
Manufacturer Name Short Description Added
Mehr Music Machines Oneshot+ Mehr Music Machines Oneshot+  voltage controlled modulation event/burst generator]  Today, 01:33 
Mehr Music Machines Divvy Mehr Music Machines Divvy  Dual Clock Divider  Today, 01:17 
Ritual Electronics Crypta Ritual Electronics Crypta  From short and clean delays to long and filthy echoes all the way to utter sonic destruction  Yesterday, 09:01 
ADDAC System ADDAC200BNC ADDAC System ADDAC200BNC  Probe Outputs  Yesterday, 00:59 
Other/unknown duplicate delete Other/unknown duplicate delete  duplicate delete  Tuesday March 11, 09:48 
BeepBoop Electronics Reel Repeats BeepBoop Electronics Reel Repeats   Tape delay interface  Tuesday March 11, 05:27 
Befaco MuDi Befaco MuDi  Clock Multiple, Conditioner, and Divider in a compact 2HP format  Monday March 10, 23:51 
Befaco Slew Befaco Slew  Voltage-controlled lag processor and slope detector  Monday March 10, 23:49 
Befaco A*B+C v4 Befaco A*B+C v4  Voltage-Controlled Voltage Processor  Monday March 10, 23:21 
Befaco Befaco Mixer Befaco Befaco Mixer  Utilitarian audio and CV mixer  Monday March 10, 22:55 
Befaco Atte Befaco Atte  Quad Attenuator/Inverter, Splitter, and Offset Generator  Monday March 10, 21:08 
Omnitone Beatsi Omnitone Beatsi  Compact 5 Piece Drum Voice  Monday March 10, 20:37 
Omnitone Rhythmi Omnitone Rhythmi  Semi-Random Drum Sequencer  Monday March 10, 20:25 
Other/unknown EXHALE Other/unknown EXHALE  Dual Looping CV AR with attenuvert and offset  Monday March 10, 08:36 
Olivia Artz Modular Tiny Time Machine Olivia Artz Modular Tiny Time Machine  Smaller version of the OAM Time Machine  Monday March 10, 04:55 
CatSynth Slimline Voltage Controlled Filter CatSynth Slimline Voltage Controlled Filter  2HP MS20ish VCF  Monday March 10, 03:48 
CatSynth Slimline Delay CatSynth Slimline Delay  2HP Delay  Monday March 10, 03:37 
Polaxis Polyglot Polaxis Polyglot  Vox breakout for Emy  Sunday March 09, 23:23 
Vaemi XFMR VCA Expander Vaemi XFMR VCA Expander  XFMR VCA Expander is an expansion module that provides additional VCAs for the XFMR VCA module.  Sunday March 09, 22:46 
Sequentix  Cirklon Euro BOB CVIO - 6hp Sequentix Cirklon Euro BOB CVIO - 6hp  Cirklon sequencer eurorack break-out CV In Out  Sunday March 09, 22:40 
Other/unknown Symmetrizer Set blank Other/unknown Symmetrizer Set blank    Sunday March 09, 21:54 
Other/unknown Symmetrizer FUTHARK blank Other/unknown Symmetrizer FUTHARK blank    Sunday March 09, 21:51 
Timo Rozendal OAM Time Machine Expander Timo Rozendal OAM Time Machine Expander  expander that adds stereo panning and 4 kinds of filters per tap with resonance  Sunday March 09, 15:03 
Timo Rozendal OAM Time Machine (slim version) Timo Rozendal OAM Time Machine (slim version)  8 tap stereo delay  Sunday March 09, 14:57 
AMSynths AM965 Manual Switch AMSynths AM965 Manual Switch  A dual analog switch with manual push button control. A simple but very useful design for controlling audio and CV signals at the push of a button.  Saturday March 08, 17:05 
AMSynths AM964 Trigger Controller AMSynths AM964 Trigger Controller  A compact 4 HP module that generates two variable CV outputs when gated on, perfect for controlling any module.   Saturday March 08, 16:52 
Other/unknown RECEIVER Other/unknown RECEIVER  Bluetooth audio receiver  Saturday March 08, 12:56 
Mehr Music Machines Ramps Mehr Music Machines Ramps  Compact Function Generator  Saturday March 08, 05:07 
Mehr Music Machines Truths Mehr Music Machines Truths  Analog Logic Array  Saturday March 08, 04:55 
Wildsync Noise2 Wildsync Noise2  A noise generator, sample & hold, and clock generator - all in a compact 3HP format.  Friday March 07, 17:02 
Syntonie Détail Syntonie Détail  Softener / Enhancer  Friday March 07, 16:58 
333modules 333-MiniVCA 333modules 333-MiniVCA  Mini 4 lineal VCA  Thursday March 06, 13:32 
Isobar Industries Ectocore - Black Panel Isobar Industries Ectocore - Black Panel  Black replacement panel for Ectocore - Amen Break Inspired Crazy Sample Player  Mar 6th, 03:19 
Avalon Harmonics AxB Avalon Harmonics AxB  Analog multiplier with rectifiers and attenuverters  Mar 5th, 21:54 
Other/unknown Buffered Multiple Other/unknown Buffered Multiple  Buffered Multiple  Mar 3rd, 20:22 
Modulove AWSM Envelope Generator Modulove AWSM Envelope Generator  Envelope Generator for MVMNT / SyncLFO Hardware  Mar 3rd, 09:24 
Modulove Blank Modulove Blank    Mar 3rd, 09:14 
WGD Modular Peanuts WGD Modular Peanuts  5 channel preamp  Mar 2nd, 21:33 
Other/unknown Cuckoo Clock Other/unknown Cuckoo Clock  14hp blank art panel from SafeXKeeping  Mar 2nd, 19:53 
Other/unknown Krak! Other/unknown Krak!  18hp blank from Mind the Stripe  Mar 2nd, 19:50 
Polykit Ring Polykit Ring  Ring Modulator  Mar 2nd, 19:04 
Polykit Inverter Polykit Inverter  Dual Inverter Module with Offset  Mar 2nd, 16:34 
Djupviks Elektronik DE-22 Tangram Djupviks Elektronik DE-22 Tangram  Dual LFO with a chaotic core  Mar 1st, 11:34 
DPW Design E2 Expander DPW Design E2 Expander  Expander for WF2  Feb 28th, 21:41 
DPW Design WF2 Wavefolder DPW Design WF2 Wavefolder  Wavefolder and waveshaper  Feb 28th, 18:12 
DPW Design D3 4-Band Distortion, MÖG DPW Design D3 4-Band Distortion, MÖG  Multiband distortion and pre-amp  Feb 28th, 17:56 
DPW Design P3 Pedal I/O DPW Design P3 Pedal I/O  Interface, pedal or line  Feb 28th, 17:51 
DPW Design P4 Pedal Power DPW Design P4 Pedal Power  Pedal Power  Feb 28th, 17:46 
DPW Design L3 Limit DPW Design L3 Limit  Tripple Limiter, AC or DC coupled  Feb 28th, 17:41 
DPW Design M2 Mix DPW Design M2 Mix  Mixer. 4 channel stereo or up to 8 channel mono with crossfade  Feb 28th, 17:34 

Page 1 of 337, total 16809