Hi, I am currently building my first modular setup. I am looking to effectively transform samples (music or sound design) from my DAW and transform it with my modular to either compose structures (macro composition) or to shape small sound objects. I am planning a 3 row system. Roughly, the 1st row would be audio inputs/midi and granular modules. 2nd would be a basic synth with functions (VCO, VCF, VCA, maths, ADSR). 3rd row would be the mixer and some playable modules (rene). What are some of the best modules for my purpose? Is that a good approach? This is a long term project so budget is not an issue; I will slowly be buying piece by piece.
Input and tips will be very much appreciated. Thanks for your time. Cheers.

I'll say "Clouds" from Mutable Instruments. Incredible module for sound design stuff, u have a lot of fuctions in this super cool module, u can also "freeze" the sound, and than u can play with it (changing pitch, adding reverb/delay, cut the greeze sample into small pieces and so on).
Yeah. I think that you really need a Clouds

And maybe, 4ms SMR.
