I found 2313 threads containing Ying in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Record modular into Reaper.Best way to sync modular to bpm? Modules by 10 308
Mutable instruments Veils (2020) Modules by 5 29781
Afterlater NRings v/oct doesnt work with BSP Modules by 10 165
Other/unknown Christian Günther - XR22 VCO Modules by 5 1130
Best modules for random CV generation or "happy accidents"? Modules by 5 853
Other/unknown Super 16 CV / Gate Sequencer Modules by 8 59
good compression/distortion alternatives to Hexinverter Mutant Hot Glue? Modules by 2 87
Soundforce Dual Filter Modules by 10 263
What next to go with Analogue Solutions Treadstone synth? Modules by 7 119
Favorite VCOs for ambient? Modules by 21 2002
Real time sampling and mangling... Modules 14 616
Randomizing Plonk Modules by 1 117
Other/unknown Pyxis Wavetable LFO Modules by 5 103
Make Noise QMMG on Reverb. Modules by 28 464
Behringer CP3A-M Mixer Modules by 5 2514
OCS-2 from Nozoïd Modules by 6 10
Blue Lantern Modules Stereo Sir Mix Alot (2020) Modules by 4 304
Clank Chaos Modules by 3 12181
SOMA Laboratory Lyra8-FX (different knobs) Modules by 4 3788
Feedback MIX BX Modules by 21 2859
2hp pmkn Modules by 1 37
your favorite FX modules / setups? Modules 21 1322
Million Machine March Strymon BigSky Modules by 3 1585
Introducing, ZIQAL Dimension Wavetable oscillator Modules by 35 3291
Modules with more outs than ins Modules by 24 361
Ornament & Crime with Teensy V4 - Is the original Firmware going to catch up? Modules by 3 197
Make Noise Teleplexer (upside-down) Modules by 17 19
New Mutable Instruments Clouds, er... Beads Modules by 17 333
Behringer Brains Modules by 20 13175
Unknown Devices Raijun - Pitch control Modules by 4 3195
Other/unknown Wave Packets Modules by 5 3786
Konstant Lab ZDROJ Modules by 3 163
WMD Performance Mixer (black) Modules 11 10270
Is there a module with multiple outs for tracking drums? Modules by 6 176
Thread title Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 22 1537
Mosaic Quantizer (Black Panel) Modules 6 1784
Make Noise CV Bus Modules by 14 5896
Checking voltage range Modules by 6 113
Endorphin.es Ground Control Modules by 7 7681
Verbos Complex Oscillator Modules by 4 58
Westlicht and sync to LOgic Modules by 2 91
Similar module as Verbos Amp & Tone? Modules by 3 105
Korg SQ-64? Modules by 26 790
Instruō saïch Modules by 5 7358
trying to add FMR Audio 500 Series modules to the the page Modules by 3 1
what are some essential utilitie modules? Modules by 10 255
ADDAC200PI vs. ALM SBG Modules by 10 3859
Faulty DIY module Modules by 4 260
KICK ASS!!! for September 2018. Modules by 1 37
Tapographic Delay Modules 2 59
Oscillator Modules with Inharmonic Spectra? (Harmonic Shift Oscillator a good bet?) Modules by 21 511
2hp play tips for using your own samples Modules by 13 302
Fonitronik seq switch Modules by 3 5
Disting mk4 Modules by 5 153
RYO Aperture Modules by 2 1662
DIY Beginner Modules by 4 71
4ms Tapographic Delay - trying to get it to reset Modules 0 34
kNoB technology - Muscarin synthesizer Modules by 2 260
joeSeggiola MIDI 4+1 price? Modules by 5 580
Why people don't like Behringer modules? Modules by 16 1119
NE Viol Ruina question (maybe obvious) Modules by 2 64
Doepfer A155 to A154 connecting issues Modules by 7 83
KICK ASS!!! for March 2018 Modules by 1 35
WTB Instruo Tona Modules by 4 52
4MS Row Power 40 bus cables vs. stick Modules by 2 195
Pitch tracking acoustic instruments - Sonicsmith ConVertor E1 Modules by 9 225
Eurorack recording? Modules by 11 230
Name that module Modules by 3 65
Drop-in mixer for...anywhere, really (maybe) Modules by 4 101
Manhattan Analog CVP Modules by 1 400
Intellijel Octalink 1U Modules by 1 2131
Victor? More like "vector"! Modules by 5 173
Beads, Mimeophon or Desmodus versio Modules by 7 1858
What’s your favorite envelope generator and VCA module? Modules by 20 1316
rare/cool effects modules for sound processing Modules by 16 498
A-111-2 VCO Tuning Problem Modules by 4 32
Behringer Baths Modules by 39 10321
KICK ASS!!! for January 2019 (special post-NAMM brainmelt edition) Modules by 8 269
Mescaline modules in rack - any pros? Modules by 8 161
Behringer Victor gate issue Modules by 4 122
Quad Quantizer Modules by 4 131
Any AJH Fans Here? Modules by 5 104
TipTop Audio - Fold Processor "Inject"-Knob/Rotary produces noise w/o input signal on v... Modules by 5 101
Other/unknown PAC BOT 3 Modules by 26 720
Sending CV from Doepfer MAQ16/3 to custom made analog synths Modules by 1 5
Future Retro Transient: opinions Modules by 4 66
Compressor help Modules by 5 144
Es-8 and iPad Pro audio issues Modules by 6 47
Multiple output (multitracking) Modules by 10 661
Industrial Music Electronics Double Andore MkII Modules by 2 5608
Recommend me some crazy filters Modules by 6 238
Delay not working. Is it just me? Modules by 5 128
Unable to calibrate in CV Tools using ES-8 Modules by 1 27
Steady State Fate Muton Modules by 11 4851
Similiar to Intelijel Audio Interface II Modules by 1 30
JF's Modular System Modules by 5 64
Filter similar to BassStation2? Modules by 5 85
Does anyone make a gated effects send module? Modules by 6 145
Eurorack Pitch Envelope?? Modules by 4 85
Behringer FOUR PLAY Modules by 46 14328