thanks for the reply
so ypou mean to do that trought PC?
I saw the module FH2 from Expert Sleepers, is a MIDI to CV module:
but I cannot figure how to make some connection
The plotter print .SVG files
thanks for the reply
so ypou mean to do that trought PC?
I saw the module FH2 from Expert Sleepers, is a MIDI to CV module:
but I cannot figure how to make some connection
The plotter print .SVG files
that rebel technology module looks very similar to the befaco and as they sit next to each other and collaborate I suspect it's the same module... but I might be wrong
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
it looks like it's more suited to working with a computer (ie no MIDI or CV inputs) - I'd look to see if any of the supported software on whatever computer can accept midi input... if so then you'd need a cv to midi module - probably one that outputs MIDI CC not notes...
there may also be ways to generate jpgs from audio - you might want to look at processing3 or similar - again you'll probably need a cv -> midi cc module
good luck... & let us know how it turns out & show some pics if you manage to get it to work!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Bug report is for half-height modules in Buchla - I know they're more or less discontinued at Buchla, but there are still some third party manufacturers (Norhthern Lights) that do some.
Basically, the disorganization cat will sometimes show up, even though you half the half height modules in the right place, and save / reload of a rack will move them around, sometimes stacking them both at the top of the full unit, then mistakenly saving modules in the same slot.
Try the Clean up the mess! function in the edit menu!
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
Hello MG and fellow users! I feel like I suggested this feature in the past but I don't clearly recall...
I'd like the ability to purge (remove) unused modules left over (at the bottom) after reducing the size of a case. Is this something others might want? Is it easily doable? Thanks!
I'm thinking about visual and sound and looking a way to connect a pen plotter to my eurorack modules.
Any suggestion?
My plotter is Idraw H -
I like how complex yet simple it is!.
I do stuff and things and whatnot...
No. Just came across it while browsing today & thought of your post.
Have no knowledge of it to be honest
-- Traxam
Is this an AC-DC build by you?
Currently please only offer gear which has a detail page.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
I would like to create a rack dedicated to audio processing, the protagonists of the system are qu bit Nebulae, Data Bender and Mojave and make noise Mimeophon, I have no doubts about these modules but I would like to ask what you would add to support them.
- The milky way is the only replaceable one among the fx, I would mainly use it as a reverb or distortion;
- Varigate and Clep Diaz can be replaceable by other modulation sources;
- I would like to use this system with external hardware synthesizers (Prophet, microfreak, Minitaur) so it is not essential to keep the 921 and Surface oscillators in the rack.
Only black modules please!
Morphagene and Mojave are too much in just 60hp
Check out 2hp Slice or Freez for glitches
OCHD is a great module, but Pam's makes it somewhat redundant in the limited space
If I were to design a starter system it would be (in order of priority): Keystep or Beatstep + Plaits + Audio I/O (if you don't already have a mixer) + Pam's + FX Aid + Maths + VCA
Older post, but I've tweaked a lot and I think it's now in a good place, just wondering if there's anything glaringly obvious, and I had a question. Just clarifying again, I want textured very glitchy music, and I realize fully accomplishing what I'm thinking with a rack this size won't be possible but I think with some other hardware I can probably get close.
I just discovered the Qu-Bit Data Bender which is something else I think would be great for what I'm trying, and I'm wondering if since the Morphagene is really the only sound source, is having the Mojave somewhat redundant? I really like the module and I know I'll end up with it at some point, I'm just not sure I'd see huge benefits from it with the limited size, in the meantime would Data Bender be a better option?
It would be more of a hassle, but I also have a 124hp rail I can probably cut down to 84 or so hp, and construct a case for that and fit them both. Kind of a disorganized post, sorry, but any advice would be great.
Edit:(Might just take a second to update, but for me the link preview is showing an older version of the rack, as a heads up)
I have had terrific results with Piston Honda Mk3 for dark drones. I like it much more than the wavetable programs in Braids or Plaits. Here is an example of PH3:
Can anyone suggest a good VCO to pair it with OPERAT from patching panda?
What are you experiences with it?
These are candidates I have right now:
ONA - nano modules
OSIRIS - modbap
Very Cool. If you do get it, make sure to update to the latest firmware--it's an easy drag and drop from the computer--because they keep adding new FX and your unit might not be right up to date. : )
Happy patching!
