
Manufacturer Name Short Description Added
Other/unknown Nearness Other/unknown Nearness  1U adaptation of Nearness mixer  Jul 24th, 06:31 
Other/unknown D-Thing+ Other/unknown D-Thing+  Adds significant capabilities to the DFAM sequencer  Jul 25th, 08:57 
Entineering FM Playground Entineering FM Playground  Frequency Modulation Synthesizer  Jul 25th, 18:23 
Entineering Meter Entineering Meter  CV and Audio Meter  Jul 25th, 18:59 
Entineering LFO Entineering LFO  MIDI-Controllable Dual-Channel LFO  Jul 25th, 19:06 
Entineering MIDI Mult Entineering MIDI Mult  One to Four MIDI Distribution  Jul 25th, 19:28 
Entineering CC8 Entineering CC8  Eight Channel MIDI To Control Voltage  Jul 25th, 19:35 
Centrevillage SxS Centrevillage SxS  Digital Controlled Analog Sequencer  Jul 27th, 04:25 
Tre Modular Alisa VCO Tre Modular Alisa VCO  Alisa 1377 oscillator Eurorack adaptation  Jul 27th, 12:19 
Mehr Music Machines Runner Mehr Music Machines Runner  West Coast Sequencer  Jul 27th, 23:28 
Other/unknown MeeBilt, Diode Ladder Low Pass Filter Other/unknown MeeBilt, Diode Ladder Low Pass Filter  VCF, LP,  Jul 28th, 09:13 
Other/unknown Testbild, Hagiwo, Triple VCO Other/unknown Testbild, Hagiwo, Triple VCO  Arduino based VCO, Hagiwo´s FM/Additive/Chord Osc  Jul 28th, 09:20 
CalSynth XMod CalSynth XMod  Fullsize Replica of Mutable Warps  Jul 29th, 12:48 
Soundmachines re.ceiver Soundmachines re.ceiver  Artinoise re.ceiver is the perfect companion for the Artinoise re.corder.  Jul 30th, 08:48 
Other/unknown Hurdle Jr. Other/unknown Hurdle Jr.  LPG  Jul 31st, 09:34 
S3n0Я Resonator S3n0Я Resonator  Custom Replic of VC Resonator  Jul 31st, 09:52 
Other/unknown VCF1 Other/unknown VCF1  OTA based multimode filter  Jul 31st, 12:55 
Pittsburgh Modular Snakes Pittsburgh Modular Snakes  Dual Gate Sequencer  Jul 31st, 17:23 
Zerosum Inertia 6BN6-24 Zerosum Inertia 6BN6-24  This is meant for processing VCO waveforms to create new waveforms or it can be an audio source by itself with no input. Recommended patch is VCO>6BN6-24>RK6 or R52 or favorite resonant squeally filter>tube VCA(right channel of TVM23). Or whatever you wan  Jul 31st, 19:29 
AvonSynth AVS-OUTPUT-1 AvonSynth AVS-OUTPUT-1  Professional Output Module  Aug 1st, 02:11 
Alyseum Q-VCA - MK II Alyseum Q-VCA - MK II  A versatile and dynamic Quad VCA  Aug 1st, 05:05 
AMSynths AM1028 Sequential Volts AMSynths AM1028 Sequential Volts  This 8HP module expands the capability of the Behringer 1027 sequencer by adding an additional column of variable control voltages.  Aug 1st, 10:14 
Other/unknown FWR Other/unknown FWR  Quad Full Wave Rectifier  Aug 1st, 12:25 
Error Instruments Gate To Trigger Error Instruments Gate To Trigger  Passive gate shorterner  Aug 1st, 15:15 
Other/unknown P4L / TIMBRE Other/unknown P4L / TIMBRE  Model 208 (Late version) Wavefolder  Aug 1st, 17:29 
