Many thanks to both of you. I need to search for mults, utilities & VCAs.
I forgot to mention that I have Batumi and planned to buy Ochd for LFOs, when I get rid of the Hermod currently getting in the way. I also have a Verbos Pan & Scan but I'm not sure about it, and a Twiigs for random probability of triggering evnts with my kick / live perf.
--> " Since your plan is to integrate with your DAW pretty much the whole time, you have quite a lot of flexibility and can probably hold off on filling your hp until you have a better sense of how the instrument works for you and your flow."
you couldn't be more right, I'm still exploring ! For now, I'm still doing this in my matrix :
Since I use a 4x4 Matrix Mixer for audio inputs (maybe I'll try 3 audio sources and 1 modulation) I still hesitate between BearModules's Stereo Mix 1U or your Befaco Stmix as a final auudio output but maybe I'm missing a cool opportunity for an end-of-chain mixer with 4 stereo inputs)
For the past few days I tried to get a grasp on Route 4 and Switch 4, but that could be overkill with the Matrix Mixer in the way I want to use layers of sounds and designated fxs chains that are often stereo ? or maybe the videos I watched weren't showing enough/the right approach. What I feel I need is definitely 'hands-on' modules like these though, glad I leaerned about them!
I will write some more as I explore :)
Thank you,