
Manufacturer Name Short Description Added
Axis Modular BITBUDDY Axis Modular BITBUDDY  Expander for MTM Turing Machine  Aug 29th, 10:28 
Axis Modular SPLIT & MULT Axis Modular SPLIT & MULT  Stereo Splitter and Multiple  Aug 29th, 10:33 
TLM Audio POQS (Blinds Clone) TLM Audio POQS (Blinds Clone)  POQS is a perfect 1:1 Clone of the Mutable Instruments Blinds module.  Aug 29th, 14:45 
Elby Designs ASM324 - Xpander (4I/4O) Elby Designs ASM324 - Xpander (4I/4O)  Multiples - Split 4mm  Aug 30th, 04:23 
Elby Designs ASM324 - Xpander (3I/4O) Elby Designs ASM324 - Xpander (3I/4O)  Multiples - Convert 3.5mm to 4mm  Aug 30th, 04:24 
Elby Designs ASM324 - Xpander (4I/3O) Elby Designs ASM324 - Xpander (4I/3O)  Multiples - Convert 4mm to 3.5mm  Aug 30th, 04:25 
Erica Synths Graphic Resonant Filterbank Erica Synths Graphic Resonant Filterbank  Ten-band analogue filterbank with digital control over each bands’ boost or cut  Aug 30th, 13:10 
Erica Synths Resonant Filterbank Expander Erica Synths Resonant Filterbank Expander  Expander module for Graphic Resonant Filterbank  Aug 30th, 13:19 
Tear Apart Tapes AMP Tear Apart Tapes AMP  Amplifier & Speaker  Aug 30th, 15:10 
Rain City Modular SCS-C Rain City Modular SCS-C  Sequencer Construction Set Clock Buffer  Aug 30th, 19:34 
Rain City Modular SCS-V Rain City Modular SCS-V  8 Step Voltage Sequencer  Aug 31st, 01:07 
Rain City Modular SCS-T Rain City Modular SCS-T  16 step trigger sequencer  Aug 31st, 01:22 
Rain City Modular SCS-S Rain City Modular SCS-S  Dual Sequential Switch  Aug 31st, 01:41 
Melawati Modular Oddity Melawati Modular Oddity  a semi-chaotic rhythm generator with tweakable odds and a variable-length loop record.  Sep 1st, 12:09 
Tre Modular Replicant ADSR Tre Modular Replicant ADSR  Advanced ADSR  Sep 1st, 15:30 
Hive Mind Synthesis Protomato Hive Mind Synthesis Protomato  DIY Eurorack Circuit Platform  Sep 1st, 20:06 
Vaemi VoltRatio Vaemi VoltRatio  Precision Voltage Adder-Subtractor Harmonic CV Controller  Sep 1st, 20:49 
Tiptop Audio Tiptop Audio 808 Bundle - Black Tiptop Audio Tiptop Audio 808 Bundle - Black    Sep 2nd, 00:21 
Isobar Industries Plexus Isobar Industries Plexus  Plexus: Three-Channel Voltage Processor  Sep 2nd, 01:58 
Hive Mind Synthesis SODApressed Hive Mind Synthesis SODApressed  Enveloped Noise hit  Sep 2nd, 02:30 
Larix Elektro RITOURNELLE TIME-SHIFTER Larix Elektro RITOURNELLE TIME-SHIFTER  GATE delay, for time alignment, making groove.  Sep 2nd, 12:22 
Bastl Instruments GrandPA & Spa Bastl Instruments GrandPA & Spa  Digital Sampler + Expander  Sep 2nd, 14:25 
Other/unknown Mother Knight Diode Ladder Filter Other/unknown Mother Knight Diode Ladder Filter  Lowpass diode ladder filter   Sep 2nd, 15:15 
Other/unknown Mother Knight One Shot Pulse Other/unknown Mother Knight One Shot Pulse  Simple module for adjusting the length of gates  Sep 2nd, 15:28 
Møffenzeef Mødular Simplify Møffenzeef Mødular Simplify  Dynamic Trigger Mute Module  Sep 2nd, 15:41 
