Hi folks, as per the subject, been chipping away for a while, but I'm still at an early stage in my modular explorations. I'm not absolutely green, but I couldn't really describe myself as anything other than a beginner with this sort of setup.

It's a money sink of course, so mostly inexpensive modules for the moment, just to get me going and fluent. Looking for Berlin style sequencing as much as anything, drones etc.

So my question really is what do I have in there that I don't want or need, and what am I missing, or what should I buy next.

Thanks in advance

Hi all,

Sorry to just on to somebody else's thread, but a new user cannot create a new one... (?!)

Anyway, total noob with modular, although I know a little about synthesis, waveforms etc. I starting with literally nothing, but I want a small simple setup to mess with some Berlin style riffs, think Rubycon, Tangram etc. I've just got a Behringer 960 on the way to handle the sequencing, I'll get a small case and power.... I need advice on other modules now. I have a Poly D that the 960 could drive for the moment, but I'd like to build the rack up to be self sufficient. It doesn't need to do an awful lot really, a couple of oscillators should be enough for now. Some delay, a filter of course. What else will I need? Midi conversion, so I can use a regular controller perhaps? I will learn more of course when I plug in and start to mess, but right now, it's all a bit overfacing to say the least.

All advice, examples etc is very much appreciated. Budget is fairly tight at the moment, as much as possible I'd rather keep things cheap and cheerful for the moment and then upgrade as I grow with it.

Many thanks in advance :)