monster rack, I guess), that’s not all he has. As maybe the constant change in his setup shows, designing a setup that small takes a LOT of experience, and will imply sacrifices in terms of functionality or/and scope. I would therefore echo Jim and Farkas here, so advise to get a bigger case and do a LOT more research.
Other usual modular beginner guidance is also applicable (see other similar posts on this forum): get VCV to try ideas, buy slowly instead of everything at once, …
Mutable Instruments modules are going to be viewed as "classics" in future decades.
-- Lugia
So true, I’m Eurorack world we are blessed with many great designers and their innovations, but Emilie is on a whole other level, be it with her designs (I’m a big big fan of Marbles) but also her contributions to the community, empowering others to become great - what a lovely person !
Well, if this is to be a self-contained rack, my immediate reaction to this build would be that I need more ways to mess with modulation: VCA's, logic modules, some random, sequential switches etc, basically any way to animate the sound creation modules you already have... As a practical example, a matrix mixer would really shine in the current build IMO
How TRS MIDI Works
Many MIDI instruments, effects, and modules now support MIDI over smaller “minijack” connectors, but their implementations > vary:
Type A (now the MIDI standard)
e.g.: Korg, Make Noise
Type B
e.g.: Arturia, Novation
TS sometimes called Type C or Non-TRS
e.g.: Expert Sleepers, Beatstep (Original), MFB
Hey @GarfieldModular
All is fine - I'll send you a PM so this thread can remain about funbun's amazing music ;-)
Speaking of which, if people do some clicks on his Youtube, they may end up watching interesting videos with a super cool music background and a real talent for photography, like this one:
& I've seen that slogan (or very similar) stuck to many, many modular synthesizers over the years
-- JimHowell1970
I note that I've been tempted to put "This Machine Confuses Fascists" on the back of the Digisound 80 for live gigs as of late.
-- Lugia
I think my statement of choice would be something like "This Machine Confuses The Hell Out Of Everyone I Know, Myself Included - Always RTFM Or We Are Doomed" but that's too long for a 2HP blank and I don't do live gigs so writing anything on the back of my rack will only address my walls (who I am very sad to report are not very talkative or appreciative of my musical efforts they witness on a regular basis).
@Lugia About that Digisound 80, did you build the whole thing ? From EMM articles ? I've only heard rumors and short videos, but I hear the filter on it is extra creamy...
@GarfieldModular I don't think I'll ever invite a stranger I disagree with on the Internet to play with my modular synth lol - but more seriously you are the example I'm trying to follow, this forums owes you quite a bit of its positivity so thanks ;-)
this is how WE change the world... hopefully!! or at least make ourselves feel a little bit better...
-- JimHowell1970
Hahaha, I'm not sure I have such high hopes, my dude :-D For me it's only about raising awareness, no need to overdo it or insist on people changing their minds, I try to share what I consider is right (and whenever possible, positive), and hope to inspire others to do the same - which might end up disagreeing with me and that is fine. I do think however that an overly PC attitude wouldn't be positively contributing to any debate, because it essentially tries to remove the debate from discussion, whereas debate is for me an essential part of a good and sane society. What do people do when they can't discuss what they disagree on ?
& I've seen that slogan (or very similar) stuck to many, many modular synthesizers over the years
-- JimHowell1970
Yeah, I've seen it too - tbh, I don't think anyone should kill anyone because of their ideas but I have to admit I have very belligerent feeling for people with a severe lack of ideas, sometimes, so I guess I can't be throwing stones, right ? :)
Very interesting piece, thanks for the patch notes !
I'd say you could pat yourself on the back for this one, I feel like "electronic middle-eastern jazz" would be a good description of the vibes I got out of it so you scored very close to your original goal/influence. I have to say that in general, I like how you orchestrate your pieces, the interplay between the different voices is something you do really well.
I like this forum a lot, and I am learning about "euro-rack modules". It is so awesome!
