Anyone else notice this? Is there a solution?
-- AEROCATONEWhat device are you using?
-- modulargrid
Mac OS 10.14.6
Anyone else notice this? Is there a solution?
-- AEROCATONEWhat device are you using?
-- modulargrid
Mac OS 10.14.6
When rearranging my rack, I have noticed that when I swipe too far left (or right), the page "reloads" and reverts back to the arrangement from before I started the session. It has happened a couple times now. After it happens, I attempted to swipe both ways several times and the page continues to reload back to the same previous version. Any ideas?
Has anyone else had issues with the sensitivity of the touch pads on the Swarm? It only registers about 1 in 3 touches for me in use, unless I lick my fingers.
-- chrisormitch
Gross haha
It probably needs thouroughly cleaned after being all gummed up by human secretions.
I bet it will work like a charm after that.
Electric circuits and spit don't play nice together
nut buffers are cool.
What a groundbreaking idea!
So many questions...
Will you be producing them for sale?
What kind of power do they take up?
Are they noisy?
What video editing software do they require?
Are they networked?
Oh the possibilities...
Great work!
-- AEROCATONEThank you for your enthusiasm.
The magic panels will not be produced for sale because its very cheap and easy to make.
They made off 3 mm thick cardboard covered with green screen.
The hardest part is to caputure the scene with a good light source and a reasonable video cam.
The magic starts in a video editing software with a powerfull computer.-- Cem79
AHHHHH! hahaha
I suppose I was hoping for programmable panels. hahaha
ya got me!
What a groundbreaking idea!
So many questions...
Will you be producing them for sale?
What kind of power do they take up?
Are they noisy?
What video editing software do they require?
Are they networked?
Oh the possibilities...
Great work!
Sorry, I should have been clearer. Yes it can. Select the rack you want to copy. Select the Edit menu at top right, select Duplicate Rack. Give your duplicated rack a new name. Your original rack still exists.
-- Shall
DOH! Brilliant! I keep forgetting about that handy EDIT button! Thanks!
Edit --> Duplicate Rack.
-- Shall
Edited the title (thanks)
So, can it be done?
Is it possible to copy a rack, so we can modify the copy without destroying the original?
This is my first eurorack. I ordered everything, within the coming weeks modules will arrive depending on availlability. Is there anything I am missing? Like, do I have enough VCA, EG, VCF for this setup? I'd love some input please. Sequencing will happen mainly externaly with midi or gate-cv out from my Deluge. I added a sequencer for fun, but also because all my midi channels are filled already.
-- LordWiggle
Most peeps won't comment on your thread because of the B word. However, you have a solid system here, capable of doing most anything you need. My suggestion is master it before adding to it. Enjoy the adventure...
This is repulsive just blatant theft of Intellijel intellectual property. If I saw this module in an artist's rack I'd never buy another album from that artist. Art means nothing without ethics.
-- Sedalus
Art has nothing to do with money or politics.
I've had packages lost and the sellers immediately replaced or refunded, without question. Because it is the right thing to do. It isn't the buyer's responsibility to insure anything. It is the seller's. And they, in turn, charge the buyer. If they don't offer insurance, then it is on them. Period.
I will now use this thread to inform my fellow Gridders that I purchased a pedal from COAST SONIC (don't ever buy from them!!!!!). It was a Chase Bliss 1978 Reverb pedal ($900 big ones!). They provided "free shipping" but I never got it. The post office simply left it outside (no signature required, no insurance). We were able to use their GPS pin (they do that now) to pin it down to the approximity of my address (actually said next door). Either way, they refused to replace it, citing that it is MY responsibility to purchase insurance (which they, of course had never offered or even mentioned.)
That was a $900 loss for me. I will never forget.
Noise Engineering, for sure. I would start with either the Loquelic Iteritas Percido or the Cursus Iteritas Percido. Both of these modules are complete voices and aren't in any need of other modules (except a sequencer) to get you into the sonic territory that you are seeking. And when you add modulation, you will totally pee yourself. They are expensive, but would actually be less expensive than the several multiple modules it would take and cost you to get even close to what either one of these can do.
Have fun on your journey....
