I found 6626 threads containing ne in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Speakers Modules by 11 162
hexinverter.net Orbitals Modules by 11 927
Mutable instruments Clouds Modules by 5 31577
KICK ASS!!! for July 2018 Modules by 4 43
Behringer Wasp? Modules by 2 86
Wildfire Laboratories Intravitreal Modules by 3 428
Soundmachines RB1 Robotto Modules by 1 235
Dixie ii+ and Clouds Modules by 4 13
Rossum Electro-Music's Control Forge - complex "wavetable like" CV modulation/sequencer... Modules by 1 84
KICK ASS!!! for March 2019 Modules by 1 117
Schlappi Engineering Angle Grinder Modules 3 3791
Pamela's New Workout - Noise Modules by 3 145
Sleepy Circuits Hypno USB Expander Modules by 3 160
Ear Modular - Trot Modules by 3 705
Bubblesound Instruments SEM 20 Modules by 1 1527
Music Thing Modular Radio music Modules by 4 10
Intellijel Noise Tools 1U Modules by 8 18774
I need an advice for my setup! Modules by 4 101
ALM Busy Circuits HPO driving low impedance load Modules by 1 37
Erica Synths Sample Drum - powerful black box in a out of confort zone video Modules by 1 4004
VAEMI - XFMR Euro DI : Audio Demo : Vaemi (Eurorack) Modules by 1 15
Acidlab MS2 Modules by 1 164
Ninstrument Tractor Beam 12 Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 8 532
Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms Percussion Sequencer Modules by 2 2656
"best" Korg MS-20 filter clone? Modules by 3 1275
Other/unknown AP - Theremin (Doepfer A-178 black & gold panel) Modules by 1 98
your favorite sequencer(s)? Modules by 8 728
TipTop/Buchla 200t series modules ... Modules by 62 1460
Can we get CuteLab and their Missed Opportunities module added? Modules by 2 51
Happy Nerding Super Sawtor Modules by 1 2206
Mutable instruments Bees in the Trees Modules by 14 59
Moog Music Inc. BFAM | Brother From Another Mother Modules by 10 1055
knob.farm Hyrlo Modules by 5 9273
2hp Play .wav files are being clipped at the end Modules by 2 28
Pittsburgh Modular Percussion Sequencer Modules by 1 12
Hot from Ukraine...the NEXT FX Aid Modules by 6 218
Vaemi's new module, the XFMR VCA with transformer output and linear control, on sale now! Modules by 1 34
Weird Knobula Kickain Panel when added to "My Modular" Modules 0 1032
Other/unknown MOTM-300 mini v1 Modules by 6 3
God Bless Everyone Who Owns Piston Honda... What About the Rest of Us?! Modules by 12 358
Happy Nerding FX AID Pro_black Modules by 10 8199
PAM - Resetting multipliers Modules by 2 49
L-1 Tube VCA Modules by 1 2479
Mutable instruments Grids Modules by 1 12655
Other/unknown Utter Decay - 4hp Modules by 1 158
Intellijel Triatt (original panel) Modules by 2 1551
New to modular, need some advice! Modules by 3 86
What single model will make the most improvement on audio? Modules by 12 268
Other/unknown Benjolin (silver panel) Modules by 1 151
CalSynth Rand Modules by 2 887
Looking for a LFO with reset functionality Modules by 3 7
Intellijel Dixie II+ Modules by 2 29119
User Manual for Soundmachine’s RC1 Radiostar module Modules by 1 11
Behringer SYSTEM 100 131 MIXER/OSCILLATOR/ HEADPHONE AMP Modules by 2 921
2.0 beta fw for Mannequins W/ Modules by 1 102
Other/unknown Matrix Mixer Modules by 9 270
AMSynths AM8003 Diode VCF Modules by 3 227
knob.farm Ooots Modules by 2 7725
Xaoc Drezno, Can't Get any Sound Out, My Bad? Modules by 16 262
Sebsongs Modular ODDS Modules by 7 1824
Modcan 11a Mixer/Panner Modules by 1 26
Flame Curves Modules by 4 2525
NiftyCase, Cellz and Chipz modules Modules by 1 74
Another O_c and Utile question. Modules by 3 57
Cynthia SubMux Deluxe Modules by 1 14
Befaco Instrument Interface v2 Modules by 2 10511
Searching ads DANNYSOUND LOOPING VCADSR or befaco or a-140? Modules by 5 90
Opinions on Versio Modules by 5 95
Synth addition for a dark ambient/Drone rack Modules by 6 268
BeepBoop Electronics 2hp CLK DIV Modules by 2 260
Output in Mono or Stereo or Dual-Mono, Issue? Modules by 6 14
Svarog Улучscheisseр Modules by 7 248
A module to delay cv signals? Modules by 7 288
Anyone got a Razmasynth? Modules by 1 23
frequency central stasis leak background noise Modules by 10 136
Other/unknown DIY Toppobrillo 281 Modules by 1 38
Rubicon Modules by 3 7
Mother 32: which modules would you add? Modules by 8 126
Happy Nerding MMM VCF - black Modules by 1 2242
Magerit METRO v2.6.0 Modules by 1 62
ALM Busy Circuits Cizzle Modules by 1 2362
Other/unknown burninmonk JD Panel Modules by 6 32
Which effect is this? (FX AID) Modules by 1 57
better OFFSET function for the Metropolix? Modules by 1 47
Connecting eurorack to my PC Modules by 5 72
Other/unknown PassiVac Modules by 1 156
Furthrrrr Generator tuner accuracy Modules by 7 104
Bela.io Gliss Modules by 2 76
Split CV at threshold Modules by 3 49
Doepfer A-160-5 Ratcheting Controller Modules by 3 6766
Eurorack modules that only use +12v (like Mother 32) Modules by 4 50
Make Noise Rosie? How do you connect modular to DAW or mixer? Modules by 4 209
10HP to fill, but which module??? Modules by 1 82
Elements clones Modules by 11 350
Tubbutec 6m0d6 via Midi Modules by 2 39
Which VCO to pair with OPERAT ? Modules by 1 33
Analogue Solutions Eurokorn (Black) Modules by 1 756
Other/unknown SPRINGREVERB Modules by 1 3
Advice Needed: Integrating Taiga Synthesizer into Eurorack Setup Modules by 3 144
Other/unknown 9504A Modules by 4 2