I'm thinking about buying a module (Bastl Ski's) that utilizes jumpers on the back which affect various operations. I have a general question about jumpers: how do they work? I mean this on a pragmatic level, not a circuitry level. Do they have a switch? Do you remove them to affect the functionality? Do you patch them to something? Hope this isn't a dumb question. I looked all over the place. I found lots of information about what specific jumpers do on specific modules, but nothing about how you actually use them in general.


Think of a jumper as connector between certain parts in a circuit, much like a patch cable between modules. Either these parts get connected when the jumper is set, or not when it is left open. Does that help?

Another bit: you aren't necessarily stuck with the setting behind the patch panel when you opt to change a jumper. Have a look at the 'Switch' or 'Expander' modules @ 4hp and down, and you'll see that a number of modules exist as 'assignable' switches, meaning that they can be connected to the jumper point and then you actually have options as to whether you want the 'jumper on' or 'jumper off' (or 'jumper in X position' or 'Y position') and have this option switchable from one of these little auxiliary modules. It's a cheap and space-thrifty way to up the game on some modules where jumper setting changes are possible.

I reckon this forum only covers track & hold.