Thread: Bug Report

Hmm, the ones with the letters are tricky ones. I'd go with the reverse but others might disagree:

Arrow up > Alphabetic : modules with letter Z first
Arrow up > Manufacturer: manufacturers with letter Z first

Thread: Bug Report

Seems that depth works the wrong way? I'm trying to sort MyModules by depth and even though the arrow points upwards I get the modules with no depth on top. Is that normal? It doesn't make sense. I also get the shallowest modules on top and that is wrong.

By comparison arrow in Popular points to the most popular, in Newest points to the newest. I'd expect it to act the same way for Depth, it should point to the most deep.

Not sure about that. I managed to fit an ADDAC812VU which is 35 mm deep, with no problems.

Ideally, with those 4ms pods, could a mismatch in depth be highlighted?
-- liquid_air

Unfortunately the data here cannot be fully trusted. I run into such an issue where the depth info both in MG and in the manufacturer's manual is not true, which made me purchase a module which ought to fit in a Pod but didn't. 2hp Rnd v1 still has depth set as 34mm last time I checked and I had to reach out to manufacturer for a change. Real depth is 45mm with power cable, 40mm without. Both are too deep for a Pod and I have no idea why they don't state the real depth.

I'm not for it, but I'm now used to it when I'm looking for something that I know should be there. But then again, I know how to do a proper search. I haven't seen a huge increase in the number of duplicates - so unless something happens let's keep it at that.

@modulargrid Since 4ms is introducing the Pods, can we lower the minimum case size in Eurorack to 3U 20hp ?

I see your point, but that's easy to mitigate if you're searching for something specific. Granted, I'd personally prefer if people hid their custom modules, but that's not easy to do and, again personally speaking, I can't be bothered to go and hide each new module that is custom and yet uploaded for all to see.

That being said, if you don't want to remove the Others, then you'll have to wade through all the custom Braids and other non-interesting modules, as they belong under Others and MG has no way of knowing what each user is interested in or not, unless you explicitly say so by using the Search function for something specific.

Hope that helps!

Hi @LeSlow, that depends on what you mean by "alter" the gates. One thing you can do is plug all the gates from the expander, and then move from one to another sequentially (or in other manners). This module is a 4:1 or 1:4 switch or anything from 1:1 up to 1:4 and vice versa.

Let me know what it is you want to do in more detail.

I would like to be able to filter out all clones of Mutable Instruments modules. Each and everyone is making clones of them nowadays, and I am not interested in them at all when I go to

I know that this is not easy to fix, but it would make at least me happy.
-- jgb

How about not showing Others?

The HP information is included in the info of each module. It's probably the only value that you cannot escape using when adding a new module.

You can see it underneath the blah blah included in most modules. It's located below the power info (if available), as a tag.

Additionaly, it is included when looking at the modules using the Module Finder.

Last, but not least, you can find it when using the Popover option and while you hover your mouse over a module.

Not sure what you mean by #1. You want the total HP of the modules? It's on the Data Sheet link underneath your rack.

No comment on #2

I disagree with #3. The modules that do that are too few to warrant extra functionality. It's easy to cover for them with a custom module.

The Rung Divisions is super interesting but quite pricey. I'd be all over it otherwise!

You can favor modules if you are a Unicorn member. That way you get a tab with only the modules you've starred/favored and can browse through them at will. Super useful! I use that to see only modules that I actually own :)

When using the Module Finder (re: list of modules) one of the options is a small briefcase. Use it to add/remove modules from the My Modules tab. The tab can be found right on top of the Module Finder, right next to the All Modules. You can switch between browsing all the modules, or just the modules on My Modules.


Seems like you have all the info you need :)

As soon as your site is up with a few modules readily available for purchase, send a private request to MG management and the team will process your request. Alternatively you can upload the modules as Other/Unknown but that's not as exciting. Plus, let's face it, there's nothing better for your sales than the module appearing on MG while it's readily available on your webshop!

You have to contact MG owner directly. Do you have an official site?

I think it works the other way around. The resellers sign up for specific manufacturers. No?

