
Manufacturer Name Short Description Added
Xobo SteMo Xobo SteMo  Stereo Splitter, Mono Merger and Multiplier in one  Mar 29th 2021, 00:46 
XODES TP8 XODES TP8  8 I/O Touch Pads  Oct 19th 2020, 15:16 
XODES LB5 - 3U XODES LB5 - 3U  5 Logic Blocks  Oct 19th 2020, 15:22 
XODES LB5 - 1U XODES LB5 - 1U  5 Logic Blocks  Oct 19th 2020, 15:24 
XODES PV44 XODES PV44  4 x 4 Preset Voltages  Oct 19th 2020, 15:31 
XODES PV44 IMI XODES PV44 IMI  Individual Modulation Inputs expansion for PV44  Jan 9th 2021, 16:11 
XODES BCI XODES BCI  Black Card Interface  Mar 26th 2021, 10:44 
XODES FC313 - 6HP XODES FC313 - 6HP  Triple row 1U to 3U Format Changer (Intellijel format)  Sep 25th 2021, 09:09 
XODES FC313 - 10HP XODES FC313 - 10HP  Triple row 1U to 3U Format Changer (Intellijel format)  Sep 25th 2021, 09:11 
XODES FC313 - 12HP XODES FC313 - 12HP  Triple row 1U to 3U Format Changer (Intellijel format)  Sep 25th 2021, 09:13 
XODES FC313 - 14HP XODES FC313 - 14HP  Triple row 1U to 3U Format Changer (Intellijel format)  Sep 25th 2021, 09:14 
XODES FC313 - 20HP XODES FC313 - 20HP  Triple row 1U to 3U Format Changer (Intellijel format)  Nov 4th 2021, 15:29 
XODES FC313 - 24HP XODES FC313 - 24HP  Triple row 1U to 3U Format Changer (Intellijel format)  Nov 4th 2021, 15:31 
XODES FC313 - 28HP XODES FC313 - 28HP  Triple row 1U to 3U Format Changer (Intellijel format)  Dec 20th 2021, 16:21 
XODES FB3 - 3.5mm UP XODES FB3 - 3.5mm UP  Triple channel Format Bridge  Jan 11th 2022, 14:51 
XODES FB3 - 3.5mm DOWN XODES FB3 - 3.5mm DOWN  Triple channel Format Bridge  Jan 11th 2022, 14:53 
XODES AC3 - 1U XODES AC3 - 1U  Analog Computations  Feb 20th 2022, 18:01 
XODES AC3 - 3U XODES AC3 - 3U  Analog Computations  Feb 20th 2022, 18:08 
XODES GR2 - 1U XODES GR2 - 1U  Dual Gate Randomizer  Feb 20th 2022, 18:24 
XODES GR2 - 3U XODES GR2 - 3U  Dual Gate Randomizer  Feb 20th 2022, 18:26 
XODES GR1 XODES GR1  Gate Randomizer  Feb 20th 2022, 18:37 
XODES µGR2 XODES µGR2  µ Dual Gate Randomizer  Feb 20th 2022, 18:44 
XODES MLB - 1U XODES MLB - 1U  Malleable Logic Block  Feb 20th 2022, 19:29 
XODES MLB - 3U XODES MLB - 3U  Malleable Logic Block  Feb 20th 2022, 19:31 
XODES SS14 - 1U XODES SS14 - 1U  Smart 1 to 4 Sequential Switch  Feb 20th 2022, 19:47 
XODES SS14 - 3U XODES SS14 - 3U  Smart 1 to 4 Sequential Switch  Feb 20th 2022, 19:49 
XODES µMIO XODES µMIO  µ USB/ MIDI I/O for the Intellijel MIDI 1U system  Oct 14th 2022, 14:45 
XODES µLB-N XODES µLB-N  µ Logic Block (dual NOT)  Oct 14th 2022, 14:56 
XODES µLB-A XODES µLB-A  µ Logic Block (AND/NAND)  Oct 14th 2022, 14:58 
XODES µLB-O XODES µLB-O  µ Logic Block (OR/NOR)  Oct 14th 2022, 15:02 
XODES µLB-X XODES µLB-X  µ Logic Block (XOR/XNOR)  Oct 14th 2022, 15:04 
XODES ABD XODES ABD  Acid Bass Drum - AXX series / Roland TR-808 inspired  Feb 28th 2023, 17:55 
XODES ASD XODES ASD  Acid Snare Drum - AXX series / Roland TR-808 inspired  Feb 28th 2023, 17:57 
XODES AHH XODES AHH  Acid Hi Hats - AXX series / Roland TR-808 inspired  Feb 28th 2023, 17:58 
XODES ATC-L XODES ATC-L  Acid Low Tom / Conga - AXX series / Roland TR-808 inspired  Feb 28th 2023, 18:00 
XODES ATC-M XODES ATC-M  Acid Mid Tom / Conga - AXX series / Roland TR-808 inspired  Feb 28th 2023, 18:01 
XODES ATC-H XODES ATC-H  Acid High Tom / Conga - AXX series / Roland TR-808 inspired  Feb 28th 2023, 18:03 
XODES FC313 - 8HP XODES FC313 - 8HP  Triple row 1U to 3U Format Changer (Intellijel format)  Apr 12th 2023, 12:08 
XODES FC313 - 30HP XODES FC313 - 30HP  Triple row 1U to 3U Format Changer (Intellijel format)  Jul 10th 2023, 09:24 
XODES FC213 - 30HP XODES FC213 - 30HP  Double row 1U to 3U Format Changer (Pulp Logic format)  Nov 6th 2023, 14:45 
XODES CM6 XODES CM6  6-channel Chainable Mixer  Mar 21st, 18:00 
XODES nIO XODES nIO  nano Versatile Dual I/O  Apr 22nd, 09:44 
XODES AMC XODES AMC  Acid Maracas / Hand Clap - AXX series / Roland TR-808 inspired  May 20th, 13:34 
XOR Electronics Nerdseq XOR Electronics Nerdseq  The Nerdseq is a Hybrid Tracker Sequencer  Sep 30th 2016, 10:18 
XOR Electronics Nerdseq IO-Expander XOR Electronics Nerdseq IO-Expander  Midi Input/Output and Sega Gamepad expander for the Nerdseq  Aug 16th 2017, 19:24 
XOR Electronics Nerdseq Grey Aluminium Front XOR Electronics Nerdseq Grey Aluminium Front  The Nerdseq is a Hybrid Tracker Sequencer  Oct 18th 2017, 06:25 
XOR Electronics Nerdseq Black Aluminium Front XOR Electronics Nerdseq Black Aluminium Front  The Nerdseq is a Hybrid Tracker Sequencer  Oct 18th 2017, 07:38 
XOR Electronics Nerdseq – IO Expander XOR Electronics Nerdseq – IO Expander  IO Expander black  Dec 7th 2017, 06:32 
XOR Electronics Nerdseq IO Expander (Aluminium) XOR Electronics Nerdseq IO Expander (Aluminium)  Midi In & Out / Sega Controller  Jan 6th 2018, 19:33 
XOR Electronics Nerdseq - Trigger Expander Grey/silver XOR Electronics Nerdseq - Trigger Expander Grey/silver  16 additional trig/gate outs  Apr 1st 2018, 20:55 

Page 316 of 320, total 15986