Very curious how this compares to the "industry standard" Intellijel. That I personally never liked all that much, but not much is similar. Obviously no lin/exp switches here. Not sure if it sounds cleaner. It's a bit space hungry, but I commend them on keeping the density down so you can reach the controls.

Can't comment on how they'd compare, or sound quality, but it looks like it would be super useful for voices in a live case, before tying in with your drumage. She thicc, but probably less hp (and less $,€,£) than if you had separate modules for all the functions. Looks very practical and utilitarian.

Suck it, nerd

maybe there also will be also a GODZILLA TANG
which - for me - would be everything in STEREO, as i got too many modules with 2 or more (in and) outputs

i wish there was a compact mixer with at least 3x stereo fx send/return