
Manufacturer Name Short Description Added
Blacet  EG3870 Time Event Modulator Blacet EG3870 Time Event Modulator    Oct 18th 2018, 06:51 
Other/unknown '81 Noise Invader Other/unknown '81 Noise Invader  DIY SN76477 Module  Apr 11th 2014, 14:32 
Other/unknown 16 Step Analogue Sequencer Other/unknown 16 Step Analogue Sequencer  DIY CV / Gate sequencer  Apr 24th 2014, 14:18 
Other/unknown 1Song Other/unknown 1Song  random pattern generator  Sep 19th 2014, 01:09 
BugBrand 2130 VCO BugBrand 2130 VCO  Thru-Zero FM & Wave-Morphing VCO  Sep 23rd 2021, 07:37 
Other/unknown 258j Dual Oscillator J3RK Other/unknown 258j Dual Oscillator J3RK  Buchla 258 Clone  Apr 22nd 2017, 09:46 
BugBrand 2OutMix BugBrand 2OutMix  Simple output module  Oct 31st 2024, 10:48 
PAiA 4 Channel Lag Processor PAiA 4 Channel Lag Processor  4 channels of lag processing  Jan 6th 2018, 14:14 
Synthasonic 4 Pole Filter Synthasonic 4 Pole Filter    Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
Other/unknown 4ms Rotating Clock Divider Other/unknown 4ms Rotating Clock Divider  Rotating Clock Divider  Nov 2nd 2018, 18:12 
Other/unknown 7" TFT Monitor Panel Other/unknown 7" TFT Monitor Panel  7" TFT Monitor Panel for use with OBERmod 64 Panels  Sep 20th 2014, 06:09 
Synthasonic 8 Stage Phaser Synthasonic 8 Stage Phaser  MFOS Electronic Music  Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
Synthesis Technology 800 ADSR Synthesis Technology 800 ADSR  Repanelled MOTM 800 ADSR  Jan 7th 2019, 04:45 
Metalbox 8008 Metalbox 8008    Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
Other/unknown 808 Bass Clone Other/unknown 808 Bass Clone    Oct 28th 2014, 20:21 
PAiA 9700 MIDI2CV8 PAiA 9700 MIDI2CV8  Midi to CV converter  Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9710 VCA-Mixer-Noise Source PAiA 9710 VCA-Mixer-Noise Source  Combines 3 VCAs, a White Noise Source and full function ADSR/LFO Envelope Generator.  Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9720 Dual VCO PAiA 9720 Dual VCO  Two independent VCOs with Ramp, Triangle, Sine and Pulse waveforms.  Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9730 Dual VCF PAiA 9730 Dual VCF  Two identical, independent filters with Lo Pass, Band Pass and Hi Pass outputs.  Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9741 Dual VCA PAiA 9741 Dual VCA  Two independent VCAs which can be used to modify audio or control signals.   Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9744 CV Source & Attenuator / Mixer PAiA 9744 CV Source & Attenuator / Mixer  A two-section, three-function module, the 9744 serves as a control voltage (CV) source, or, as patch-points for mixing or attenuating signals to & from other modules in a system.   Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9745 Active Mixer PAiA 9745 Active Mixer  A three-input one-output active mixer.  Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9746 Patchbay PAiA 9746 Patchbay  Two sets of passive patch points for combining or splitting signals within a system.   Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9747 Mixer Splitter PAiA 9747 Mixer Splitter  passive mixer / splitter  Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9748 Balanced Modulator PAiA 9748 Balanced Modulator    Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9751 Noise Source PAiA 9751 Noise Source  'white' and 'red' and 'blue' noise.  Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9752 Sample & Hold / Gate & Hold PAiA 9752 Sample & Hold / Gate & Hold  The 9752 monitors the input signal voltage and copies it to the output, synchronized to changes in an input control voltage (CV) or an input clock, or synchronized to an internal clock if there is no external input.  Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9753 Envelope Follower PAiA 9753 Envelope Follower  Envelope Follower  Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9754 PreAmp PAiA 9754 PreAmp  PreAmp  Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9756 Linear to Exponential Converter & Inverter PAiA 9756 Linear to Exponential Converter & Inverter  Two independent functions, a linear-to-exponential control voltage (CV) converter and a signal inverter.   Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
PAiA 9771-15 Power Supply PAiA 9771-15 Power Supply  +\- 15v power supply  Sep 16th 2017, 16:10 
Other/unknown AcidblueFX Other/unknown AcidblueFX  Passive Voltage Controlled Attenuator/Gate Kit  Apr 7th 2019, 00:16 
Metalbox ADSR Metalbox ADSR    Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
Other/unknown ADV-Snare Other/unknown ADV-Snare  K012 ADV-Snare by Midwest Analog Products (Thomas Henry) *panel by OBERmod (dJ dAb at Solid Rate)  Nov 20th 2013, 20:57 
Other/unknown am4023 low pass filter, 1u frac Other/unknown am4023 low pass filter, 1u frac  am4023 low pass filter  Mar 10th 2013, 19:44 
Metalbox Analog Logic Metalbox Analog Logic    Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
Other/unknown Barton Quad Gate Delay / Looper Other/unknown Barton Quad Gate Delay / Looper  BMC 14 Gate Delay / Looper / Live Sequencer x4 w/ CGS Gate to Trigger converters. *panel by OBERmod (dJ dAb at Solid Rate)  Nov 21st 2013, 06:28 
Other/unknown Barton Random Resonator Other/unknown Barton Random Resonator  BMC013 Random Resonator by Barton Musical Circuits *panel by OBERmod (dJ dAb at Solid Rate)  Nov 20th 2013, 20:59 
Other/unknown Barton Simple CV Quantizer Other/unknown Barton Simple CV Quantizer  BMC001 Quad CV Quantizer by Barton Musical Circuits *panel by OBERmod (dJ dAb at Solid Rate)  Nov 20th 2013, 20:37 
Other/unknown Barton User Writable Quantizer Other/unknown Barton User Writable Quantizer  BMC009 User Writable Quantizer by Barton Musical Circuits *panel by OBERmod (dJ dAb at Solid Rate)  Nov 20th 2013, 20:39 
Other/unknown Barton Wave Animator Other/unknown Barton Wave Animator  Wave Animator by Barton Musical Circuits  Nov 20th 2013, 22:58 
Metalbox Bi-n-Tic Filter Metalbox Bi-n-Tic Filter    Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
BugBrand Binary Block Voltage BugBrand Binary Block Voltage  The Binary Block Voltage (BBV) is a logic controlled 8 stage preset selector/sequencer.  May 8th 2019, 02:56 
Blacet Binary Zone Blacet Binary Zone  BZ2300  Jan 19th 2013, 13:00 
Blacet Blank Blacet Blank  Blank Panel  Aug 6th 2013, 08:34 
Radius Blank Panel Radius Blank Panel  Blank Panel  Oct 5th 2020, 17:02 
PAiA Blank Panel PAiA Blank Panel    Oct 24th 2014, 13:51 
PAiA Blank Panel PAiA Blank Panel    Oct 24th 2014, 13:56 
Other/unknown Bleep Labs Bleep Drum / Cradle Other/unknown Bleep Labs Bleep Drum / Cradle  Bleep Drum Cradle w/ Trigger ins, CV ins and Clock in. *panel by OBERmod (dJ dAb at Solid Rate)  Nov 21st 2013, 06:39 
Other/unknown BMC Quantizer Other/unknown BMC Quantizer  Custom Frac panel for BMC Quantizer  Apr 11th 2014, 13:19 

Page 1 of 8, total 397