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I used the above setup to play this jam:

I am continuing to learn as I go.
My goals with this jam were:
1) Can I change up the kick and hats as I play via using the 4Robots device controlled by CV1 and C3
2) Can I use the switching to allow for a change in sounds as I play through the song
3) Can I go through a few different parts to have the song change a bit as I go
4) Continue to learn how to manage the effects via my Launch Control XL running into the 1010 BlueBox mixer.

Notes: The effects are primarily the Happy Nerding device along with some delay and a darker reverb from the 1010 BlueBox.

Overall, I had a good time jamming away!
Please feel free to leave any and all thoughts/comments/feedback as it is greatly appreciated.


Hi EroGumby,

Wow you set some tough targets/goals for yourself during this jam. Now, knowing what the goals were you set for yourself, it would be interesting to know how many of them were accomplished? :-)

Good work, thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

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Thank you for the feedback and the question! It is a great question all up for sure. :)
Here are two samples I played through on Sunday:

Here are things I have improved on.
1) Getting the sounds to change up a bit while using the switching
2) I learned I need to tune the drums and patterns so it can work better.
I didn't quite make my goal there, but I learned some things and have a few new ideas to try! So i'll call that a success .
3) Creating parts - Still much work to do here, but being able to change up the drums and such will also play a part in that. I do feel like I am starting to get parts to emerge and that is super cool for me personally as I have not really accomplished that yet in most of my work.
4) Managing the effects: Yeah, getting better at that for sure - part of the issues is learning how sensitive the controller is with the BlueBox.

If I were to sum up my learnings i'd say:
1) Fun progress on starting to get sounds that can evolve
2) The concept of switching up the drums can work, I need to tune the patterns and the choices
3) I'm getting better with the effects and morphing the sounds.

Great question and thanks for asking it helped me reflect on progress.
Much appreciated!


Another nice one @EroGumby, let's see you hit 30 minutes next!

Hi EroGumby,

Thanks a lot for sharing your reflections on your own goals, it's interesting to read and might help one to improve hers/his own process too, very nice!

Sounds like you improved on almost all goals, that's a great result!

I look forward in seeing/hearing your next goals and improvements :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thank you!

I’m looking forward to having another jam posted soon!

I agree in the question of: did you learn and/or achieve any goals you set. Overall, I like to set a goal or two for a jam. I’ll work on noting that for the future.

Thanks again for asking, and Matt you enjoy the rest of your day.