q106 1: range 4' frequency +0.6 

q106 2: range 2' frequency +0.1 pulse width level 8.2 width 5.2 

noise output level 0

mixer #1 = 10 ; #2 = 6.4 ; #3 = 10

q109 pulse width envelope A 3.6 D 8.2 S 10 R 2.4

q107 Level 0 frequency 5.8 reseonance level 0 resonance 1.6 signal input level 5 

q109 vca envelope A 3 D 10 S 9.2 R 2.5 

q108 vca linear response gain 0 control #1 level 10

top mult = pitch from ribbon

bottom mult = pressure from ribbon

Top Mult group = pitch (r2m CV1)

Bottom Mult Group = pressure (r2m CV2)


VCA Control input 2 = Silent way Voice Controller out 2 (Motu analog 4 out)


q106 1: Frequency range either 16' or 8' Frequency as close to 0, a=440 as possible

q106 2: Frequency range either 8' or 4' Frequency as close to q106 1 as possible without hard sync for subtle harmonic beating PW level =2 width = 5

Mixer 1 and 2 not set louder than 8

Filter envelope: A7 D5.9 S3.9 R4.8

VCA envelope: A1.6 D1 S10 R4

Filter Level +2 Frequency Cutoff around 5 oclock Resonance 2 Level 5

VCA gain = 0 Control #1 Level = 10

The patch cords that touch the wood frame are inputs and outputs that connect to a Mackie 1202 mixer and/or a Furman patchbay for additional processing.

Voltage Tweaker

Thread: Chopper

Copied this patch without shame from http://www.modular-planet.de/fx/chopper/chopper.html.

Thread: Pour Elysee

EXCELLENT du coup tu pense que c'est possible d'écouter un peu le son qu'il générerait ?

Thread: have_now

Thread: have_now

Thread: have_now

This is my soon too be completed 2x84u modular.  You can see and hear my modular as I've built it and sounds I've made in it's progress, at my youtube channel: Strange UFO Music.  

Naturally, I'd like to expand to a 3rd row someday.  This is plenty capable of keeping me busy for a very long time.

Favorable to sequencer lovers perhaps, has a total of 11 cv sequencers!: 8 - 4 step sequencers, 2 - 16 step sequncers, and a (up to) 1000 step sequencer!  


Thread: Micro Mate

Customized Desktop 2x84hp rack to house a MicroBrute.

Remainng 2x20hp would house modules to interact with the MicroBrute.

Thread: PolyKoe

Polyphonic 6U104HP gearlust setup using four AtomoSynth Koe voices.

I know it's a bit arbitrary, using only black-faced modules, but it looks niiiiiiice.

The low price of the Koe modules makes this a reasonably doable project.


Certainly, when they're 20-odd years old! They buy me the occasional pint of ale as well. If I knew they would someday be buying me modular gear I'd have had more of 'em.

Submit button working again?

Kids can do this?

Nine months in and this is how my EuroModular looks after my Father's Day present of a Medic Modules EKG. Thanks Son!

How about a Eurokorn for Christmas?

This my attempt to emulate A Oberheim SEM 4 Voices Polysynth. I added 4 ADSR to control the VCFs and 4 VCOs to get 2 osc per voice. The fx section is optional but one can dream? I think this could be a very obese sounding synth. If somebody can find a cheaper alternative (all analogue) let me know. 4 more ADSR to control pitch and a Quad quantizer for the slew limiter to do like the glissendo of CS80 

Just built a two tier case out of pine to accomadate new modules.  Building a lot of Hexinverter rhythm modules for now.  Needed more room. 