Other/unknown Mother Knight Noise Other/unknown Mother Knight Noise  Noise Source  Sep 2nd, 15:47 
Other/unknown Mother Knight Noise 1U Other/unknown Mother Knight Noise 1U  Noise Source  Sep 2nd, 15:57 
Fruku ESQ 1U Fruku ESQ 1U  Analogue Stereo Equalizer  Sep 2nd, 18:03 
Crey Emporium Bib Crey Emporium Bib  Bib is a shy spider with a big heart (multi-fx)  Sep 3rd, 03:47 
SoundForce S-808 SoundForce S-808  6 channel drum sample player - 808 ("full kit") drum version  Sep 3rd, 09:29 
SoundForce S-909+ SoundForce S-909+  6 channel drum sample player - 909+ ("full kit") drum version  Sep 3rd, 09:31 
Other/unknown MXVXM Matrix Mixer Other/unknown MXVXM Matrix Mixer  5x5 Matrix Mixer  Sep 3rd, 18:09 
Other/unknown VCF2 Other/unknown VCF2  vactrol based filter  Sep 4th, 10:32 
CatSynth Slimline VCA CatSynth Slimline VCA  2HP Slimline VCA log/lin  Sep 4th, 11:37 
AT1 PT2399 DELAY AT1 PT2399 DELAY  PT2399 DELAY by AT1.  Sep 4th, 14:45 
Other/unknown KeyBuss Other/unknown KeyBuss  Eurorack Breakout for Keystep Pro  Sep 5th, 10:14 
AMSynths AM1021 Sequential Clock AMSynths AM1021 Sequential Clock  This 4HP module expands the capability of the Behringer 1027 Sequencer by adding a Sequential Switch that enables sequences of 8, 16 or 24 steps to be generated.   Sep 5th, 15:42 
Synthesis Technology E490 Ladder VCF Synthesis Technology E490 Ladder VCF  Lowpass VCF based on the Moog 904A and MOTM-490  Sep 5th, 15:50 
Other/unknown NIIO Analog - Graphic Envelope Other/unknown NIIO Analog - Graphic Envelope  Graphic Dual Envelope  Sep 5th, 20:34 
Other/unknown NIIO Analog - 3-Bit Other/unknown NIIO Analog - 3-Bit  Analog Bit Reducer / VCA  Sep 5th, 20:44 
Other/unknown 3C-A Other/unknown 3C-A  Passive 3 Channel Attenuator  Sep 5th, 20:48 
Other/unknown NIIO Analog - Switched Slope Other/unknown NIIO Analog - Switched Slope  complex A/D envelope   Sep 5th, 20:51 
Other/unknown NIIO Analog - Clock Divider Other/unknown NIIO Analog - Clock Divider  wide range clock divider  Sep 5th, 20:54 
Other/unknown NIIO Analog - Dual Level Other/unknown NIIO Analog - Dual Level  2 channel manual gain adjustment  Sep 5th, 20:58 
Error Instruments Sound scaper 4cv Error Instruments Sound scaper 4cv  experimental soundscape voice  Sep 7th, 18:25 
Barton Musical Circuits BMC094 Trimmed Balanced Outputs Barton Musical Circuits BMC094 Trimmed Balanced Outputs  8-channel balanced output module with DB25 or wirepad outs  Sep 9th, 01:33 
Kaona Skippy Exp Kaona Skippy Exp  Tiny Skippy Expander  Sep 9th, 06:12 
Other/unknown Frontiers Ice-Blue by SynTesla Other/unknown Frontiers Ice-Blue by SynTesla  1HP light colored module  Sep 9th, 10:20 
Other/unknown Frontiers Blue by SynTesla Other/unknown Frontiers Blue by SynTesla  1HP light colored module  Sep 9th, 10:22 
Other/unknown Frontiers Red by SynTesla Other/unknown Frontiers Red by SynTesla  1HP light colored module  Sep 9th, 10:24 

Page 317 of 320, total 15988