You can use Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V to copy and paste between racks on different tabs of the same browser. :)

@modulargrid can we please also edit this just because it's no longer available it should not be hidden. WTF TipTop, congrats on having 0 knowledge of how MG works.

I suggest that locks should not apply to mods so that we can mitigate such mistakes quickly. Maybe a notification can be sent to module owner/manufacturer when a mod edits the module, so that there is some accountability. Just a suggestion.

Thread: Change Log

It will only be one of the 1000 email they'll receive about GDRP. It's been soooo tiresome already.

I wouldn't say no to an "invisible" enclosure for Eurorack as well. Same as Pittsburgh without the wooden sides. Not sure if/how to design it and add, but definitely interested.

Also, there are new uCases coming from Tubbutec, at 18hp. Any chance we can lower the minimum HP size of a case? Just curious. Not a big issue to begin with.

Thread: Change Log

@modulargrid I'm seeing issues both in Pedalboards and Eurorack cases. Pedalboards seem to have lost the ability to delete pedals, there are no more menu buttons when you mouse over a pedal. Eurorack cases are ok, but the drop-down menus get mixed with the panels of modules some times. Just FYI.

The new Zoom function is excellent. One person suggested that maybe it could also be implemented "outside the rack", re: on the list of modules. Hover over a module, and press z to get a bigger shot of the panel. Doesn't seem that bad when browsing through the list of modules available; should cut down on time if you don't to open the Info page for each and every module.

Thread: Change Log

Nice! Just saw that. Looks cool and I like the purple colour on the button.

Fair request. I always go with the pricier option just to make sure, but that's just the way I think. Let's see what other people think.

Now to remove all the duplicates :D :D :D
This is great!

One idea would be to actually Edit the available module (if possible) and change the panel to the reverse. Users can scroll through available panels via the Panel option. Both normal and flip versions would be available on the same module.

The problem with that is a) not everyone knows it b) most people would get their panels flipped all of a sudden.


We've been discussing adding the option to flip a panel for while. It could/should be implemented in some in the future. In the meantime, if the module is not already available as upside-down you can add it yourself, but make sure to tag it as Unlisted. It's a bit of a pain to get duplicate modules just because someone wanted the panel flipped (my personal opinion anyhow). I have a few that I've uploaded myself (it's a fair request) but I tag them as Unlisted to avoid duplicates for others. :)

Hahahahaha, yeah, that ought to be an easy fix but come on, it's not that important, is it? Bookmark a different part of the site and you're set :)

Perfect! So there was an issue, it wasn't just my idea. Great!
Yes, being able to delete just duplicates of modules which already exist is a good idea. Obviously it will take caution but if we limit ourselves to duplicates and then message the uploader that a duplicate exists and people ought to be using that instead, I think we're towards a better/cleaner MG.


No worries dooj88! Glad the info is cleared up for you. Also, I'd suggest you take a look at Ladik for other 4hp options.

Define "as expected". The module boosts from instrument (not mic, instrument) level to modular level and attenuates from modular level down to instrument level. Two channels for each.

I guess you mean the section "Related Rack" ?

-- modulargrid

Yes! But check
This module is not used on any racks according to its info page and yet I cannot delete it. I've seen this a few times when I first upload a new module and place it on my rack. Checking the info page it doesn't have any Related Racks at all where it should say "Included in 1 racks".

Still can't delete that one so something is up!
Thanks for the quick response, as always.


Here's a question/request which ought to be easily feasible:

can we make sure that the alignment between using a module on a rack and what appears in the info section of the module in regards to usage is 1:1 ? I mean, I'd like to be able to see exactly on how many racks a module is being used on, no exceptions.

Right now I have a module hidden, which I uploaded and had to remove, which is in no racks (supposedly) but when I try to delete it, it doesn't allow me as "it's being used in some racks". There's probably someone who still has it on a rack but I can't know who or how many there are, since the information is non-existent.

Same goes for when I upload a module the first time, I put it on my rack and there's no info about it being used anywhere. It's a bit weird. Is it possible that it's a bug?

