No worries all, we're running a bit behind. For those who haven't DM'ed me say hello and we'll sort getting your files.

What about RRR or Anna Logue @wishbonebrewery? Both bangers

What about Hauntitled or Juniper @farkas? Both are pretty fantastic!

@farkas, @JimHowell1970 you two got anything cookin up?

Cool @M10C, downloaded. @wishboonebrewery, you have some non-streams you recorded this year too right? There was one techno jam you made with Marbles in particular that was really standout. I'll see if I can find it.

@farkas I agree that Crucible sounds wonderful, but I haven't been able to get any "hats" sounds out of it, just ride. Is there a trick I'm missing?

Getting some submissions, who else wants to join in?!

The QPAS has a dual VCA on its inputs, just saying ;p

Getting lots of DMs here, nice tracks everyone and looking forward to more. A few folks have asked about cutoff, I'm thinking the 29th or 30th so if you're interested you still have a week!

Sweet, DM me your tracks!

Within the next week or so @M10C, and that's awesome @farkas, looking forward to it.

Got it @defragmenteur! @sacguy71 and @M10C send me a track via DM if you would so we get the best quality. Also send a link to your online presence so we can link back to you.

Bump to keep this on people's radar, I haven't been on top of things as much this year, but ping to my list from last year @Exposure, @defragmenteur, @Rassell, @mowse, @sacguy71, @funbun, @aphew_goodman, @zuggamasta, @farkas, @yalivec, @GarfieldModular, @mog00, @wishbonebrewery, @the-erc, @cyberneticOhm, and anyone else I'm forgetting...

@Lugia I'm glad to see you fired up as usual 🤣 but I must step in to defend our dear friend Mylar. He tends to be super transparent, loves breaking down patches and sharing ideas, and is overall a credit to the community. I think if you watched that generative vid for example you'd come away with an appreciation for someone who's trying to make things accessible without dumbing it down too much. Give it a shot in the Christmas spirit ;p

Just like last year (album here!, forum post here and here) it's time to let the community shine a little bit and compile everybody's favorite tracks of 2021. So, if you're a member of the forum and have posted a tune in the last year, or even if you're totally new and just want to throw something into the mix, let me know and we'll get this thing put together. All tracks are welcome, pick something you've made that's interesting or that speaks to you or shows what you've learned since you picked this all up, say hello here so we can coordinate, and we'll highlight you and bring everyone a bit more attention for 2022.

I know things are a bit crazy out there at the moment, but this forum continues to be a bright spot for me personally and I'm excited to put together another cool album of everyone's tunes :)

Good news @Lugia!

Sending health and well wishes duder, let us know how things go

If you reach out Pittsburgh might send you some, they did for me awhile back.

Thanks you two, and yes @TumeniKnobs, track 1 is pretty rad :)

Thanks you all!

@wishbonebrewery, yep, Seek (the random sequence generator rules) => Akemie => Polaris => FX Aid on one of the bigger reverb algorithms, funnily enough no VCAs involved.

@farkas, those are both favs of mine too, and funnily enough I recorded tons of versions of each of them and then took the second take in both cases. Really glad you enjoyed it :)

I forgot to post this, but a few weeks back I finally wrapped up my first acid album, lots of discovery through this process and had a lot of fun.

I've posted a few of these tunes here already, but I hadn't share the last piece, and in particular I really enjoyed it. I cribbed from James Tenney's "Having Never Written a Note for Percussion" for a 20 minute exploration on what the filter means in acid, and if you have the patience I think it's pretty rad.

Made with:
ModularGrid Rack

Hope you all enjoy!

Hey @nickgreenberg, the ResEQ opens up a ton of textural space for drones, feedback, field recordings, etc. Take a simple field recording case, you've got some insects, you route it through the ResEQ and cut all the frequencies but let's say the top and the bottom (or whatever combo you want) and it still sounds like insects or whatnot, but in a new weird fashion that's connected but not identical to what your ears might expect. With drones it lets you emphasize the textures that might jump out as interesting or that you feel are interesting. Honestly it's a wonderful module.

Serge ResEQ

I use a Disting mk4 for this and it always works great, no multitrack but the convenience is worth it.