Thread: UK Euro

Good !!

comme filtre oscillant de belle manière et de plus avec un tracking très correct (avec entrèe 1v/oct), tu as le double filtre  Korgasmatron - http://www.intellijel.com/eurorack-modules/913-2/, j'en ai un, j'aime beaucoup

et l'utilise aussi comme oscillo, de plus il a une ergonomie assez génial. Par ailleurs il sonne bien en tant que multifiltre 12db, beau caractère

j'ai bien hâte de t'entendre sur ces nouveaux instruments


Thread: UK Euro

merci pour les commentaires. J'ai plongé mais le plan c'est d'avoir 4 (ou 6) x 84hp d'ici la fin de l'année ;-) J'ai le budget d'une commande alors oui je vai explorer Cwejman... je veux deux autres filtres car je m'en sert souvent comme oscillateurs sinusoide... ça sera un prochain poste ;-)

Une année avec du temps et un peu de budget, ça devrait aller ;-)

Continuez à envoyer des recoommendations, je suis toujours ouvert!


Thread: UK Euro

regarde aussi du côté d'intellijel et leur Dixie II, oscillateur simple mais d'un tracking irréprochable et d'une qualité mordante, connu aussi pour la pureté de son sinus

très important tu t'en doute pour moduler...tes AS 95-e par exemple

Thread: UK Euro

en lisant la description du VCO sur ton blog, j'avais l'impression que tu décrivais le DPO de Makenoise...

Thread: UK Euro

Hello PA, 

que voilà une bonne idée, a première vue comme ça, bon je sais que c'est pas fini, il faut des vca. 

On a jamais assez de vca, et pas seulement pour les envellopes mais aussi pour les lfo. Tu semble aussi attaché à AS, qui est super, mais regarde aussi 

du côté de Cwejman, et surtout pour les filtres. Par ailleurs deux filtres pour un système de cette taille me paraît beaucoup (mais pourquoi pas ? )

personnelement je suis plus tendance west coast synthesis avec l'idée des oscillateurs complexes et des waveshaper, mais par ailleurs on peut aussi faire ça avec des modules comme les tiens. 

Bon voilà c'est passionant, mais fait gaffe, c'est cher et addictif (hé hé ). Voilà mon modulaire tel qu'il sera vers Juin prochain (j'y bosse depuis deux ans, mais je suis super content) il est transportable

dans un folding case en ABS (ultra-lèger, si tu veut je te filerai le contact du mec qui les fabrique) - ModularGrid Rack

ah une dernière chose, ne néglige pas l'alimentation, c'est primordiale !!


Eryck Abecassis


reorganized for less external gear hooked up. out of the box remains sequencing(orb+ipad) and some noise/drone.

Thread: Two_80

Excellent choice of modules! 


This is my current rig - a 9U Goike and a 3U PM Move Case for the bottom row. 

good idea!


Duude, it took me a month to see your comment! haha

Yeah man! Love your vines! Keep em comming! :)

Hey I saw this in a Vine today! I'm Wogglebug 303 on there ;)

For all the noisy digital & cv processing modules

3U TTHEK with Doepfer power rack mounted into a shelving unit ;)

(second row is a 44HP Lamond Walnut mini skiff)

Main case: ModularGrid Rack

looks crazy! 

Thread: My rack!

Thread: My rack!

Thread: My rack!

Thread: My rack!

Thread: My rack!

Thread: My rack!

Thread: My rack!

Thread: My rack!

Thread: My rack!

Thread: My rack!

Yeah, and the Gozinta arrives today. 


I can see that you have unpacked some more bubble wrap!Wish you good fun with this machine!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

The final piece!!! This rack will have the seq/quantizer/lfo/grain dly/5ch mixer/multi from the 1st setup and will add another sequencer/quantizer and lfo, as well as more multis, a filter, an analog dly and another 5ch mixer  

Thread: SYNTH

this will be my live modular rack. I have a little phatty w cv outs and an sh-101 so no need for midi, and I'll be building the expanded Sequencer/FX rack after this. I also have a Volca beats that will be sending clock signals to everything So again no need for mid.  

can anyone give me any comments as I've never built a modular system before. I know enough about synths to get by but have I forgot anything straight forward?

Thread: [ May 2014 ]

I'm selling the left-hand side!