Hi folks!
After watching a lot of demos, I've come up with the following rack, and I'm wondering if it'll do what I hope it will.
My goal is to be able to get off from work, get a patch going, and groove. I'm shooting for EDM sorts of sounds--a few drum sounds, a couple standard-ish synth voices, and the option for simple chord progressions if I really want to. I'd also like to be able to record my jams into a DAW.
I understand some of the joy of modular is going nuts and leaving more traditional synthesis, but for now, I'm just looking to get the hang of the modular workflow in general.
I'm also wondering how "playable" I might find this. What I mean is, are there enough immediate ways for me to directly influence the sound outside of patching to feel like I'm changing the music as it happens. Examples would include varying sequences, dropping an element that's playing, and otherwise keeping things fresh/building tension and release.
I'm sure something like this has been posted a hundred times before, but I didn't have much finding what I wanted with the search function.