CBV001, CBV002, VU009, VU007B and VU006 are among Syntonies most popular products.
Quad Distribution Amplifier for composite video
Quad Frequency Doubler
Circuit Bent Video Enhancer
Component to 1V RGB
Quad inverter
Quadrature Oscillator
Dual Sinewaveshaper
Circuit Bent Video Delay
RGB2Component encoder
Dual Ramp Shifter
Triple 2:1 Mixer
Component to RGB decoder/Luma Processor
Sync Generator/RGB Encoder
Video Distribution Amplifier
Triple Video Distribution Amplifier
Triple 3-bit Posterizer
Quadrature Low Frequency Oscillator
Waveforms Expander
Triple Comparator / Boolean Logic / Ramp Shifter
Full Wave Rectifier / 2:1 Mixer
Triple VCA / Crossfader / Four Quadrant Multiplier
Component to RGB Decoder / Luma Processor
Ramp Generator / Sync Extractor
Processing Amplifier / Glitch Stabilizer
Triple Expo Log Shaper
Softener / Enhancer