Maths is wonderful, keep it. Also, I don't normally say this but I think you need more VCAs, at the very least swap out the Qx for a Doepfer Dual VCA in 4HP or swap your MIA for the Happy Nerding VCA in 6HP.

Looks like a good start! I'd personally add an analogue oscillator and a wavefolder, maybe an STO or a Dixie II+ and a Joranalogue Fold 6... also FX Aid is pretty flexible and might be worth considering over an ECHOZ. Last thought, ALM's HPO is 2HP vs Pico being 3HP here and about the same price.

Chiming in to note, the Mimeophon really is a wonderful module, adds depth and character to just about anything, here's probably my favorite thing so far with it:

Definitely Bandcamp worthy, looking forward to when you get stuff up there.

Great headphone listening, loving the pads and evolving melodies, nice insight about peeling back the layers... sometimes easy to forget on a modular!

Nice work as always @mowse, your production and sound design skills are excellent. Put some of this up on bandcamp so I can buy it!

Loving this @farkas, gonna relisten with headphones later... more please!

Digging this one a lot @GarfieldModular, feels a bit like time traveling to the beginning of electronic music, really well done.

@gumbo23 this is a pretty crazy journey, thanks for sharing, I might just have to get a Panharmonium one of these days...

Trying something a little more melodic and structured, making pop is a lot harder than I would've thought...

Editing to add another take of this track, a bit more together and pop-y

Made with:
ModularGrid Rack

1) Why didn't anyone tell me about ADSR modules before??
2) Falistri continues to earn its due
3) When you only have one filter and want to use it for your bass, subtle FM can add some nice life to your lead
4) Akemie's Castle really is a pretty wonderful module

Hope you all enjoy!

Looks sick, would love to hear some jams ⛈️⛈️⛈️

Reasonable explanation @farkas, but nonetheless I remain greedy for CV control over all things.

Wow Wave Swarm looks cool, but why no CV control 🤔🤔🤔

I got a good laugh out of this, well done @modulagrid 🤣🤣🤣

Nice, thanks for the patch break down @wishbonebrewery!

Superb textures here @wishbonebrewery, I'd love some detailed patch notes on the bird sounds!

Your contributions really killed it @TumeniKnobs, I'm glad we put it together. And thanks @Gworn, you're right about Akemie's Castle, it really is a special machine.

I seem to remember you mentioned that last time we talked @baltergeist, I'm glad things are moving in the right direction and excited to hear more when you're ready :)

Lovely as usual @baltergeist, but where's the album???

Fantastic development, balance, and really digging all the textures here. Thanks for sharing @Manbearpignick

@GarfieldModular the Polaris is super solid, great modulation capabilities and a nice range of sound. Unlike some of the other filters I've got (VCFS, VCFQ, QPAS) it isn't exactly too "characterful" which you might think is bad but that can be nice at times too, it doesn't dominate or stand out and is really responsive to what you put through it. Definitely worth checking out. I should also note that @farkas recommended it to me in my very first post on this forum, good suggestion!

That 6mod6 really does look sharp though...

That was all just a bit before my time, but I hear you @Lugia with one exception: this is an officially pro-booty house thread, please respect the rules 😜

Thanks for the kind words @farkas, that's an interesting perspective too re: the rave era as I just missed it being in the States and a little young too. From the outside looking though in there's definitely something special about that time so it's cool connecting with it somehow.

Re: the rack, it's been fun focusing down to 208HP, which I find more manageable, and trying to really solve the problem first and foremost of making good, interesting, and evolving tunes (vs long running live sets which had been the goal for awhile). I also think I'd gotten a little emotionally attached to some of the choices in my Serge rack so this has been a good opportunity to iterate fast and try new things out, and so far I've been happy with the results.

One note on this track, it's the first time I've recorded with live compression and wow I noticed the bass is off the charts. Adjusted EQ mix hopefully on the way.

Swapped the VCF303 for my Polaris to see how a different filter sounded and with a bit more modulation capabilities, also trying something new with the MSCL, interesting module 🤔 This is an excerpt from a longer jam but I like the structure of it ok even if it starts out a bit slow, hope you enjoy!

Bundled the last couple tunes I made with this (along with the @TumeniKnobs collaboration) onto a mini EP which you can check out here

Made with:

ModularGrid Rack