Check out a Multi-FX module.
Detroit Modular has the ALM MFX. (B-stock & Black Friday sale for discounts). It will fit in the remaining space you have and it suits your techno style. The echo, reverb, ensemble, and phaser effects would really liven up that beehive. I think you'd like it.
-- Toccata
Not a bad idea! It's too bad I can't put in a discount on that b stock but I do have some credit saved up. It would also fill this case until I get off my butt and into the shop and build a case! I also like that it has a few utilities built into it.
I kind of had my eye on the 2hp verb but I think the options on this will be better/more flexible in the long run for not much more money.
I have it in my cart for now. Thanks!
I do stuff and things and whatnot...
A comparator and a vca (and perhaps a buffered mult) will get you there. ladik makes a great comparator which allows you to set a threshold manually, and sends various gates depending on the relationship of the threshold and input voltages.
In your example, route the cutoff cv thru a vca that will be opened by the 'greater than' gate output of the comparator.
There is a utility module from Xaoc called Samara, the scan mode will switch through three inputs when a fourth signal crosses the threshold (-1 to +1, +1 to +3, +3 above). But it sounds like you want to multiply a signal and invert one copy so your two destinations mirror one another. In which case, look into Invert, Polarizer, Offset modules and if you only need on/off (0% to 100%) see Gate Logic like NOT.
Check out a Multi-FX module.
Detroit Modular has the ALM MFX. (B-stock & Black Friday sale for discounts). It will fit in the remaining space you have and it suits your techno style. The echo, reverb, ensemble, and phaser effects would really liven up that beehive. I think you'd like it.
Hard to explain, but I'm looking for a module that can take an incoming CV signal and split it at a threshold, essentially making it two CV signals where the second doesn't send anything until the threshold is met. For instance lets say i have a single source and want to control two values, like decay time and filter cutoff, so when the input CV hits 50% it has opened the decay to 100% with the cutoff still at 0% and at 100% it has the decay at 100% and the cutoff at 100%.
Does such a thing exist?
I use various sound sources, three of which seem well suited to dark ambient/drone: Loquelic Iteritas Percido, Polygogo, Morphagene. And I agree with @lucas303’s suggestion: a matrix mixer would really be recommended for your work.
'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).
Okay so... My goals are to get a bit more toward the generative music side of things. I have been goofing around with different instruments for most of my life. I picked up a korg minilogue xd a few years back but it just never scratched the itch... I think its mostly because I found it overwelming everything it could do if I am being honest. I still have it and play around with it and plan to work it into my music.
Okay so I start looking into videos and whatnot to see if I can brush up on my music theory to help my son out and I stumble upon the rabbit hole of modular synthasis... We jump in the car and head to detroit modular and I come home with some stuff :-D. Went back the next day and swapped it out and come home with the nifty case, beehive, A-106-5 filter and 4ms EnvVCA and a korg SQ-1. Something to keep it super simple... It was a blast. I accidently made a frog sound and it inspired me and I recorded this Then I run into a rabbit hole and discover the Pachinko. I picked up a few more modules and think oh I need a Tukra for some drums...
And this is what I end up with:
I also have a Keystep Pro on the way for a more complex sequencer. But add it all up and the budget is shot ;-). This winter I am going to build a nice case for a bit more room. Shove in a few 2hp and you dont have much room to twiddle with ;-). I am happy for now and have a lot of room to grow with what I have BUT I want to start researching now to see what else I should be adding to get a good generative setup going. What might I be mising now that would be useful?
I am trying to stay a little more on the DAW less side. I am a software developer and get tired of staring at a computer all day... I also gooff with logic pro a bit...
I do stuff and things and whatnot...
A locking feedback delay based on the Princeton tech delay/echo chip.
A very good build, not too easy, not too hard. And a great sounding unit, I will be abusing the heck out of this one.
Would be a perfect first eurorack kit!
I make similar music to what you're talking about and what really unlocked the power of all my other modules the most was a matrix mixer. I have the Doepfer A-138m, but there are also stereo matrix mixers out there if you need that. I highly recommend a matrix mixer, especially for this kind of music. It's one of those things that's hard to fully appreciate the importance of until you start using it, and then it just opens up so many possibilities. I find it important enough that if for some reason I had to start over again from scratch, I'd plan everything around the matrix mixer.
