Nice that you managed to make a choice! Sure, would love to see what you eventually end up with and how you like it.

ModularGrid Rack

I just put my own rack to public. Maybe there's some inspiration for you to be found there. The goal of my rack is to make a big noisy ruckus, with fat analog bass and lots of knobs (hands-on control) to turn. I have it connected to an Arturia Minifreak and Ableton on the computer to get in additional sounds and sequencing.

I like all of the modules I bought. The Cellz is the only one that is not amazing but it's still fine because it's very cheap secondhand.

Hmm, it's difficult to make an oscillator choice for you. It's really personal. I think you should listen to as much material as is available for the Dixie, Sto and Buchla and choose based on that. I feel like the Sto is the 'weakest' choice here, it has the least amount of options and the least amount of knobs to turn, for the same price as the other two. But if you really like the sound of the Sto, then go for it.

The Wasp is cool and has a unique sound. It's a good choice. If stereo image is important to you, a stereo filter is a good choice. The modules you have selected now are not very focused on stereo. But if that's the way you want to move in the future it can help to go stereo on the filter. Even with a mono filter you can stack the oscillators in the mixer or the Quad VCA to filter more than one sound source at the same time.

For me, the module (it's a filter) that made me go 'wow, now I want a modular system' is the Schlappi Engineering Angle Grinder. In default settings it's a sweet sounding filter with low pass, high pass, band pass and notch, but once you start turning knobs, it will rip your ears off. For me, that is the sound I am looking for. I'm not sure if it's the module for you, but give it a listen on YouTube.

Hi, I'm quite new to this myself, but I think I can help you along a bit.

I see four oscillators (counting the Buchla as two), but not a single filter. Filters are very important for shaping your sound. Some say that filters are more important to your sound then an oscillator. There's some truth in this.

You mention you also have the Dark Energy and the O coast. That's six oscillators I guess. You don't have the amount of envelopes to have all of this stuff running at the same time.

A lot of power of modular synths comes from the ... modulations. I think you would benefit from a LFO. I was also thinking you need an attenuator, but I think Quad VCA with Maths has you covered there.

The Quad VCA will already mix four signals to the OUT 4. Will you need that Pico mixer in addition to this?

How will you sequence all of these oscillators? Maybe you have some outside device for this. If not, a sequencer or a midi to CV input will help you, depending on your outside setup.

Maybe you really want it, but I would think the ZeroScope is not that important in this small setup. You can hear the sound with your ears right? Do you need to see the waves? I see you can use it to tune, but you can tune on the computer or on your mobile phone with a free app. A scope is more of a luxury thing, for when you have so many modules that you can't remember how they work.

One last thing to think about, maybe it's even the most important thing. You mention you want West Coast and Experimental. Do you think you will achieve it with this setup? Is it maybe not too 'normal'? If you want something very specific, you should lean into this specific thing. If you're crazy about Buchla, get the Buchla oscillator and drop the Sto and Dixie (for now). Any full, non-modular, synth can go beep beep boop. You don't need an expensive modular system just to go beep beep boop.

I hope this helps you. Maybe you think I'm being too rude, but I'm just inviting you to do some critical thinking.