
Manufacturer Name Short Description Added
Other/unknown Frontiers Pink by SynTesla Other/unknown Frontiers Pink by SynTesla  1HP light colored module  Sep 9th, 10:25 
Other/unknown Frontiers Orange by SynTesla Other/unknown Frontiers Orange by SynTesla  1HP light colored module  Sep 9th, 10:26 
Other/unknown Frontiers CV Controler Other/unknown Frontiers CV Controler  4 CV input for Frontiers light coloured 1HP modules  Sep 9th, 10:30 
Cosmic Instruments 3340 Voltage Controlled Oscillator Cosmic Instruments 3340 Voltage Controlled Oscillator  Cosmic Instruments 3340 Voltage Controlled Oscillator  Sep 9th, 21:06 
jroo music machines 8-GATES jroo music machines 8-GATES  LYRA-8 trigger converter  Sep 10th, 00:36 
Laine Modular Catena Laine Modular Catena  Voltage Chain  Sep 11th, 13:51 
Other/unknown BITI WORKSHOP * FIG LIQUID FILTER 驚瀾 Other/unknown BITI WORKSHOP * FIG LIQUID FILTER 驚瀾  (mutable-instruments Ripples V2 clone)  Sep 12th, 13:34 
Mörk Modules Tangrams - Black Panel Mörk Modules Tangrams - Black Panel  Black panel for Intellijel Tangrams  Sep 12th, 17:37 
Other/unknown VISION Other/unknown VISION  visualizer / scope   Sep 13th, 10:27 
Other/unknown Passive Multiple (1x6)-(2x3) Other/unknown Passive Multiple (1x6)-(2x3)  Passive Multiple   Sep 14th, 14:50 
Barton Musical Circuits BMC100 Deluxe DAN Barton Musical Circuits BMC100 Deluxe DAN  Deluxe decaying analog noise  Sep 14th, 21:05 
Other/unknown twang modular VCEQ Other/unknown twang modular VCEQ  4 band eq  Sep 14th, 22:10 
Other/unknown 1U Dual Buffered Mult Other/unknown 1U Dual Buffered Mult    Sep 14th, 23:00 
Beers Edge Detector 12hp Beers Edge Detector 12hp  8-channel gate-to-trigger with OR-combined outputs  Sep 15th, 01:15 
Beers Edge Detector 8hp Beers Edge Detector 8hp  8-channel gate to trigger with OR-combined outputs  Sep 15th, 01:30 
CatSynth Slimline Dual Attenuverter CatSynth Slimline Dual Attenuverter  2HP Dual Attenuverter and Offset  Sep 15th, 12:03 
WMD PM MKII Returns WMD PM MKII Returns  Additional Aux Returns for PM MKII  Sep 16th, 20:55 
Happy Nerding Super Sawtor Happy Nerding Super Sawtor  saw animator 4hp 2024  Sep 17th, 03:19 
Mörk Modules Akemie’s Taiko - Black Panel Mörk Modules Akemie’s Taiko - Black Panel  Black panel for ALM Busy Circuits Akemie’s Taiko  Sep 17th, 09:55 
Mörk Modules Amps - Black Panel Mörk Modules Amps - Black Panel  Black panel for Intellijel Amps  Sep 17th, 10:16 
Mörk Modules Att 1U - Black Panel Mörk Modules Att 1U - Black Panel  Black panel for Intellijel Att 1U  Sep 17th, 10:18 
Mörk Modules Audio I/O (2023) - Black Panel Mörk Modules Audio I/O (2023) - Black Panel  Black panel for Intellijel Audio I/O (2023)  Sep 17th, 10:20 
Mörk Modules AXON-1 - Black Panel Mörk Modules AXON-1 - Black Panel  Black panel for ALM Busy Circuits AXON-1  Sep 17th, 10:23 
Mörk Modules Bard Quartet - Black Panel Mörk Modules Bard Quartet - Black Panel  Black panel for Shakmat Bard Quartet  Sep 17th, 10:25 
Mörk Modules Beast's Chalkboard - Black Panel Mörk Modules Beast's Chalkboard - Black Panel  Black panel for ALM Busy Circuits Beast's Chalkboard  Sep 17th, 10:28 
Mörk Modules Bias 2 - Black Panel Mörk Modules Bias 2 - Black Panel  Black panel for Joranalogue Bias 2  Sep 17th, 10:30 