But, what is all this thing about politics statements on an electronic modules platform.
Everybody can think and express whatever they want, if it doesn't affect the products they make, who care?, if the quality is involved, of course, it is related to this forum; everything else is out the place.
If people IRL commit "real" crimes, let the law do its things; please, don't let the keyboard's double-moralistic warriors invade this place. Everything has its right place, and I am not here to read about the fashion politics tendencies.
I don't think this nice and beautiful place was made for that illness to spread around.
Thank you.
-- Hikove
That's like... your opinion, man. Just like Jim's statements or mine, it's all opinions, which I thought was what forums were about. If some opinions annoy you deeply, I would advise to simply disregard them, just like I disregard opinions of people about modules when they admittedly never read the manual and don't understand 70% of what the circuits do.
Here's some perspective: I do care - deeply. In fact, I am convinced that to fight for the world each of us wants to live in, the weapon we have is our wallet, believing that the law alone will solve all issues is way too naïve, there are many examples of people making a difference by changing their purchase habits collectively. Yet, to make informed decisions we need information, so people in communities talking about what they see as issues - regardless of whether I agree or not about it being an issue.
By the way, calling social justice "fashion politics tendencies" is very much a political view in itself...
About Synthrotek, my take:
A bunch of internet keyboard warriors, who probably have never seen 'South Park', freaked out that he posted a picture of Harvey Weinstein and made a bad joke they probably didn't understand. Then attacked him and were surprised that a person like him would react in the way he did. . . It takes more than that to offend me. He did not rape or kill anyone, so I don't care.
Since they all most likely wear and buy things that are made by slave and child labor, which should be common knowledge by now; and the destruction that mining rare minerals for electronics cause. . . Its most likely people annoyed by Synthrotek just disagree with his different political view. I am the complete opposite of a bigot. Most people if their circumstances were slightly different could easily have been the opposite, what they disagree with, of what they are now. The left and right, most people, essentially function on the same logic. I cannot wait till humans evolve past politics.
-- vansting
Again, a lot of shortcuts here, saying that people are annoyed by Synthrotek solely because of Steve's political views is intellectually lazy. So is saying that people offended by his posts simply "did not understand" - that's assuming that he was right and that there is not other view possible of the situation. I have NO IDEA what his political views are (and I don't care), in fact I'm not really offended by his bad jokes, but I would defend the right for other people to talk about it here. After all, it was his choice to make those jokes and subsequent aggressive defense on his business page, not his personal page...
When I click on your rack, I still see PNW in the 3rd row...
Now, the manual extract above should help you setting the BPM on Pam's.
Regardless, my advice is once again to read the manual in its entirety, it's actually pretty good and a must read for a module as "complex" as PNW, the range of functionality on offer is huge !
An alternative is watching the excellent DivKid video (however something as basic as setting BPM might not be touched on, I'm afraid):
Skipping the manual and the video, you risk missing out on things it can do that could help/inspire your next patch, so read up ;)
So you want to know how to set the BPM with PNW but you don't own that module yet since it's in your bottom row ? Just asking because setting the BPM with Pam's is litterally the module's default screen as well as the very first thing explained in the module's Getting Started section of its user manual...
When initially powered on, Pamela’s NEW Workout’s display shows the current clock tempo setting in beats per minute (BPM). Clicking and then twisting the main blue program knob highlights and then adjusts this BPM value between its maximum and minimum values when turned. Clicking again deselects.
Gain indicator LED. Its brightness is proportional to the VCA gain, on a dB scale. The LED is off when the signal is muted.
Output indicator LED. Its brightness represents signal level, and its color represents signal polarity (green = positive).
No signal and no offset = no light. Reading the manuals of the modules is an absolute must.
Yes, Manis being mono is normal, all Noise Engineering voices are mono I think. You can always "stereo" a signal later, with effects for example.
