I am looking to power a monster sized system: 36 x 84hp rows.

For context, my System 55+ is 22% of my total build... ModularGrid Rack

On recommendation from this forum, I am thinking that I will go with the Befaco PSUs (though open to other suggestions), but need to work out exactly how to do it. It seems the older Power Bus (which can daisy chain) or the newer Trolley Bus (which I think can be used with passive busses) are what I am going to need, but would like some advice on which is likely to be the best for me.

Would I be better off with a lower power, daisy chainable setup, or a higher power system with added busses?

How would each of these work in practice on (for example) the System 55 I have linked up above? And how would I scale up to the full size of my massive modular wall?

Big modular power is new to me, and I am trying to level up beyond the multiple TipTop PSUs I have been using up to this point. I particularly want to reduce the number of switches that I need to use to power up the beast.

Grateful for any advice you might have!

You could look at options from Konstantlab https://www.konstantlab.audio/product-category/power-suppliess/ looks like you need to spend the money you will have saved buying all B'ringer modules hehehe.
In seriouslness though, Konstantlab do some great power solutons, it all depends how much your are comfortable spending.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


It's pretty, and the look of it touches an old synthesist's heart in a primal way.
But I don't envy getting that thing in tune with itself.
It could use a few active multiples spread around the case.
Those Boog oscillators want clean power, and there's a ton of 'em there.
Take the hit, buy a doepfer case. It's one less thing to mess with, and will last a lifetime.

I am kind of puzzled by the arrangement of this.
The oscillators on row 3 get mixed on row four, then you have to go back up to row two for VCAs and EGs,
then take their outputs ?? back down again?
Put the i/o interface and the midi inputs up in the left corner where the fixed filter bank is,
next to the sequencers, because they're both your note event sources.
I'd sacrifice some oscillators for more filters. Are there any LFOs at all?