Mörk Modules Blades - Black Panel Mörk Modules Blades - Black Panel  Black panel for Mutable Instruments Blades  Sep 17th, 10:32 
Mörk Modules Braids (2015) - Black Panel Mörk Modules Braids (2015) - Black Panel  Black panel for Mutable Instruments Braids  Sep 17th, 10:33 
Mörk Modules Branches - Black Panel Mörk Modules Branches - Black Panel  Black panel for Mutable Instruments Branches  Sep 17th, 10:35 
Mörk Modules Buff Mult 3U - Black Panel Mörk Modules Buff Mult 3U - Black Panel  Black panel for Intellijel Buff Mult 3U  Sep 17th, 10:39 
Mörk Modules BXx2 - Black Panel Mörk Modules BXx2 - Black Panel  Black panel for ALM Busy Circuits BXx2  Sep 17th, 10:41 
Mörk Modules Clouds - Black Panel Mörk Modules Clouds - Black Panel  Black panel for Mutable Instruments Clouds  Sep 17th, 10:43 
Mörk Modules Contour 1 - Black Panel Mörk Modules Contour 1 - Black Panel  Black panel for Joranalogue Contour 1  Sep 17th, 10:45 
Mörk Modules Dixie 2+ - Black Panel Mörk Modules Dixie 2+ - Black Panel  Black panel for Intellijel Dixie 2+  Sep 17th, 10:49 
Mörk Modules Dual ADSR - Black Panel Mörk Modules Dual ADSR - Black Panel  Black panel for Intellijel Dual ADSR  Sep 17th, 10:54 
Mörk Modules Duatt 1U - Black Panel Mörk Modules Duatt 1U - Black Panel  Black panel for Intellijel Duatt 1U  Sep 17th, 10:56 
Mörk Modules ER-301 - Black Panel Mörk Modules ER-301 - Black Panel  Black panel for Orthogonal Devices ER-301  Sep 17th, 10:58 
Mörk Modules Gemini's Path - Black Panel Mörk Modules Gemini's Path - Black Panel  Black panel for Shakmat Gemini's Path  Sep 17th, 11:00 
Mörk Modules Jumble Henge - Black Panel Mörk Modules Jumble Henge - Black Panel  Black panel for ALM Busy Circuits Jumble Henge  Sep 17th, 11:01 
Mörk Modules Kinks - Black Panel Mörk Modules Kinks - Black Panel  Black panel for Mutable Instruments Kinks  Sep 17th, 11:03 
Mörk Modules Knight's Gallop - Black Panel Mörk Modules Knight's Gallop - Black Panel  Black panel for Shakmat Knight's Gallop  Sep 17th, 11:04 
Mörk Modules Line Out 1U - Black Panel Mörk Modules Line Out 1U - Black Panel  Black panel for Intellijel Line Out 1U  Sep 17th, 11:06 
Mörk Modules Link 2 - Black Panel Mörk Modules Link 2 - Black Panel  Black panel for Joranalogue Link 2  Sep 17th, 11:07 
Mörk Modules Links - Black Panel Mörk Modules Links - Black Panel  Black panel for Mutable Instruments Links  Sep 17th, 11:08 
Mörk Modules Mega-Tang - Black Panel Mörk Modules Mega-Tang - Black Panel  Black panel for ALM Busy Circuits Mega-Tang  Sep 17th, 11:10 
Mörk Modules Mixup - Black Panel Mörk Modules Mixup - Black Panel  Black panel for Intellijel Mixup  Sep 17th, 11:13 
Mörk Modules mmMIDI - Black Panel Mörk Modules mmMIDI - Black Panel  Black panel for ALM Busy Circuits mmMIDI  Sep 17th, 11:15 
Mörk Modules mmT - Black Panel Mörk Modules mmT - Black Panel  Black panel for ALM Busy Circuits mmT  Sep 17th, 11:16 
Mörk Modules ModBase 09 mk2 - Black Panel Mörk Modules ModBase 09 mk2 - Black Panel  Black panel for Jomox ModBase 09 mk2  Sep 17th, 11:19 
Mörk Modules Mult 3U - Black Panel Mörk Modules Mult 3U - Black Panel  Black panel for Intellijel Mult 3U  Sep 17th, 11:26 

Page 318 of 320, total 15988