Constraints: I don't want modules whose full potential can only be unlocked by carrying an SD card back and forth to a computer. Not saying that stuff isn't cool, it just doesn't reflect what I want out of hardware in general.
Example: my prospective system has an">Erica Synths Plasma Drive in it, because while it's absolutely not the most versatile distortion out there, the idea of physically (not simulatedly) turning sound into plasma arcs and then back into sound is so damn cool that the joy of the concept it self makes it worth the cost and the space.
The MGrid Module Finder doesn't have "Experimental" as an option for searching by Function, so I turn to the forums. Show me the wackiest, coolest-in-concept modules you know of, with no regard for how versatile they are. I've got 184 HP worth of balanced, versatile utilities in my rack already.
Love you guys!

A Benjolin is a fun and weird thingy :)

Also the Xaoc Drezno and friends are very interesting units!

wildfire laboratories whole catalog!

Error Instruments and Erd pretty much specialize in this. Nonlinearcircuits has a lot of cool weird stuff. Mannequins/Whimsical Raps as well – their aesthetic is pretty obscure, but even when you get through the marketing and understand the modules, they still have a very unique take on whatever function they do. There's also the Instruo Scion, if you happen to have any plants.

Error Instruments:
Indian Reasonator

Both modules you could play an entired weird set with.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.