For LFOs suggested by Ronin, I suggest you start by exploring the Hermod. It's got plenty of functions, one of those is LFO's. Always start looking at modules you already have to achieve a goal you may have, this is how you learn your instrument !
For filter, it's true that Manis has in own integrated LPF and Plaits can definitely be used without a filter especially when you use the trig input thanks to that LPG simulation, but a nice multi-mode filter can expand the sound palette on offer quite well nonetheless. For example, someone put the Dual Dagger from Shakmat Modularon my radar recently, relatively cheap and small but quite powerful it seems, and it can help with mono-to-interesting-stereo duties too.
Jb is quite right about the Blackhole DSP vs FX Aid. The latter is a no-brainer so if space is an issue, you have your solution right there. And in fact, there is also the question of the Black HADSR, 12HP for a single enveloppe is not something I would do in a space limited rack. If you absolutely need ADSR (I found out some time ago that for me, that was coming from habit more than need, I'm very much an AD guy now) you could have a look at Quadigy from Klavis, still ADSR but 4 of them, presets and other niceties, for only 2HP more.
Finally, I suggest going through Math's illustrated manual, a must try in my honest opinion ;-)
I'm going to go ahead and guess: development time/costs. Such an app requires developing a multi-platform application to produce these envelopes as well as expanding on the maintenance menu to add other functions (currently only used for firmware updates) for data upload. Development costs get translated into the final price we pay.
Don't get me wrong, I agree that such function would send Zadar into the heavens, but looks like it wasn't in store for us just yet. Not to worry, there's plenty of interesting waveforms on the existing software and plenty of ways to turn those back on themselves and get what you want... or even better, a happy surprise :-)
I suppose the best value filter I have is the Erica Synths Black Dual VCF - thanks to @GarfieldModular for recommending it :)
It's got all the filters type outputs available at once which is something I wanted on at least one of my filters, the feature set is more than enough for the synthesist in me to have fun and most importantly, it sounds just right when pushing resonance right below the self-oscillation point, lovely. It may be discontinued now but prices on Reverb make it a great value, around 250-300 euros.
For the very particular sound and an amazingly plethoric feature set, one could look at the IME Bionic Lester MK3. Sounds crazy and then some, it's got presets, different link modes, you name it. The price may be high, but it's worth it IMO.
Finally, I should mention XAOC's Belgrad, plenty of filter types, and combinations thereof (it's a dual filter). Again, it sounds great and each filter type sounds different enough to offer a lot of sonic variety to the operator. Sounds great as a voice too !
yes they may have upped their quality (pigs are flying) as for the last year they were probably the only ones through lockdown to be flying back and forth between factories during the pandemic and lockdown restrictions. the previous modules were made in china so they had no real control over the quality process. I know some people online mostly grown adult men over 50 ( mommy- they are destroying my beloved eurorack scene boohoo !!!!) don't like it but Behringer does have this luxury hence for the newbie, Behringer is a better shout any day of the week. I think they just drafted a name that meant something at one time in to buy quality Ronin but some people are easily swayed by this kind of marketing. I see Pittsburg stuff on eBay all the time. I think meh - a lot of money for something very very old and wonder if this is why the person is now trying to get rid of it.
-- greenfly
We get it, you had a bad experience with Cr8audio... but I had bad experiences as well, and with well-known manufacturers, yet you don't see me dissing on them everywhere I can, it's called restraint and perspective, you should try it some time.
And no, people hating on Behringer are not all 50+ white men in their man-cave trying to gatekeep the Eurorack niche, you've been pointed to the information before but chose to ignore it because that serves the rationale you use to justify buying it yourself... It's getting awkward.
BTW, what do you @Ronin1973 think of Brains? A good brides clone? I really with MN would sell a rack version of I want that.
-- Shadowsaun
Brains is more or less a copy of the currently available Mutable Instruments Plaits. And I feel you for the Make Noise Strega, what a beautiful instrument !
