
Manufacturer Name Short Description Added
Dreadbox Murmux v1 Dreadbox Murmux v1  semi modular synthesizer  May 13th 2023, 22:13 
Tiptop Audio ATX1 VCO Tiptop Audio ATX1 VCO  Analog saw VCO with modes: ART, 1V/Oct, LFO  May 13th 2023, 23:53 
Tiptop Audio Vortex Tiptop Audio Vortex  ART Wavetable Dual Oscillator  May 14th 2023, 00:08 
Pharmasonic Multiverter Pharmasonic Multiverter  Inverter/Multiple  May 14th 2023, 03:09 
SynQuaNon Hex Fuzz Output Expander SynQuaNon Hex Fuzz Output Expander  Hex Fuzz Output Expander  May 14th 2023, 05:07 
Tiptop Audio Control Path Tiptop Audio Control Path  Voice Dynamics module  May 14th 2023, 15:15 
Tiptop Audio Vortex 6 Tiptop Audio Vortex 6  Polyphonic 6-Voice ART Wavetable Oscillator  May 14th 2023, 18:48 
Tiptop Audio Octopass Poly Filter Tiptop Audio Octopass Poly Filter  8-Voice Lowpass Filter  May 14th 2023, 20:40 
AJH Synth Triple Cross AJH Synth Triple Cross  Three independent cross fader and panner channels  May 14th 2023, 21:30 
Tiptop Audio Octostages Poly Envelope Tiptop Audio Octostages Poly Envelope  8-Voice Analog Envelope Generator  May 14th 2023, 23:55 
Tiptop Audio Octogain Tiptop Audio Octogain  8-Voice Polyphonic Audio VCA / Mixer  May 15th 2023, 02:12 
Behringer FOUR LFO Behringer FOUR LFO  A corporate clone of Xaoc Batumi  May 15th 2023, 13:35 
Neuzeit Instruments Warp Neuzeit Instruments Warp  Additive & wavetable synth voice  May 15th 2023, 13:36 
Other/unknown Kra Pao Other/unknown Kra Pao  Resonant Low Pass Gate  May 15th 2023, 14:57 
BearModules PB BearModules PB  2hp patchbay  May 15th 2023, 15:05 
Other/unknown Robot Dog Y.A.S.F. Other/unknown Robot Dog Y.A.S.F.  transistor ladder filter  May 15th 2023, 16:27 
Befaco FX Boy Befaco FX Boy  GB cartridge-based effects unit  May 15th 2023, 19:10 
Other/unknown Loopy Other/unknown Loopy  FcKwModules Loopy - Audio Looper  May 15th 2023, 19:43 
Herzlich Labs Micro Gate 2 Trigger Herzlich Labs Micro Gate 2 Trigger  Quad Passive Gate to Trigger Converter  May 15th 2023, 20:42 
LZX Industries Switcher LZX Industries Switcher  Color Video Multiplexer and Switcher  May 15th 2023, 23:03 
Other/unknown Synamodec CV LFO Other/unknown Synamodec CV LFO  LFO module CV controlled  May 16th 2023, 05:22 
Instruō Winston! Instruō Winston!   Eurorack Blank Panel  May 16th 2023, 11:45 
ph modular 2HP Signal switch ph modular 2HP Signal switch  "MUTE" module mono or stereo  May 16th 2023, 13:01 
ph modular Signal switch stereo ph modular Signal switch stereo  "MUTE" STEREO module  May 16th 2023, 13:07 
ph modular Stereo patchbay ph modular Stereo patchbay  Passive stereo patchbay on 3HP  May 16th 2023, 13:20 
ph modular USB for LAMP ph modular USB for LAMP  Power USB for two lamps  May 16th 2023, 14:47 
Herzlich Labs Micro HWR Herzlich Labs Micro HWR  Dual Passive Bipolar Half-Wave Rectifier  May 16th 2023, 20:20 
Dreadbox Telepathy Dreadbox Telepathy  Full Voice Analog Synth  May 17th 2023, 06:23 
Tronix-Audio AQUAR Tronix-Audio AQUAR  alternative front of Quazar with 8 fixed analog LFO frequencies  May 17th 2023, 07:16 
Tronix-Audio FLORA Tronix-Audio FLORA  alternative front of Quazar with 8 fixed analog LFO frequencies  May 17th 2023, 07:20 
Behringer 2600-VCO Behringer 2600-VCO    May 17th 2023, 13:31 
Hive Mind Synthesis Pixie Dance Floor (Hive Mind Edition) Hive Mind Synthesis Pixie Dance Floor (Hive Mind Edition)  Pixie Dance Floor DIY Platform  May 17th 2023, 13:37 
Befaco 1U MOTION MTR Befaco 1U MOTION MTR  Molten Modular's CV and Audio Utility / Realtime Visualizer  May 17th 2023, 15:13 
ADDAC System ADDAC213C ADDAC System ADDAC213C  1U Eurorack Bridge  May 17th 2023, 15:17 
Klavis 2x4 Klavis 2x4  Multiple  May 17th 2023, 15:28 
SetonixSynth Solar Voltages SetonixSynth Solar Voltages  Dual Light-Controlled Voltage Source  May 17th 2023, 17:45 
EMW NOISE STATION EMW NOISE STATION  7 Independent Noise Sources with Various Tones and Spectral Distributions.  May 17th 2023, 19:33 
Eowave Tempête Magnétique Eowave Tempête Magnétique  Quad complex multimode filter  May 18th 2023, 13:42 
shkrjn Dual Low Pass Gate shkrjn Dual Low Pass Gate  Two channel vactrol low pass gate  May 18th 2023, 17:01 
shkrjn Duophonic Distribution shkrjn Duophonic Distribution  Dual sample and hold and clock divider to achieve two voice polyphony  May 18th 2023, 17:04 
shkrjn Mix6 shkrjn Mix6  Six Channel Precision Mixer  May 18th 2023, 17:06 
shkrjn VCSM shkrjn VCSM  Four Channel Voltage Controlled Switch Matrix  May 18th 2023, 17:10 
BeepBoop Electronics Telecom RJ45 (Pair) BeepBoop Electronics Telecom RJ45 (Pair)  Multicore signal connector using RJ45 Ethernet standard  May 19th 2023, 13:16 
Other/unknown Materia - Terpsichore 2 (PPW black and gold) Other/unknown Materia - Terpsichore 2 (PPW black and gold)    May 20th 2023, 09:57 
Herzlich Labs MMI 1U Herzlich Labs MMI 1U  Pressure and Touch Sensitive Controller in 1U  May 20th 2023, 20:17 
XOR Electronics Multi-IO Expander Grey XOR Electronics Multi-IO Expander Grey  USB Midi Host, Device, TRS, Dual I2C and extra function expander for the NerdSEQ  May 20th 2023, 20:28 
XOR Electronics XOR XOR XOR Electronics XOR XOR  Logical XOR Module by XOR Electronics  May 20th 2023, 20:34 
1V/Oct Taipo 1V/Oct Taipo  Taipo - MIDI Interface for The Centre - Eurorack Module  May 22nd 2023, 02:20 
Herzlich Labs PSA Herzlich Labs PSA  Passive Stereo Attenuator  May 22nd 2023, 02:58 
Other/unknown HNW Machine XL by Gen Thalz Other/unknown HNW Machine XL by Gen Thalz  HNW Machine XL Eurorack version is an analog dissonance generator and an effects unit that turns whatever the audio (line or modular level) input is into harsh noise wall! Experience harsh noise wall in voltage controlled stereo out.  May 22nd 2023, 14:10 

Page 280 of 337, total 16809