I am very happy that I now can exclude blank panels from the search!

Another option would be to get rid of the Function / Secondary Function dropdowns and add a list of all functions with a +/- to include or exclude each.

-- general_disorder

Drop downs like the filtering functions in Excel and similar spreadsheet programs. Could be done.

I would like to easily filter out blank panels.
-- jgb

Second on this

-- Dub007

something like this?

or is there another context where excluding blank panels makes sense?
-- modular01

Could be done that way, yes. Or more extensive filtering preferences defined elsewhere. :-) Implementation wise this would be equivalent to trusting the tagging data of modules, not including anything tagged as a blank panel.

Taking myself as an example, I am not interested in 1u modules at all. To filter out those by default I have to save a link with that filtering setting already set (full size only).

I would like to easily filter out blank panels.

I would love more options for filtering out modules from the search results.
- Blank panels
- Clones
- Certain brands

This would really improve my searching! I do not want to have to wade through large amounts of modules that I already know that I am not interested in to be able to find the ones that interest me.

How about not showing Others?

-- ParanormalPatroler

I am interested in the Others category, but not clones of MI modules. I cannot really think of a good way to implement my wish, but nevertheless I would love if it was possible to fix. :-)

I would like to be able to filter out all clones of Mutable Instruments modules. Each and everyone is making clones of them nowadays, and I am not interested in them at all when I go to https://www.modulargrid.net/e/modules/browser?SearchName=&SearchVendor=&SearchFunction=&SearchSecondaryfunction=&SearchTe=&SearchTemethod=max&SearchBuildtype=&SearchLifecycle=&SearchSet=&SearchMarketplace=&SearchIsmodeled=0&SearchShowothers=1&SearchShow1u=0&order=newest&direction=asc

I know that this is not easy to fix, but it would make at least me happy.