I found 3274 threads containing OG in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Ideas for a good (small hp) matrix mixer? Modules by 10 198
Behringer Victor gate issue Modules by 4 124
Quad Quantizer Modules by 4 131
Midi - CV Backwards Notes Modules by 4 7
Any AJH Fans Here? Modules by 5 104
TipTop Audio - Fold Processor "Inject"-Knob/Rotary produces noise w/o input signal on v... Modules by 5 101
Other/unknown PAC BOT 3 Modules by 26 720
Barton Musical Circuits Programmable Router - BMC45 Modules by 1 365
Sending CV from Doepfer MAQ16/3 to custom made analog synths Modules by 1 5
Es-8 and iPad Pro audio issues Modules by 6 47
Multiple output (multitracking) Modules by 10 661
Four bricks rook Modules by 4 110
Can the Expert Sleepers ES-8 replace a Focusrite audio interface? Modules by 5 256
Ladik U-090 Clock/Reset Corrector Modules by 3 778
Benjolin companions? Modules by 3 125
Recommend me some crazy filters Modules by 6 238
Synthesis Technology E102 Quad Temporal Shifter Modules by 1 67
Delay not working. Is it just me? Modules by 5 128
Unable to calibrate in CV Tools using ES-8 Modules by 1 27
Other/unknown Wallet Modules by 11 15
Is there an extreme wide range LFO module that permits a full sweep with one knob? (Is ... Modules by 18 345
Where's the April 2019 KICK ASS? Modules by 3 92
Doepfer A190-3 Issue Modules by 4 48
Where in your rack to you have your SSF Vortices? Modules by 4 106
Please help me decide ... Mutable "Veils" or "Blinds?" Modules by 2 301
Tall-Dog Electronics µBraids SE (uBraids SE, microBraids SE) Modules by 3 1818
Befaco HexMix VCA Modules 4 5283
JF's Modular System Modules by 5 64
Filter similar to BassStation2? Modules by 5 85
Does anyone make a gated effects send module? Modules by 6 145
Eurorack Pitch Envelope?? Modules by 4 85
Synthesis Technology E352 Cloud Terrarium (black panel) Modules by 1 8277
Behringer FOUR PLAY Modules by 46 14351
Nekyia Circuits 4 new modules Modules by 3 90
Module for messing with drum breaks? Modules by 3 68
Behringer MIX Modules by 8 4615
Is Mysteron not good?! Modules by 3 29
Delay similar to the delay inside Treadstone? Modules by 2 45
Intellijel 4U x 62HP Palette Case Top Row SILVER (0.5U) Modules by 9 2069
Would be cool to be able to turn modules upside down. Modules by 1 17
Pulp Logic Slew Question Modules by 1 9
Next up is FX Aid XL Modules by 10 235
Is my Turing Machine redundant now Modules by 20 516
Chaos that goes from lfo to audio? Modules by 10 239
LewdFox Blank Pannel Modules by 1 4
Modular synthesizer research Modules by 7 109
Other/unknown 5x2 Switched Multiple Modules by 5 135
scaling and offsetting 8 -3/+5v cv signals to +/-5v Modules by 5 79
Make Noise Telharmonic Modules by 13 13540
Behringer 182 sequencer Modules by 5 209
Expert Sleepers ES-6 Modules by 8 195
suggestions for a main (brain) sequencer? Modules by 10 290
Frequency Central Waverider VCDO MkII Modules by 9 361
CIRCUITBENDERS Eurorack Modules by 4 77
Tsyklon Labs PLITKA TRACE LOGIC 1 Modules by 1 41
Schlappi Engineering Black/Silver duplicates - 100 Grit / Angle Grinder / Interstellar ... Modules by 5 5222
ADDAC System ADDAC601 VC Fixed Filter Bank (black) Modules by 4 2265
Oooo...FOUR of them? Modules by 2 120
Tiptop Audio uZeus Modules by 9 25231
Pams New Workout and midi Modules by 6 685
XAOC Batumi issue with clock sync Modules by 12 157
Other/unknown MOTHERFUCKER-19 Modules by 4 284
Erica Synths Pico ALOGIC Modules by 1 3361
Finding modules that fit the Moog Eurorack Case? Modules by 3 183
midi to cv eurorack to mu Modules by 7 81
XOR Nerdseq Thoughts and Opinions? Modules by 9 972
Tutorials on the Doepfer A-147-2 VCDLFO and A-171-2 VCS modules Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 4 127
Tiptop Audio Z-DSP (NS) Modules by 6 3790
Behringer FOUR LFO Modules by 17 5423
Make Noise QPAS Modules 5 36870
Blue Lantern Modules Modules by 13 285
Xaoc Devices Zadar Modules by 12 28177
Can you hear past the Walrus Audio Meraki's face for radio? Modules by 3 176
Klangbau Köln RND Modul Logistische Gleichung Modules by 1 590
2 Sequences on Doepfer Sequencer A-155? Modules by 5 120
ALM Busy Circuits ALM014 - Fizzle Guts Modules by 1 13
DivKid Ochd Modules by 18 438
Dear Europe: Please take pity on the rest of the World Modules by 7 161
Westlicht PER|FORMER Modules by 14 2680
ALM Busy Circuits ALM014 - Fizzle Guts Modules by 2 1419
The Harvestman Modules by 13 356
Doepfer A-112 Modules by 8 3082
Klavis - Two Bits is Haunted by Spok! Modules by 2 2836
Alternative to Erica Synths Black Varishape VCO 1? Modules by 2 35
KICK ASS!!! for October 2018. Modules by 1 31
Delptronics LDB-2e Analog Drums Modules by 2 1667
Wavefolder/Waveshaper advice Modules by 4 84
Favorite Modules for Matriarch Modules by 5 65
complex oscillator - yes or no? And which? Modules by 14 570
Modulaire Maritime R / K Modules by 6 1036
Favorite module of 2024? Modules by 4 231
Can someone quickly tell me if my Analogue Systems RS-220 has been Modded for Eurorack? Modules by 1 6
advice on rack :) Modules by 7 195
Synthesis Technology E330 Multimode VCO Modules by 3 3770
If analog mono OSC connected to the stereo effec, then sound will be stereo? Modules by 4 71
Tinrs RectangularThing Modules by 16 696
Choosing a Percussion Voice - Ultra Perc vs SGR1806-20 Modules by 1 52
"Joranalogue Audio Design Enhance 2" module Modules by 4 128
Arpeggiator? Modules by 4 75
Does "Olivella Modular Gravedad" good as stereo analog OSC Modules by 1 32