I too learned something, so also a good day. Though if I ever buy a Diggy-Takt, I shall name it a digitakt :)
Lucky for me i can pronounce Elektron :)
-- wishbonebrewery
Did you notice that the (super nice) guy in the video pronounces his name like "Jenk" but it's written Cenk ?
And of course, we are all free to name our machines as we like, my Digitakt (when I had one) was named Michel. BTW, I'm still looking for an official name for my rack, currently I'm looking at
would appreciate someone replying to this as I don't want to ruin my expensive UAD Apollo by pumping in modular levels of audio.
-- greenfly
Seems like an opportune time to remind yourself that this website is not your personal free customer service, but rather a place where people come to have fun and help each other. A simple "thank you" might go a long way, but YMMV I suppose...
I can only see modules on the right.
-- abstractrhythms
Same here.
Context: Pairing with some outboard synths (Digitone, Digitakt), had initially planned to sequence and clock from the Digitakt.
-- toiletfingers
What do you hope this setup will achieve, supplement the existing gear with modulation (you'd need a CV to MIDI converter, most likely), create a completevoice with Plaits, something else I'm not seeing ? What do you mean by initially planned, did that change and if so, why ?
I have about $500 to spend before I have to pump the brakes for awhile, trying to figure out what makes the most sense to gain maximum enjoyment from my case until I can afford to further expand.
I know I need a filter, an envelope, really attracted to Pam's because it does quite a bit that I think would bring the rest of the case to life. Rings is also attractive to me but I know there are other things I would probably benefit from acquiring first.
-- toiletfingers
Most likely not the answer you're expecting but I'd say that with that kind of cash, I'd probably be looking at an Analog Four Mk1 in 2nd hand, a very capable 4 voice analog synth, with the sequencing paradigm you already know from the Digitone and CV outs too if you want to integrate that with Eurorack... Now if you already have some modular gear and you're only looking for a filter + EG with a $500 budget, maybe the Intellijel offering could be interesting, say a Quadrax and a Polaris in 2nd hand ?
Also, what do you hope Pam's or Rings would bring to your setup ?
I feel like there's just not enough we know about what you want to do to be able to answer efficiently...
Then today was a good day, every day should be a learning day in my opinion. In fact, that's probably why I love modular so much, there's always something new to explore :-)
I’m guessing that it’s due to the fact that the correct pronunciation according to the people who produce it is exactly that, probably because it’s Swedish and all that ;-)
Digital is an English word, Digitakt is a Swedish one.
Plaits is pronounced wrong mostly by non-native English speakers mostly I suppose… Well, I hope :-)
As far as I could read, this has surprisingly never been requested before but would be a big scroll/click saver for forum users: I don't see a way to jump to the last post of a thread on the forum, would it be possible to transform the [time] section of the "Today, [time] by [user] in [Forum Index]" message into a link leading to the last message, similar to what we can see on other forums ?
PS: lots of love for MG ❤️❤️❤️ - I make my own hearts now :-)
I tried to use the same technique a couple of times, but ended up heavy-handing stuff because I work too fast (I loathe using my computer for music) and it sounded like noise farts. You motivated me to give it another try though, I can't be always relying on "lazy people's VST's" that make things sound lo-fi with a single click :-)
It's pretty much the only reason for me to make music as well, between mediation and creation. I chose to believe there's nothing wrong with that. And given the output of your self-absorbed sonic wandering, I am super glad you decided to share it, this second video is a super cool throwback at the 90's Jungle/D&B stuff I still love to this day ! MG now has its own Adam F
BTW, how did you get to that delicious Lo-Fi sound with the track on SoundCloud ?
@toodee I went on a real Serge tear awhile back and that's a big part of the why, but the more proximate cause is that I really super love the VCFS (which I had first) but find it also has a pretty distinctive sound, and one that's kind of smooth rather than aggressive and super resonant. So, I wanted to have another filter to mix it up for when I'm building my own 303 (instead of relying on the M303) and to get a little more intense and a darker vibe. That said, I was looking at the rack today and wondering if a Plaits or a 4MS Ensemble Oscillator might make more sense over the VCFQ there, especially if I could sneak in something like a WMD C4RBN. Future plans, TBD!
