OK...given that Plaits, Marbles, and Beads are already in-hand, I started with those, then kept filling...

The thing that bugs me, though, is the cab itself. Generative tends to require MUCH more room in the case, since you need a lot more modules that can work with random and psuedorandom activity. So I stuck with the ambient direction here...
Top row: All audio: 2 x Plaits (because 1 VCO is nice, and 2 VCOs allows detuning, which is even NICER), then Veils for control over which VCO outputs are being routed to the VCF. Went with the QPAS for that, because you can either feed the inputs in stereo (as in, with both Plaits post-VCAs) or mono, since the QPAS can "stereoize". After the QPAS is a dual VCA clone of the Veils VCA to control levels over the post-VCF feed to the Warps. Warps is for even further stereo reprocessing, then you hit the Beads for all of the granular stuff. Last thing there is your stereo output, with a ganged stereo level control.
Bottom row: Not audio, and this is where the space issues start. Pam's, then a Noise Rainbow2 for random signals for various modules to work with. Kinks is after this, and very useful here with its more basic submodules. After that, Maths, then the Shades and a 3x VCA for tampering with modulation behavior and levels. And last, a Quadrax and its Qx expander.
But with the space limitations I've mentioned, there are a LOT of modules that are useful for generative work that simply don't have room here. Various stochastic sequencers, comparators for "reading" mod signals to generate gates, Boolean logic that can, if desired, cause massive changes to the patch behavior, and so on. Fact is, a triple-row cab would make lots more sense here due to this. Without those, well...it's a decent modular for most anything, actually, but you just won't have the space resources for the real generative "meat".