Other/unknown Underdamped VC ADSR Envelope Other/unknown Underdamped VC ADSR Envelope  VC Envelope Generator that doubles as VCO  Aug 2nd, 17:35 
Mental Noise Broca Mental Noise Broca  A Simple and Open Source 4 Channels Audio Mixer  Aug 3rd, 13:11 
Mental Noise Thal Mental Noise Thal  An Open Source 3 Channels Stereo Mixer and Output  Aug 3rd, 16:03 
Trogotronic 3U@4hp Inlet Trogotronic 3U@4hp Inlet   Power Supply Switch  Aug 5th, 16:06 
Other/unknown Underdamped Dual VCA Other/unknown Underdamped Dual VCA  Dual Lin/Log VCA  Aug 5th, 20:58 
Other/unknown Underdamped VCF Other/unknown Underdamped VCF  Transistor ladder 24dB/oct VC Low-Pass Filter  Aug 5th, 21:00 
Glasgow Synth Guild Éon Procyon Glasgow Synth Guild Éon Procyon  Stereo morphing filter  Aug 6th, 08:08 
Avalon Harmonics iVCA Avalon Harmonics iVCA  Stereo VCA with CV attenuverter and full range offset  Aug 6th, 11:28 
MidCentury Modular Lunar Delay MidCentury Modular Lunar Delay  Lo-fi delay & filter  Aug 6th, 14:45 
Other/unknown Headphone output Other/unknown Headphone output  Harald Swerk's NE5532 based headphone amp  Aug 8th, 02:51 
Blue Lantern Modules Joy Rider Dual VCA Joystick Blue Lantern Modules Joy Rider Dual VCA Joystick  Dual VCA Joystick  Aug 9th, 07:36 
Gotharman Touch TuuL Gotharman Touch TuuL  4 channel multi-function module w/sampler  Aug 9th, 15:21 
Other/unknown IsobarIndustries - Black Panel Other/unknown IsobarIndustries - Black Panel  Switchblade - 2HP Eurorack 1U Blank Panel  Aug 9th, 19:48 
AMSynths AM1013 Octave Fixed Filter Bank AMSynths AM1013 Octave Fixed Filter Bank  Eight 12dB Band Pass filters in parallel - with mixed and individual outputs  Aug 12th, 19:16 
Mehr Music Machines Keybump Mehr Music Machines Keybump  Fully voltage controllable ADSR/LFO with built in VCA and timeshift  Aug 12th, 23:13 
Futureretro Transfer Futureretro Transfer  Analogue Filter, 16 different types. Manual and CV controlled  Aug 13th, 16:16 
Nonlinearcircuits Splish Nonlinearcircuits Splish  4HP version of Let's Splosh  Aug 14th, 06:08 
Nonlinearcircuits Splish black panel Nonlinearcircuits Splish black panel  4HP version of Let's Splosh  Aug 14th, 06:10 
Nonlinearcircuits Gator Nonlinearcircuits Gator  Do you like combining gates?  Aug 14th, 06:13 
Nonlinearcircuits Gator black panel Nonlinearcircuits Gator black panel  I reckon you need a gate combiner, for sure.  Aug 14th, 06:15 
Hive Mind Synthesis Hive Mind Synthesis Tessellating Hexes Blank (2HP) Hive Mind Synthesis Hive Mind Synthesis Tessellating Hexes Blank (2HP)  2 HP Blank  Aug 16th, 15:11 
Hive Mind Synthesis DUCK Hive Mind Synthesis DUCK  Pseudo Sidchain Compressor/Ducking 2-channel mixer  Aug 16th, 15:57 
Crey Emporium Crest Crey Emporium Crest  CV-able drive/fold  Aug 16th, 19:11 
Blue Lantern Modules BLM Scaler Blue Lantern Modules BLM Scaler    Aug 17th, 06:47 
Blue Lantern Modules Jelly Paste Filter Factory Blue Lantern Modules Jelly Paste Filter Factory  JP 6  Aug 17th, 06:51 

Page 315 of 320, total 15988