Didn't mean to offend when I mentioned the reverse panel post. I fully understand that not everyone is aware of the Panel Selector option, as I'm aware that not everyone will bother scrolling through all the panels.

As is the panel number increases with each edit, whether it was panel related or not. Then we have all the people posting duplicates because they can't be arsed to use the search function! Not even alternative versions, just mere duplicates. And then, my favorite, people uploading a duplicate just to promote a sale. Love it even more when it's not even a module!

Anyway, I think merge would do wonders here. But for starters a warning when someone presses the Submit button "Are you sure this module isn't already available? Did you check the Panel Selector for alternative versions?" :)

Love and piece

Hey @modulargrid, all these ideas are just things that come to me while I clean-up each day. It's by no means a requirement or a request; merely suggestions. As always, I'd be up to discuss these or any similar matter to a larger extent. A clean DB is what we're both aiming at! :) And by the way, I know full well that implementation is a totally different issue, so again, no pressure whatsoever.

I think that being able to Force Delete a module entirely could be an abrupt yet functional method, at least for mods? Maybe add an option list when deleting to send a message to the original poster (OP) so that they get informed of what they did wrong. Or maybe not.

Still, if we can't have a merge I, for one, vote to delete duplicates of modules that are now set up as hidden.

I've been deleting a lot of duplicates recently. So here are a couple of ideas to stop this trend:

1) When someone adds a module, look-up the name / manufacturer added and if there's already a module with that name (yes, I know variations can exist) then suggest that the module MIGHT be a duplicate

2) If a duplicate of a module exists and is being used then add a warning (similar to the incomplete power info warning already available) saying that user is using a duplicate module and that they should revert to original version

3) Do a purge. Seriously, let's clean up this place of all the damn duplicates. They will get removed from peoples racks, so be it! I can't believe I have to hide modules which are the reverse panel of the original, which is already available as an alternative to the original module by scrolling the Panel Selector options.


I agree with the OP and disagree with mskala. I've personally deleted a ton of duplicates myself (and continue to do so every single day). This and a merge function for panel alternatives would really help de-clutter the Grid before it becomes unusable.

A 90/180 deg flip would be super useful. To achieve this I make Private modules for my own personal use. Would be great to be able to remove them from the Grid entirely.

I really appreciate your effort in doing this. It's indispensible! Not everyone realizes how important this is, I used to have to do this when I created "pedal boards" in Paint. Sheesh.

MG is far better, especially with the addition of your plugs. Would be up for MIDI connectors as well ... I'll look into this.

I just cleaned up. The only untagged modules on the Grid are the ones locked by manufacturers etc. I contacted them via the Contact Manufacturer button asking if they can tag their modules appropriately. Here's hoping they'll do it.

Anyway, it's just a few. Did the rest myself!

Did not see your first message: The order you have is "Newest". The default order wasn't switched when clicking on a tag. That should be fixed by now.
However you can still change the sort orders any time, if people want the old representation with "most popular first" it is possible.
-- modulargrid

Looks good to me! I think it's an elegant solution ... but now I feel compelled to go tag those 10-15 modules that have no tags whatsoever

Followup: ok, it works when using the drop-down. Just checked with Frequency Divider again and it works just fine. It does not work when clicking on a tag though, just so you know. My offer still stands if you need to test.


It should work. Which browser are you using, which function/tag are you looking for?

Yes, that is the idea.
-- modulargrid

I'm using Firefox 56.0.1 (64-bit). I just clicked on the "Frequency Divider" tag (no other search options) and I got (in order of appearance): Compare 2 (Comparator, Dual/Stereo, Frequency Divider, Logic), Divide & Conquer (Clock Modulator, Frequency Divider), DIV (Clock Modulator Frequency Divider), Burst (Clock Generator, Clock Modulator, Frequency Divider, Random), ... , 4046 Shaper (Frequency Divider).

Can't upload a screenshot it seems but hit me up via PM if you want to Skype this out; I can share my screen there and you'd have a different system to demo this.

