Thank you all for your responses. I had slipped in a VCO as I made a patch I loved on Softube Modular and got greedy.

I realise - I want to be able to access and modulate what I have with ease rather than having loads of variables hidden in sub menus. Ivew got a Midiverb outboard for some generic backup hardware FX. So I ditched the Disting for starters.

After your comment and YouTubing I have revised to:
- Maths (Abacus - yes I know but I can afford it)
- 2 Plucks (TBC - but point noted above. This goes into the second round of buying)
- NanoRings - this all started as I wanted rings but no need for the full form factor. I like the CalSynth One
- Typhoon (Expanded Clouds Clone) - I realise I dont want to have to menu dive with Clouds so yes its lots of HP but as per comment above I either have it and enjoy it and have easy access or dont bother. I HATE MENU diving and sub functions.
- Ikarie - just seems brilliant
- Intelligel Sealegs - after much searching I just realised my favourite effect is always delay - plus the Reverb sounds good. Its alot of money and HP but I think its what I want and in many ways is the most creative effect when writing sequences.

I then have 8-12 HP depending on plucks. I will buy these first and see where I get but I feel I will need operators / mult / tools etc and just want to assess what first.

HAPAX has 4 CV and Gates Out plus the NiftyCase has 2 CVs + Gates so I can send LFOs / Automation and sequences from here.

I then think I will mix on my desk with seperate channels rather than summing in the rack.


I really appreciate your guidance.

Dear All. - Thanks at for opening the post and in advance for any advice.

I am new to Eurorack but not synths and hardware.

QUESTIONS below in bold.

I sequence using Hapax Squatp with MIDI + CV hardware synths to my DAW via Mixer. Ive got a Crap outboard compressor if needed.
I have used Softube Modular for fun FX racks but hate having to turn on the computer for FX

This my plan

SETUP: Direct Out from Synth Patchbay (in both Mono and Stereo!) to this rack for studio synths. (Super6. MS1. MonoPoly, Hydrasynth, TB3, TR8). CVS and MIDI from Hapax
PROPOSED CASE: Cre8Audio Nifty Case (saw Divkid use it. looked great for my size) Agree???
GOAL: To layer effects on Mono and Stereo synths. Fully expecting to record in per channel rather than run multiple channels of audio through this. Its for creativity, control and fun outside the box. i can always use Valhalla etc al in the DAW for static sounds in the final mix. I have a Midiverb for generic Verb. I want to modulate effects to get more movement in sound.

HAPAX provides options for CV step automation and LFOS and envelopes but id like to generate some of these internally hence the Abacus.

I wont buy the original Rings and Clouds but MomoModular do versions om Etsy that look great

So I have:
- VCA to adjust CV and or Audio signals? Do i need another for Audio out? I can adjust CV levels with Abacus
- Maths / Abacus. will try and get the original.
- Rings. love it. Having It
- Clouds. seems fun and right up my street sonically
- General FX. i just wanted a decent Reverb Delay module for general usage without going in the DAW. Any better suggestions
- Filter. Thus is Ripples but stereo. seems a winner to me?? Do you agree
- Mixer. Figure i wont want to do everything in series and also could blend input audio here if needed? ** Is this a good addition**

Any suggestions for other modules. key misses functionality wise
i feel so Freauency Mod might be a good addition?? Thoughts.

I have A Strymon Nightsky which I could swap for the Modular Starlab Id need to change case. it is space hungry so not sure whether i should bother. i think id prefer the workflow with Starlab but i'd need a bigger case

if you made it thus far i hugely appreciate the effort.