I think it's expensive,
but that wasn't the question. The question is, why with the update, I can't move small modules on the grid easily and now it's a nightmare? Nobody answered that, or if there's a solution.
-- japanmania
---Jim did. Put smaller modules to the side and fill with the bigger ones until the spacing is correct. Then they pop right in.
Good thing we have the Machine Elves tirelessly working behind the scenes. For free. They don't eat or sleep and don't have anything else to do.
I don't think the unicorn account is particularly expensive... it's 7 cents a day... and you don't have to pay if you don't want to, for whatever reason...
-- JimHowell1970
I always agree with you, Jim. And this is no exception!
Hi there,
I am planning a new rack that is aimed at minimal, monophonic techno basslines (and maybe leads). A brief disclaime, I know this is a small 62HP setup and there will be folks here that scream go bigger, but thats not the point of this setup. It is not supposed to be a standalone do-it-all solution. I want it to become a piece in my setup that is great a doing good and interesting basslines that I can keep evolving. I want to couple it with an Elektron Syntakt that takes care of all drum/percussion duties and the main clock. I hope you can help me figure out if I am missing a crucial part in this setup or should replace some modules against more versatile modules.
Let me go through my thought process in this setup:
Sequencing: I want to use steppy and mimiteic digitalis since I love what people are doing with the combination, this is what really got me hooked into planning and building my own modular synth in the first place
Clock: I have the Horlogic Solum in here for clocking, wich seems to have nice capabilities of also splitting the clock
LFO: Clep Diaz, but I am not 100% sure about it since the After Later Audio Clone of MI Tides can do LFO duties as well. Maybe you have some suggestions here.
Envelope: After Later Audio Clone of MI Tides
Filter: After Later Audio Clone of MI Ripples
Voice: Noise Engineering AI since I like what people do with it. Still I am not sure if I also should have a second Oscillator in here, maybe a simpler one?
Reverb/Delay/Distortion: Noise Engineering Versio since it is flexible with the Firmware and sounds really cool.Am I missing something crucial in my setup or do you see any breaking points or parts that do not move together? Any suggestion is welcome! Please keep in mind that I am fully aware of the size limitation but this is also my personal preference and maybe a way of challenging myself.
Thanks a lot! :)
current rack iteration
-- kvnlxm
Looking at this rack, it's clear you have been watching Ihor viddys
Using 19" racks for eurorack modules is odd. Using them for standard rackmount gear is not.
I see you like grouping your modules by manufacturer/series, As you expand, you will probably not be splitting your modular up very often.
What modules are in piles outside of your current racks?
What bands are going to want to record using your eurorack modules?
While using a rack intended for 19" rack gear is an odd idea, I actually used to have a customized eurorack setup in one of mine. It worked well like that until I outgrew it. As my modular grew, I realized quickly that being confined to 19" in width wasn't ergonomic for anything over 5 minutes of noodling because I had to stand as well as bend down to reach anything not at eye-level.
I have three 19" server racks in my studio that are stuffed with my rackmount gear. They are single-sided (the posts are centered on the bases) and I simply added casters to them from Home Depot so they can easily roll when necesarry. Server racks are easy to come by in the $50 - $100 ballpark on OfferUp or whatever. I used to have the four post type (like the one you are talking about), but found it's footprint to be far to big and using both the front and back was totally unpractical.
Of course, we all have different needs and ideas. I hope this helps!
I suggest anything from Noise Engineering for Industrial (and everthing else). Their complete voices (Cursus Iteritas Percido and Loquelic Iteritas Percido) are perfect for your starter kit, as they are fully formed and ready to go anywhere you want to take them as well as other worlds you never knew exsisted.
Compression is the key
If it is aesthetics that you are after first, just buy another 112 and another 130. You'll end up with 4 functional voices and a solid grey System 100.
I, too, place all of my mixers on the bottom row. However, after thinking about it, I think the top row would be best and the Behr may be on to something! With the jacks on the bottom and the modules in the top row, all cables would be completely out of the way. When the mixers are on bottom row, we still have to deal with all the sagging cables that sort of pool at the bottom from all the action in the rest of the case.