We have that update now. What do you think?
-- modulargrid

Is it working though? 'Cause I'm searching based on tag only and I get mixed number of tags on the results. I would assume the ones with just that one tag would appear first, no? Anyway, I think it's a great idea to be honest. We should definitely go with that one.

Side note: I am not pushing this agenda, I am just having a conversation. I work in a filed where we bounce ideas off each other all day long, so I am not married to any of my ideas, just trying to spur creative thinking.
-- dysonant

Don't worry man, I don't think anyone is in love with their ideas here. We're all pushing for a better user experience when it comes to using MG; that's the end goal! Personally, I really enjoy these types of conversations anyway.

Absolutely. I do this all the time, but it's a lot of stuff and my time is limited. Also, manufacturer lock :)

True, but so is everybody else's, including the people who mod the site. This is a community effort, we all pitch in somewhat.

[...] I wonder if a broader category like "Modulation" with sub feature filters that one could select multiple feature from would work? For example the user could select the FUNCTION Modulation and then select 1 or more multiple FEATURES like Attenuator, Envelope Generator, Mixer.

I am not sure adding a multifuntional tag would solve the problem. Though the idea is right in that broader categories to encapsulate modules main function might be beneficial. This is provided more detailed sub-tagging could be applied and the method for searches allowed one to select multiple features. It could mimc ecommerce product listing page filters. For example, if one is looking at a product listing page for the t-shirts category then could then select the colors black, red and blue from a filter list and not have to see white, yellow and orange.

I think you're simplifying the problem to a degree which is not realistic. Color is an attribute and can easily be defines as a subgroup of a product category. It is a rather obvious one and makes for an easy UX choice, whereas functionality VS features are interchangeable attributes. To extend your example, where does Mixing fit in terms of Utility? Is it a subcategory of Utility or a different function entirely? This is all subjective as we try to define usage in an area which by definition tries to avoid it. Modulation, right, what about all the oscillators that can go to LFO speeds? It's a can of worms.

Again, in my most humble opinion, the problem we're facing is having too many disparate modules on the grid. If we get the option to merge, categorize as one-off creations or manufactured (because not all manufacturers are properly listed) and then allow for a maximum of 3 tags per module, that could make things far more easier to navigate. What if a module can do more than those three things? Well, you know what, that's what manuals and demo videos are for. We also have a huge database of info on MW FB and MW forum and that's what the internet is here for.

Personally I don't have much of a problem with the tagging system as it is; I don't even mind being able to give all the tags for all I care. I would only make the question more apparent when someone uploads a module "Can it provide this functionality to other modules?" and have the uploader tag the module as such. It's easier for users to have to answer a question than not, it helps to focus. But you raise a fair point as we do see tags being misused.

Why not edit the modules you deem as tagged inappropriately with what you think is the correct tag and serve the community while helping yourself? For instance, I find that Maths is primarily an Envelope Generator and not a Utility module, so you can clearly see that our points of view on what the main Function of a module is might differ.

That being said, as I replied on your FB post, the question that tagging needs to answer to is whether a module can be used as X or not. If the answer is yes, then the tag should/could be applied. Do not forget that some manufacturers tend to overstate what their modules contain and might also overtag just for marketing purposes; I have no concrete examples of their MO but I have seen some examples of overtagging when a module cannot actually offer such functionality. I simple edit on my part solved that but it's not always possible, especially if a Manufacturer decides to lock the module's description, as is their prerogative.

One easy and immediate solution to this problem would be to limit the tag option down to 2-3 tags at maximum. No exceptions. That would force uploaders/manufacturers to really have to decide what type of Function each module serves and by which tag it is best described. Does that mean that some modules would be underserved or underrepresented in particular categories? By all means, yes, that would be the case, especially for modules that have a million functions (I'm thinking Maths or Sports Modulator as good examples of that), but in my opinion that is a small price to pay to make MG cleaner.

We could add a multifuntional tag as a representative of that particular category. A "well, it does more than that" type of thing.
But then again, I prefer clarity. Someone might disagree.