I found 1273 threads containing anti in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
rare/cool effects modules for sound processing Modules by 16 505
The Centre by 1V/Oct - Wavetable Synth [NEW MODULE] - Kickstarter Modules by 2 2170
Ladik Q-040 Quad quantizer Modules by 6 808
Disting EX as quantizer. Modules by 3 186
Quad Quantizer Modules by 4 131
Other/unknown PAC BOT 3 Modules by 26 729
Multiple output (multitracking) Modules by 10 661
WMD 4tten Modules by 7 9327
RYK M185 - Manual / Firmware update for version 3.31 Modules by 3 166
Doepfer A190-3 Issue Modules by 4 48
Antimatter Audio Launch Codes Modules by 1 4989
GMSN! PURE ADSR Modules by 5 153
Quandrantid Swarm, a keeper that hides a lot in its hood! Modules by 1 69
Behringer MIX Modules by 8 4844
Next up is FX Aid XL Modules by 10 235
Is my Turing Machine redundant now Modules by 20 516
Skull & Circuits? Modules by 4 113
Rare Waves Grendel Formant Filter V2.2 Modules by 14 1315
ph modular Mixer++ Modules by 4 1902
Shock Electronix ESQU-One Modules by 4 517
Behringer FOUR LFO Modules by 17 5729
2 Sequences on Doepfer Sequencer A-155? Modules by 5 122
Westlicht PER|FORMER Modules by 15 2895
Multichannel Quantizers Modules by 5 146
Favorite Modules for Matriarch Modules by 5 68
complex oscillator - yes or no? And which? Modules by 14 589
RYO Penta Modules by 5 1885
The nature of buying modules? Modules by 5 223
Arpeggiator? Modules by 4 77
Antimatter Audio Brain Seed Modules by 1 6935
the Quadrantid Swarm hides a lot of secrets, but they're all revealed here :) Modules by 1 73
Sample and Hold... Modules by 4 103
Anti-Kulture Precision Disrupter Modules by 2 1123
my most wanted modules right now. Modules by 4 148
Klavis Twin waves Modules by 17 12122
Get ZAQed! Modules by 7 151
retex of an order to Bizarre Jezabel Modules by 1 38
Modulaire Maritime BLK BLX Modules by 2 2524
Cre8audio Mr. Phil Ter Modules by 19 2164
Acid Sundays You by 6 119
I made a patch tutorial for how to make envelope followers from Maths and guitar. You by 12 339
Industrial trance jam You this user has left ModularGrid 7 108
Mimeophon with Cursus and Pamela You this user has left ModularGrid 16 141
Labor Day Jam and Experimentation You this user has left ModularGrid 7 49
Putting a Mother 32 in a Behringer Eurorack rack video You by 29 336
New effects unit, the Scrat, from Neutral Labs build and demo video You by 3 61
Improv Modular Soundscape w/ Video You by 7 126
Experimenting with Malekko Richter Anti-Oscillator, Batumi Quad LFO and Borg Filter You this user has left ModularGrid by 4 43
The thread where you say "Hello!" You by 48 180
Penrose Quantizer from Sonic Potions build and demo You by 1 35
Saturday Nite Funk Tech jam You this user has left ModularGrid 10 54
ambient like loop You by 55 606
Trying my hand at Acid You by 9 74
Evening Modular Experiment: WORNG SoundStage You by 7 56
Patch020 & Patch021 You by 2 26
generative music You by 8 43
Saturday chill jam You this user has left ModularGrid 3 35
International Collaboration You by 8 64
I bought a thing - it's called a Polyend Tracker You by 7 155
Greetings, from your Algorithmic Overlords - Macro/micro "Clicks" You by 1 53
A Ciat-Lonbarde noodle You by 10 127
A Generative Patch for the Yuletide You by 7 90
First stab at generative ambient You by 11 147
Monday Nite Techno Session You this user has left ModularGrid 3 32
Steve Reichular You by 23 138
AEtherwaves Vol. 3 | AE Modular You by 6 49
Cyberpunk Soundscape with Hertz Donut, Bionic Lester and Mob of Emus. You by 3 80
Corona Quarantine | A Tribute to All Health Care Workers You by 5 47
Major Blues | Can Modular Improvise Jazz? You by 4 58
Lost Tapes: Orch R You by 2 33
Humpday Weekly Jam You this user has left ModularGrid 3 26
Happy Thanksgiving (U.S. friends) You by 4 20
Free Jazz! You by 34 320
Experimental music made with modular and semi-modular gear from Malaysia! You by 6 161
new forms of dance (album) You by 5 53
Holiday dance jam You this user has left ModularGrid 7 58
Krell.SIGx4.SubH.Dm You by 5 76
Cool Atlantix contest https://intellijel.com/contests/ You by 1 25
Nelson Baboon tracks You by 32 21
Hertz Donut MK3 first test jam You this user has left ModularGrid 9 126
Finally jumped right in You by 5 80
Three and a Half Krells - a Polyphonic-Multi-Krell Patch You by 5 106
Evening Modular Jam: Random Moog Jam #002 You by 3 27
Evening Modular Jam: Transient Response You by 2 15
My eurorack modular ambient etudes You by 92 2173
Some Techno : mostly DFAM You by 3 40
Birds Migrating You by 4 101
Polyphonic Plaits: Canon in G minor (Disting EX + Fugue Machine) You by 6 179
Weekly Jam with Hertz Donut and friends You this user has left ModularGrid 7 46
Thursday nite experiment with BIA and friends You this user has left ModularGrid 3 60
This one is a bit more ambient You by 50 501
2hp and bananas You by 8 68
A synth solo with one fader of Mutable Stages You by 5 70
Getting studio setup and new Doepfer monster case You this user has left ModularGrid 11 493
Technoish noisy space thing? Or: getting the DFAM into the rack without putting the DFA... You by 4 55
New Wave-y Improv You by 8 83
Day 10 Jamuary You by 5 29
Best of ModularGrid 2020? You by 47 548
Fine You by 2 19
Two59 VCO from Feedback Modules build and demo video up You by 5 53