Something to think about....
try connecting the power inputs of the opposite modules then! this way you dont need a psu. would be interesting to hear that madness...
i think 40 is to much btw...
-- ak47exe
Wormholes will ensue.
CERN will become obsolete.
40 is the magic number.
40 days in the desert.
40 ounces to freedom.
It is all there.
some advanced tips:
place one maths in the center as the brain, to control the others
If this is not enough, add various behringer brains. Its a no brainer.You could use behringer Radar to control mutable instruments ears and ears to control the after later audio auris. If you combine it with the OR outputs of all abacus modules, you can track passing combat-jets. - but only after passing through, with 2 % accurency. This is way late, but it actually does something, if you are lucky.
Drop all abacus and place it with behringer neutrons. You will see, that it doesnt fit in the rack. This will result in a not existing neuronal network, covering nothing, but sleeping circuits, resting in eternal mysery. This could be the peace and happiness you are looking for - if not, add some more behringer brains.
Excellent advise. it really got me thinking.
In fact, it spawned a stroke of pure genius: If I completely remove the backside of my rack, discard all the power related electronic components, and add rails to mirror the front; I will have a double sided rack. Basically world domination.
I just increased my order of BAs to 40.
They arrive next week.
I will post the unboxing and the fully formed next-level sonic brilliance that will immediately ensue, along with a detailed patching diagram.
I am certain that just having this many Abacus modules together in the same rooom, they will assemble themselves.
I will film that too.
Stay tuned...
I guess it´s a beginner mistake but every dream rack should have a maths! You´re welcome...
-- ak47exe
I just don't see how it would fit into my workflow
I can totally second the Tesseract Tex Mix system. It is really great. I have experienced zero noise bleed issues and read about several who had but moved the noisy modules away from it and it cleared right up.
I would also recommend the Roland 531 Mixer. I have one, but would love to have a whole row of them.
Indeed. All of those are great. Swoop 'em up while you can...
If you want immediate satisfaction for the sounds you seem to be hunting for, I would encourage you to go with any voice module from NOISE ENGINEERING.
Some of my favorites are Rainmaker and Magneto
Adding an Erica Synths Black Double Bass to any of your current oscillators is an inexpensive and effective way of getting pretty low...
I would like to see the ability to have multiple racks on the same page. For example, have number of racks and then it splits and has rack one, rack two, etc. It would be nice to be able to layout a large multi-rack system on a single page.
Would also like to see an Excel-compatible spreadsheet of the modules generated from the program.
I would definitely pay for these features.
Thank you!
-- IvanC
I had this request as well, so I could emulate my real-life multirack system. The workaround is to create one big rack and divide it into smaller racks with blank panels. It worked out really well.
I think this should complete my exsistence. suggestions are welcome...
I was going to request the same thing. I thought I was just overlooking it or something
You got me! I actually got to the middle of the third row in the video before I realized it.
How did you stuff 3 Mother 32s into that Behringer Go case? Specs say that one row is 140hp and specs on the Mothers are 60hp each (equaling 180hp). What am I missing?
I resized it to real life status, thanks to normalledout for the suggestion!
I still need more mults
Don't forget the Wackel Kontakt! It's a 2x4 multiple but who knows if it will work?
-- Arrandan
OMG! Problem solved.
Space Clowns rejoice!!!
So I originated a post that shared my rack. I changed the arrangement after and then tried resharing by copy/pasting. However, it keeps reposting the original rack's confinguration no matter what I do. So bizarre! Also, sorry for starting a thread for this as I am still learning this thing. I would much rather just contact admin privately, but I don't see that option. Guidance is not only accepted, but much apprecieated!!
Any good ideas on how to plug these holes? Every few rows of my rack has one, it "seams"
Anyone know any 1hp modules or panels?
I don't want the space clowns to escape through the cracks.....
Anyone have a simple and clean solution for syning these things to modular world?
It's exclusion of standard Trigger is annoying at best
Here's a black panel for it:
Is it possible to match the case size to the real-life counterpart?
For example, I have several 6U Rackbrutes and would like to match that so I can effectively (re)arrange my modules.
Can we have multiple cases in view, all at once? (Like they are in the studio)
is it possible to move/swap all the modules in a row (all at the same time)?