Regarding the sound in that video, you could potentially get similar sorts of sounds through some feedback patching (which a matrix mixer also excels at).
A bit of an oddball suggestion, maybe, but the Lyra8-FX could be exactly what you're looking for (particularly when combined with a sampler/looper):
How about a way to set a module to 50% opacity or something via a shortcut to indicate I don't have this module yet, for example. Could help evaluating the feasability of a new rack layout. I used to use f=flip for that until I actually started turning modules upside down.
You don't necessarily need anything special depending on what you want to run the audio into. My system is not portable at all but I use a couple of keyboard amps at home and I just turn the volume on the amps down and run a 1/8" to 1/4" TS cable straight from one of my mixer modules to each amp and that works perfectly fine.
Thank you for replying! I see what you mean about the SWN being more of a replacement due to overlap with the Grone2. Good call! I went and searched vids on the 4ms and found this
After the 5:17 mark... now that is what I'm after, sounds similar to this! Stuff you would hear on a horror or scifi soundtrack, without sounding cheezy. I also love the fact that the 4ms is like half the price, so now I can purchase support modules for it. As for that; since I'm new at this whole Eurorack thing (I'm coming from Reason), I'm guessing, a Maths is in order also? Here is my rack idea so far:
Please... if you have any criticisms, let them fly. I really would like to make informed decisions before going further. For context; this is a dedicated Drone/atmospheric case that will be used together with a Korg Wavestate, MPC one (for percussive elements), and a 1010 Blackbox (for sampled elements), all going into a 1010 Bluebox mixer. I also have an Artuia Keystep 37 to input into the case. Kind of a performance rig for livingroom "gigs". I also would not mind sharing jams on social media from time to time. Thanks in advance for any assistance!
PS: for some reason my rack shows incorrectly on this post, but the linked one is updated.
I have SWN - Its a very deep and versetaile module, that can stand by its own.
It has sequencer and modulation + chords on bord, so u wouldnt need a external sequencer.
Its very complex and deep
its wavetable and spreads in 6 voices
SWN is amazing - but as I read your comment im not certain if SWN or Spectraphon are what youre searching for.
Maybe just pick a more simple voice for layering?
Or what about 4ms ensemble osc? - I think it could be a good addition, and easier to control.
If you get the swn, I guess it will be more like a replacment than a addition to the drone grone.
I had the SWN in my main case - but I prefer to have it in a small rack to focus on it.
You can spend hours only using the SWN.
You can do drones, melodies, chord riffs, endless timbress to explore
As far I know, the Spectraphon is more to make new sounds of existing sounds.
Hello. I was hoping if someone has any experience with these two modules. I wanted a voice to complement a grone Drone 2, to layer darker creepier sound elements on top. I have an outboard sampler aready so I would not need anything like that. What I was considering was either the 4MS Spherical Wavetable Navigator or the Make Noise Spectraphon. I was really impressed by both but not sure which would fit best for what I'm trying to achieve here. I was also thinking of sequencing one of these two with a Qu-Bit Electronix Bloom for evolving variation. I would also not mind either of the two to handle drone elements either once in a while, since the Grone can produce odd non-drone sonics also. The Spectraphon seems very experimental and able to produce some pretty interesting sounds, but I do like the fact that you can save presets on the SWN though. Any input or advice would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Plaits' last orange mode is so good for video game sounds, right?! :)
Good work, thanks for sharing!
“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
I use the pico output from Erica Synths for my batery powered rack. I mostly use it with headphones but it also works great with speakers with a line in.
-- Niemandsland
My only issue is I dont really have space for an output module, which I should've mentioned earlier.
Hello! My new video is online. As kid growing up in the 90's I loved playing videogames, especially rpg's like Zelda and Final Fantasy. This jam is a hommage to that music that is instilled in my heart and mind. I wrote my own " 90’s video game tune." I used the amazing Hermod+ module by Squarp Instruments to sequence my entire modular system.
Please enjoy and could you maybe like this video and subscribe to my channel if you enjoy what you hear and see? It really helps me to create more videos like this. Have a great day!
I use the pico output from Erica Synths for my batery powered rack. I mostly use it with headphones but it also works great with speakers with a line in.
