I started my modular journey by way of Korg DS-10 on the DS and Korg DSN-12 on the 3DS. I was in grad school and had packed up my old MIDI-based Groovebox/patch bay/DSP multi-effects studio so that music wouldn't be a big distraction. However, I picked up Korg's DS-10 MS-10/KAOSS game/app/DAW for the DS and was introduced to the almighty patch cable. Everyday I would experiment with it and make simple tracks, some of which I've released and have become some of my most popular tracks.

Fast forward to a few years ago and a producer friend of mine sent me a video of someone making dub techno with a modular setup and told me that we would both probably be using it soon. I was always a little afraid of the cost and of GAS, however, so I would look at it and then ignore it while looking for the next VST modulation/sequencer/effect. Then another friend of mine who is very much into modular told me I should get into it when we met up in San Francisco and went to check out ROBOTSPEAK. For me, it was practically a religious experience! I had never been to a gear store entirely aimed at someone like me.

I came up with a plan to build a modular that I could use as a signal path for two dub techno chord channels at the same time (I already have a Microfreak, a JP08, and my crunchy old DW6000) in my current productions, a bunch of modulation sources of increasing complexity, and two oscillators so that each row could conceivably be a stand-alone monosynth for a live modular-only kind of thing (using my Korg SQ-1 and the Euclidean Circles).

I finally finished it and I am having a blast playing with it standalone (well, almost standalone - Korg SQ-1) and running various signals through it.