Hi everyone
I'm a TOTAL beginner with zero knowledge of synths and electronica , so I hope a very, very basic question is OK.

So far I have...
1. a TIPTOP Audio rack with a power supply on the rack - it is this one https://www.thomann.de/gb/tiptop_audio_happy_ending_kit_black_eu.htm

  1. A Doepfer basic VCO A-110-1
  2. A Moog Mavis

I know i can use the Mavis in it's own case, but i want to put them both on the rack

My super basic question is, am i safe to power these two off the Tiptop's power units's ribbon connection without blowing them up

and/or do i need to know anything or adjust anything here?

Thanks if you can help!


Power Supply (uZeus 4HP) specs:
+12V: 2000 mA
-12V: 500 mA
+5V: 170 mA

Doepfer basic VCO A-110-1 needs:
+12V: 90 mA
-12V: 20 mA
+5V: 0 mA

Moog Mavis needs:
+12V: 112 mA
-12V: 0 mA
+5V: 0 mA

you can simply sum up those numbers for each power line (+12V, -12V, +5V) and compare it with the numbers of your power supply. as a recommendation you should not exceed 75-80% of the given power supply

If those numbers are correct (please verify yourself) it is totally safe to use it for your 2 modules. Further you have a lot of headroom for more power hungry modules left...

Thanks so much.

Mavis is already blowing my mind,
and I'm only a few days into this journey.
so I'm feeling good.

I've taken about 15 pages of written notes from watching youtube videos about Mavis
I'm now working through the notes, every page is taking me to a lot sonic places

My original idea was to take steps module by module towards a basic Doepfer setup....
But i watched a bunch of videos about Mavis, and it felt like the best starting point for learning.

In fact, probqbly the next thing will be moog DFAM, which wasn't originally how I expected things would go.

The Doepfer basic VCO may be a bit of a 'stranded asset' for a while.
But maybe not. We'll see.
My plan was to get two Doepfer VCOs, and seriously learn the principles of osc sync, hands on, from first principles.
That could still happen along the way.