Stepping back and putting aside my particular acid journey, they are both really unique and interesting filters that don't quite sound like anything else I've used, so if you're curious I would definitely recommend them both, and I have a ton of love for the R*S modules in general too. Hope that helps!
-- troux
Thank you very much for those explanations ! I'm really afraid of R*S because I think that if I start with that brand (the Res EQ has been on my radar for quite a while) I'd probably end up spending more than I should, they do offer very nice designs though, IMO a very nice balance of space and unique functionality. The only issue I have is that for this type of module and design (variable Q or slope is not something I'm used to) is that I would have to try them before buying and I have no way of doing that currently or for the foreseeable future. It's probably for the (financial) best...
I've also been trying my best to ignore that Sound Stage of yours, and the recent WMD designs because the part of my garden where I grow money has suffered from the summer droughts 😅
So, I just found out that me sending out hearts to @troux caused an issue in my message, but I don't care, I'm sending love with words then
I also had a question that got trimmed actually (if you can spare some time): I'm seeing 2 R*S VCFs in your setup, could you tell us more about those, why you have both and what they do for you compared to other filters you may have tried ?
I've just experienced a weird bug: my last post in the forum saw only 2 lines posted despite the fact that what I wrote was 6 or 7 lines. Trying to edit the message to add the lines back seems to get ignored and my message is trimmed at the exact same spot after the edit.
-- toodee
Any special chars in this text? What was it?
-- modulargrid
I don't think it did, it was just a question on a couple of modules, the only thing that comes to mind was a semi-colon I used for a winking smiley, like this ;-)
Maybe it was just a glitch from my machine, although I have disabled most extensions on my browser for this website including ad blockers.
EDIT: just testing the edit function - and I remember I may have written a heart to troux, so < and 3 stuck together, could that be it ?
I've just experienced a weird bug: my last post in the forum saw only 2 lines posted despite the fact that what I wrote was 6 or 7 lines. Trying to edit the message to add the lines back seems to get ignored and my message is trimmed at the exact same spot after the edit.
I would like to learn about the signal flow, and then the modulation, effects,... Where could I read more about it? Is there any threads that will help with basic knowledge?
I took a cross-country road trip a few years ago, and the journey was just as fun as the destination. Same thing applies when building your rack. Above all, have fun.
-- farkas
Nailed it. This is excellent advice for a lot of things in life, and of course especially everything art-related !
I just may be an idiot and not able to pick up on stuff as well as others, but that has been my path so far and I'm glad I'm doing it the way I am....somewhat slow and will be tempted (as I have been)...and you will see a module you want in your rack that someone has for a good price (as I have)...and you will buy it (I've done it twice now with Warps and FX Aid XL)...but try to hold back somewhat and give yourself some room to breath and learn...I haven't even plugged in my FX Aid XL into anything yet because Warps, Maths, and Quadrax have kept me up into the morning hours multiple times and I still am just scratching the surface.
-- jb61264
You come across as being very far from an idiot, don't let anyone tell you that ! You are enjoying your hobby, and you take it at a pace you can handle and enjoy, that's actually a great way to go about it IMHO. And yeah, Maths + Quadrax is also in my rack, and I'm also just scratching the surface after months of having both, I think that's fine as long as... I'm having fun. I would have been completely overwhelmed myself if I had started with these 2 together ;-)
In fact, I think "take it slow" and "enjoy" should be at the very top of modular advice, along with "buy a bigger rack than you think you'll need" and "you will probably need more VCA's and ways to combine/mess with modulation".
Everybody's advice is good to take as long as you remember you need to make it your own idea and not just copy someone else's.