This question seems dumb but Ive searched a lot and haven't found a straight and applicable answer yet, so im asking here. I'm planning my first rack, which will be portable. I have everything I need for output at home, but constantly lugging around a clunky audio interface is a hassle and kind of defeafs the purpose of the rack being portable. Basically I'm wondering what people use for audio output when not at home, or potentially outside, which is something I hope to do at some point.
Knowing me I'm probably overthinking and missing something very obvious, but I'd appreciate any help.
Cheers @jukeshoe
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Nice, love the ending!
“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
Thanks @farkas
It felt lke quite a natural flow. Not too many screw ups either ;-)
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Nice! Gives me kind of a brooding Warp Records vibe. Thanks for sharing.
Hey there,
I started to upload my music at irregular intervals on youtube/insta. In case someone wants to listen I'd be happy to get some response and connect with other modular fans. 😊
Cheers @sweelinck :)
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Hypnotic acid track, unexpected and nice outro... Thanks for sharing!
'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).
Patch Notes - A couple of new modules added recently, the @amsynths AMS110 VCO which gives some lovely phat Sub bass, and a couple of @st-modular Modules, their WAVE LFO & ADSR the latter of which with its Speed switch makes it really performable giving me 3 parts from one sequence and VCO. This heads through the @GM1ify Zverb.
The other parts come from the @geosync TB-0 & TB-EFA for the squelchy Acid.
The weird shit in the tail-out ending is Rings into Clouds and Mimeophon with Pitches from Marbles and freaked with by the @DivKid / @instruo Ochd + Expander
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Thank you, All.
I am not racking the SubH, it's just there for representation (and I have a 60hp Moog rack for the top).
I do have another 104 skiff with 60hp available, so anything I put in here could join a Maths, Morphagene and Disting4.
Based on the feedback, I'll look for more utilities and moderators. Thank you!
A kind of answer...
Welcome here. I absolutely agree to what is indicated by @HGsynth.
We have to admit that all these things have been written a hundred times here.
So you will forgive me if I only develop one point. Actually the starting point: the size of the case...
If you want to enter the modular world, there is a good chance that you will buy other modules in the months or years that follow. For example, you will wish to complete your setup with a specific filter, an interesting effect, or simply be seduced by the presentation of a new module in a YouTube video. Or a concept that is not familiar to you today might seem indispensable to you tomorrow, a matrix mixer for example, a logic module, a sequential switch, another type of synthesis, etc. Or a type of module that did not exist before will be born and it will correspond to your philosophy, as for example recently with the Droid system: look at the incredible success it achieves (see page ‘Top Modules’). Personally, this does not correspond at all to my modular ethics, But I know many who have suddenly embraced it with sincere (and noisy) sighs of satisfaction.
All this long blah-blah about what? No one knows what your intentions will be tomorrow. But one thing is certain, a 'medium-sized' case to start is not the size of a grand piano. And its price is only that of a good module.
Depending on your sensitivity to an exterior appearance or brand, you may be interested in:
Tiptop Audio Mantis (2 x 104 HP)
Arturia RackBrute 6U (2 x 88 HP)
Behringer Eurorack Go (2 x 140 HP)
Doepfer A-100 LC6 (2 x 84 HP)
And of course keep your Subharmonicon in its box, needless to say :)
'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).
A few things jump out...
First, are you planning on racking the subharmonicon and you actually have two rows available, or is that just for representation? If the former, I'd recommend keeping the subharmonicon in it's case and keeping the hp available. Also, will you be connecting this to the other rack, or is it completely standalone?
60 hp is really small for modular. While you absolutely can build a rack in that space (depending on your goals, I'd think), it's not so simple. You have to be quite selective about what makes it in if you're going to get something that works as intended. If a bigger rack is possible, you won't regret it
I'm not seeing a lot of modulators. Yeah, there's Pams, which gives plenty of interesting gates, envelopes, and attenuation, but how else will you be generating cv signals or moving parameters? You need to consider LFOs. Something like the Xaoc Batumi gives you a bunch in a decent footprint, and Divkid's Ochd (now with expander!) is quickly becoming essential in my rack.
Also, you don't have the utilities that will be necessary to get the most out of your modulators. Attenuators, VCAs, slew limiters, s/h, you'll get a lot of modulating mileage about these types of modules. If you're looking to explore sounds, don't discount randomness. Thank you Pams for offering this, but look at something like Instruo's tagh is an interesting option to add more random flavor.
Good luck!